“Unexpected Joy at Dawn”
Alex Agyiri
Background of the novel & novelist , setting , plot and summary
Subject: Literature-in-English
Theme: Literature in English
Topic: Unexpected Joy at Dawn by ALEX AGYEI AGYIRI
Sub Topic: Plot Narration and Event in the novel
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Class: S.S 2
Average Age: 15 years and above
Duration: 35 Minutes
No of Learners: 40
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Born in Adamorobe in the Eastern Region of Ghana, Alex Agyei-Agyiri is a graduate of the University of Ghana, and has been writing poetry since 1979. His poems Passover and This Death Call were amongst the best poems selected in the BBC Arts and Africa Poetry Award for 1982 and 1984 respectively. Two of his poetry collections won the Ghana Association of Writers prize for literature and the Valco Award for literature in 1982.His novel, Unexpected Joy at Dawn, under the title Alien, won the Valco Award for Literature in 1988. Unexpected Joy at Dawn (Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2005) was commended in the 2005 Commonwealth Writers Prize (Africa Region). His novel, The Coffee Shop was published in 2007 by Letters and Marks Pre Publishing. Alex Agyei-Agyiri’s collection of poetry, Elements, was published in 2007, and his latest novel Rubble, in 2008 by Letters and Marks Pre Publishing. Alex also has a novel currently in print: One more Dance in December. (Longing Publishers, New York).
Alex Agyei-Agyiri is a lawyer with the da Rocha chambers in Accra.
The text Unexpected joy at Dawn has its background on the alien Compliance Order issued by the Ghanaian Government of Kof Abrefa Bussia in 1969 and his counterpart, Shehu Shagari in 1983. During this period, Ghana was under military rule and the entre economy was in chaos, forcing people to migrate to Nigeria where the economy seemed to be booming because of the exploraton of oil in Nigeria. The issuance of the expulsion order cause the deportaton of many immigrants in a manner that was so callous and inhuman.This story of migration, identities and lives undermined by cynical and xenophobic politics pushed to its logical and terrible conclusion pertains to the Ghanaian orders of 'alien compliance' issued in 1970-1971, which was designed to force all non-ethnic Ghanaians, so called illegal immigrants, to return to their - so stipulated - 'home'.
Relationship among Africans prior to colonial rules cut across different areas of life. They range from social, economic, political, religious to cultural issues. With the coming of colonialism and partitioning of the African geographical space into nation-states by European communities at the 1884-1885 Berlin conference, African communities, kingdoms and empires became partitioned into new political entities which did not take uniform factors into consideration. Unfortunately, with these new identity variables, new groups and solidarities emerged and this unhealthy rivalries at political and diplomatic levels ensued among these countries. This was the case of Ghana in 1969, When many Ghanaians thought that the presence of many Nigerians in their economically buoyant independent country was denying them economic opportunities. Therefore, the new government of Abrefa Bussia sent Nigerians packing from Ghana. In retaliation to this, the civilian regime of Shehu Shagari simply announced that all Ghanaians in the country should leave. This led to the emergence of Xenophobia among Africans.
3. State the SETTINGS of the Novel.
Unexpected Joy at Dawn is set in two African countries, thus; Nigeria and Ghana. Places in Nigeria include Lagos and Ilere, Ghana places include Accra and Sampa village.4. Explain the THEMES of the Novel.
(i). Family Relationship and Re-Union
This is the central theme of the novel. Mama’s re-union with her brother brings her joy and fulfilment. Nii also experiences unspeakable happiness when he finally locates his roots and re-unites with his lost sister. This re-union gives Mama more respect and honour among the people of Ijase.(ii). Unfriendly Government Policies
The circumstances faced by Mama Orojo and her brother, Nii Orojo brought about by the unfavourable government policies in Nigeria and Ghana. The Aliens Compliance Order in Ghana and the forceful deportation of aliens in Nigeria put many people in chaos and disarray leading to loss of lives and property. It creates a period of panicking economic measures which affect the interdependency of countries.(iii). Evil of Xenophobia
The two countries, Nigeria and Ghana, exhibit xenophobia in their policies and this does not only affect the foreigners but also their citizens and their economy. Xenophobia is the fear of foreigners or strangers. The deportation of aliens from Nigeria under the government of Shehu Shagari in 1983 and the Alien Compliance Order under Kofi Abrefa Busia of Ghana in 1969 brought xenophobic attack on both legal and illegal migrants of the two countries. This affects Nii Orojo in Ghana and also Mama Orojo in Nigeria.(iv). Importance of the Mother Tongue
Nii suffers so much in Nigeria because he cannot speak his mother tongue which is Yoruba, even though he claims to be a Nigerian from the South-West. Wherever he goes, he is confronted with the problem of speaking local language to prove his citizenship.(v). Religious Bigotry
This can also be called religious intolerance where one religious group or sect finds it difficult to co-exist with other in peace and harmony. It means having no respect for other people’s religious beliefs. In the novel, Sahm, a violent religious sect attacks Amen Kristi during their crusade at Egba and injures about fifty of their members. It is in this clash that Ibuk, a member of Amen Kristi is killed.(vi). Political Instability
Constant changing of government has affected African countries a lot. This situation brings a period of anarchy and military brutality, an era where a soldier is armed to start chasing foreigners out of the country for no just cause.5. Explain the STYLES of the Novel.
In the case of “Unexpected Joy At Dawn”, the entire story of the novel is told from an omniscient point of view as the author depict and tells all that needed to be known by the reader. He did not leave the reