Scheme of Work on Science
Syllabus for Nursery
Nursery 1 - Age 3 | Nursery 2 - Age 4 | Kindergarten - Age 5 |
WEEK 1: Safe Environment: Home1 . Describe safe environment to children 2 . Caregiver/ teacher helps the child to recognize safe environment 3 . Child learns to explore his/ her environment safely |
WEEK 1: Dangerous Liquids1 . Give simple meaning of dangerous liquids 2 . List some dangerous liquids to pupils. e.g. methylated spirit, bleach, kerosene, petrol, ink 3 . Encourage the child on how to avoid dangerous liquids |
WEEK 1: First Aid: First Aid Box1 . Discuss the meaning of first aid 2 . Mention some first aid box/ kit contents to the pupils e.g. Bandage, wool, scissors, plaster etc |
WEEK 2: Safe Environment: School1 . Dramatize safe environment with child's active participation 2 . Discuss safe school environment with child |
WEEK 2: Hot Liquids1 . Teacher explains the state of hot liquids to pipils 2 . List some hot liquids to the pupils. e.g. Hot oil, water, stew, tea etc 3 . Encourage the child to avoid hot liquids |
WEEK 2: First Aid: Uses1 . Discuss the uses of the content of the first aid to pupils 2 . Demonstrate the use of the items to pupils |
WEEK 3: Health and Safety: Home1 . Give simple meaning of health 2 . Give simple meaning of safety 3 . Discuss some safety measures at home with child e.g. Mopping of wet floor, proper disposal of refuse etc |
WEEK 3: Sharp Objects1 . Explain the simple meaning of sharp objects 2 . List some sharp objects to pupils, e.g. Blades objects to pupils, e.g. blades, knives, needles, pins etc 3 . Train the child on how to avoid sharp objects |
WEEK 3: My Body: Parts1 . Teacher sing song and recite rhyme on parts of the body 2 . Mention some parts of the body to pupils e.g. head, ears, nose, eyes, arms, etc 3 . Explain to pupils why we care for our body |
WEEK 4: Health and Safety: School1 . Guide child on how to prevent dangerous actions that can harm him/ her in the school 2 . Discuss some safety measures to take in some areas in the school. E.g. Play-ground, lobby, stairways etc |
WEEK 4: Drug Abuse1 . Give simple meaning of drug abuse 2 . Train child on how to stay away from medicines especially sweet-coated tablets |
WEEK 4: Body Care for cuts1 . Give simple meaning of cuts to pupils 2 . Guide pupils on first aid treatment to cuts on the body, that is, stop the blood, wash, clean and cover |
WEEK 5: Health and Safety: Road1 . Guide the child to identify some roads in the community 2 . Give simple meaning of road 3 . Explain the use of road |
WEEK 5: Open Fire1 . Give simple illustration and meaning of open fire 2 . State the uses of open fire e.g. illumination, warmth, cooking etc |
WEEK 5: Body Care for wounds1 . Give simple meaning of wounds to pupils 2 . Guide pupils on first aid treatment on wounds in the body e.g. rest head on soft pillow, raise the wounded leg/ arm and stop the blood with a piece of cloth |
WEEK 6: Colours1 . Give simple meaning of colour 2 . Sing songs or recite rhymes on colour 3 . Guide pupils on colour identification: red, blue, yellow, and green |
WEEK 6: Plastic Bags1 . Teacher gives simole illustration of plastic bags 2 . List the domestics uses of plastic bags e.g. Shopping, refuse disposal, food storage etc 3 . Caution the child not to use cellophane bags to cover their heads because of suffocation |
WEEK 6: Body Care on Sickness1 . Explain simple meaning of sickness 2 . Give example of sickness e.g fever 3 . Discuss the stops to take for recovery. That is, visit the doctor, eat and drink, take medication, sleep |
WEEK 7: Road Signs: Traffic Light1 . Give simple meaning of traffic light with the use of songs or rhymes to pupils 2 . Explain the simple function of traffic light with the use of chart for illustration 3 . State what each colour of the traffic light denotes |
WEEK 7: Technology: Machine1 . Give simple meaning of technology 2 . List examples of simple machine e.g. Lamp, electric kettle, iron, heater etc. 3 . Caution the child not to play with electrical wire and appliances |
WEEK 7: Food1 . Give simple meaning of food 2 . Mention types of food we have in our environment e.g. Rice, beans, yam etc 3 . Discuss the use of food in our body e.g. To make us grow To give us energy etc CAUTION pupils not to expose/ uncover their food to flies and ants to avoid foid poisoning |
WEEK 8: Road Signs: Zebra Crossing Lines1 . Teacher sings songs or recites rhymes on zebra crosing to pupils 2 . Guide the pupils on how to identify zebra crossing lines and the colours on the road |
WEEK 8: Sense Organs1 . Guide the pupils to where sense organs can be found in the body 2 . List the sense organs to the pupils e.g. Tongue, ears, nose, eyes and mouth 3 . Instruct the pupils not to push objects to ears, nose etc |
WEEK 8: Garden Tools1 . Give simple meaning of garden tools 2 . List and discuss some garden tools we have in our environment e.g rake, cutlass, hoe, shovel, wheelbarrow etc. |
WEEK 9: Road Signs: Zebra Crossing Lines (Cont.)1 . Teacher sings songs or recites rhymes on zebra crosing to pupils 2 . Guide the pupils on how to identify zebra crossing lines and the colours on the road |
WEEK 9: Sense Organs (Cont.)1 . Guide the pupils to where sense organs can be found in the body 2 . List the sense organs to the pupils e.g. Tongue, ears, nose, eyes and mouth 3 . Instruct the pupils not to push objects to ears, nose etc |
WEEK 9: Garden Tools (Cont.)1 . Give simple meaning of garden tools 2 . List and discuss some garden tools we have in our environment e.g rake, cutlass, hoe, shovel, wheelbarrow etc. |
Nursery 1 | Nursery 2 | Kindergarten |
WEEK 1: Review of 1st term's work |
WEEK 1: Review of 1st term's work |
WEEK 1: Revision of three (3) letter words |
WEEK 2: Human Body: Outer Part1 . Teacher sings song or recites rhymes on human body 2 . Teacher guides the pupils to mention and touch the outer parts of the body 3 . Guidethe pupils to list the outer parts of the body |
WEEK 2: Water1 . Give simple definition of water 2 . Guide the pupils to mention some sources of water e.g. Tap, rain, borehole etc 3 . Mention some uses of water to pupils. E.g. Drinking, washing, cooking etc |
WEEK 2:Food: Table manners1 . Give simple meaning of table manners 2 . Discuss with pupils what to do while eating e.g. sing the song: 'Table manners, don't talk while you are eating, take a little at a time, God bless you'. 3 . Demonstrate to pupils first aid for choking food |
WEEK 3: Sense Organs1 . Give simple meaning of sense organs 2 . Mention the types of sense organs in the body 3 . Demonstrate the uses of the sense organs to the pupils |
WEEK 3: Dangerous and Hot Liquids: Effect1 . Guide pupils to identify and recognise dangerous liquid e.g. Ink, spirit, dettol, etc and hot liquid in the environment e.g. hot water, tea, food etc 2 . Mention some effects of dangerous and hot liquid e.g. Damage the skin, sense organs etc. |
WEEK 3: Living and Non-Living Things1 . Discuss some things that living things can do e.g. breat, move, walk, see etc 2 . Discuss some things that non-living things cannot do |
WEEK 4: Floating Objects1 . Teacher gives simple meaning of floating objects 2 . List some objects that can float in water e.g. Leaf, balloon, feather, canoe, etc 3 . Demonstrate the floating process of the pupils |
WEEK 4: Simple Machines: Home1 . Teacher gives simple meaning of simple machine 2 . List some simple machines we use at home e.g. Broom, spoon, knife, tin cutter, tin opener, see-saw, swing etc 3 . Guide pupils on the use of safe simple machines |
WEEK 4: Domestic Animal: Dog1 . Explain the features of a dog to pupils 2 . Discuss the dog's house, baby and food 3 . List some uses of dog in our house e.g. Security, food, pet, hunting 4 . Discuss first aid treatment for dog bites CAUTION: Warn pupils not to touch or play with a dog they do not know |
WEEK 5: Sinking Objects1 . Teacher gives simple meaning of sinking objects 2 . List some objects that can sink in water e.g. key, stone, nail, bottle etc |
WEEK 5: Living and Non-living Things1 . Mention some living things to pupils e,g. Man, plants, animals 2 . Mention some non-living things to pupils e.g. House, ball, table etc . Guide pupils to differentiate between living and none-living things |
WEEK 5: Inserts1 . Discuss with pupils that inserts are living things: they crawl or fly 2 . List some inserts in the environment e.g. ant, cockroach, housefly, mosquito, butterfly, bee etc 3 . Discuss first aid treatment for insect bites |
WEEK 6: Floating and Sinking Objects1 . Teacher guides the pupils to demonstrate how objects can float or sink 2 . Teacher encourages the pupils to give or spot the differences between objects that can sink or float |
WEEK 6: Danger of Fire1 . Caution pupils to always be far away from fire 2 . Demonstrate to pupils on steps to take one's cloth catches fire. STOP- DROP- ROLL |
WEEK 6: Care of Nose1 . Guide pupils to identify nose on the body 2 . Discuss the uses of nose: breating, smelling 3 . Discuss the care of nose and first aid for nose bleeds |
WEEK 7: Fruits: Types1 . Give simple meaning of fruits with the use of real fruits or charts 2 . Guide the pupils to mention their favourite fruits and other fruits that can be found in the environment 3 . Explain to the pupils where fruits can be found |
WEEK 7: Soil1 . Give simple meaning of soil 2 . List some items to be found in the soil e.g. Stone, sand, earthworm, water, ants etc 3 . Discuss importance of soil to man e.g. For building house For planting (food) |
WEEK 7: Bones1 . Give simple meaning of bones 2 . Discuss first aid for a fracture: broken bone CAUTION: Warn pupils not to be involved in activities or play that can cause fracture |
WEEK 8: Fruits: Functions1 . The teacher sings songs or recites rhymes on fruits 2 . The teacher explains the functions of fruits in the body |
WEEK 8: Safety1 . Give simple meaning of safety 2 . Guide pupils to identify some areas at home and school to take caution e.g. (a) Climbing ladder (b) Running on stairway (c) Playing with fire (d) Playing with razor or pin (e) Climbing trees (f) Playing near wired fence (g) Swimming in the rivers (h) Following strangers etc |
WEEK 8: Water: Transport1 . Discuss water as one of the means of transportation 2 . Mention some vehicles on water e.g. canoe, boat, ship etc 3 . Discuss first aid for drowning |
WEEK 9: Fruits: Functions (Cont.)1 . The teacher sings songs or recites rhymes on fruits 2 . The teacher explains the functions of fruits in the body |
WEEK 9: Safety (Cont.)1 . Give simple meaning of safety 2 . Guide pupils to identify some areas at home and school to take caution e.g. (a) Climbing ladder (b) Running on stairway (c) Playing with fire (d) Playing with razor or pin (e) Climbing trees (f) Playing near wired fence (g) Swimming in the rivers (h) Following strangers etc |
WEEK 9: Water: Transport (Cont.)1 . Discuss water as one of the means of transportation 2 . Mention some vehicles on water e.g. canoe, boat, ship etc 3 . Discuss first aid for drowning |
Nursery 1 | Nursery 2 | Kindergarten |
WEEK 1: Revision of 2nd term's work |
WEEK 1: Revision of 2nd term's work |
WEEK 1: Revision of 2nd term's work |
WEEK 2: Living Things1 . Give simple meaning of living things with songs and rhymes 2 . List some examples of living things in our environment. E.g. Boy, girl, fish, hen, plants etc Teacher makes use of charts or flash cards |
WEEK 2: Air1 . Teacher discusses the existence of air in our environment e.g. The use of hand-fan, electric fan, breathing air in and out etc 2 . Give simple definition of air to pupils 3 . Teacher guides pupils to blow air into balloons with the use of mouth |
WEEK 2: Sources of water1 . Teacher guides pupils to discover the sources of clean water with the use of clean water with the use of posters and charts 2 . List sources of water: well, spring, bore-bole, tap |
WEEK 3: Non-living Things1 . Give simple meaning of non-living things with songs and rhymes 2 . List some examples of non-living things in our environment e.g. Stone, pencil, book, bag etc Teacher uses chart and real objects to illustrate |
WEEK 3: Care of Feet1 . Train the pupils to put on pair of shoes or slippers while walking on open field to prevent injury 2 . Guide pupils on items to be used to care for the feet e.g. Clean water, soap, cream |
WEEK 3: Water: Uses1 . Discuss the major uses of water to plants and animals: to stay alive 2 . List various uses of water around us e.g. drinking, bathing, washing, watering plants, builing houses, etc |
WEEK 4: Living and Non-living Things1 . Teacher guides the pupils to mention some living things and non-living things in the school and home 2 . Teacher guides the pupils to discuss their observations on living things and non-living things mentioned |
WEEK 4: Traffic Light1 . Sing songs or recite rhymes on traffic lights 2 . Discuss types of lights on Traffic lights 3 . Discuss what the colour of each light stands for 4 . Train pupils to always use an escort (elder) or pedestrian bridge whenever crossing the road where there are no Zebra crossing lines |
WEEK 4: Water: Characteristics1 . Guide pupils to identify clean and safe water among other liquid such as milk, orange juice, soft drink 2 . Explain to pupils that water is colourless, odourless and tasteless |
WEEK 5: Plants: Parts1 . Teacher gives simple meaning of a plant 2 . Present a small plant to the pupils to explain the parts: Flower, Leaf, Stem and Roots |
WEEK 5: Hygiene1 . Give simple meaning of hygiene 2 . Demonstrate to pupils with songs on how to maintain good hygiene e.g. This is the way I brush my teeth |
WEEK 5: Water: Methods of Purification1 . Discuss the reason for making water clean before drinking 2 . Discuss and demonstrate the methods of water purification: boiling, water filter, adding alum |
WEEK 6: Plants: Uses1 . Teacher explains the uses of plants to pupils. e.g. for food as vegetables, for medicine. 2 . Mention three (3) vegetables in the locality to the pupils |
WEEK 6: Bad Habit: Eating on the road1 . Give simple meaning of bad habit 2 . Discuss with pupils what happens to child that eats on tha road 3 . Train the instruct pupils not to eat on the road because lask of concentration can cause accident |
WEEK 6: Water: Storage1 . Discuss reason for storing water 2 . List some containers for storing water e.g. bottle, tank, cistern, pond, ground etc |
WEEK 7: Animals: Domestic1 . Guide the pupils to mention some animals in the environment 2 . Discuss or tell folk stories on domestic animals to pupils |
WEEK 7: Bad habits: Eating Dirty Food1 . Discuss with pupils what is dirty food 2 . Discuss and list what makes our food to be dirty. E.g. (a) Food on the floor (b) Food eaten by rat, dog or goat Food in the dust-bin (c) rotten food etc 3 .Guide pupils to beware of germs and diseases that could emanate from such actions |
WEEK 7: Water-borne disease1 . Display pictures of victims of water borne disease to the pupils 2 . Mention some water-borne diseases e.g cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, guinea-worm, diarrhea |
WEEK 8: Animals: Wild1 . Mention some wild animals to the pupils using charts, animal cards or video clips 2 . Mention some bady animals to pupils. e.g. puppy, cub, kitten etc 3 . Discuss or tell folk stories on wild animals |
WEEK 8: Stores1 . Explain to pupils how stores are gotten from 2 . Discuss simple uses of stones to pupils e.g. (a) To light fire (b) To play games (c) To build houses (d) Used as stands for local stove etc 3 . Train and caution pupils to be aware of consequences of throwing stones at home or in school |
WEEK 8: Growing Plants1 . Teacher brings a sample of growing plant in a small pot or container to study 2 . Discuss what plants need for growth: air, sunlight, water and good soil |
WEEK 9:Revision of Term's work |
WEEK 9: Use of Toilet1 . Give simple meaning of toilet 2 . Discuss types of toilets to pupils 3 . Guide and demonstrate the proper steps in using the toilet to avoid germs and diseases |
WEEK 9:Revision of Term's work |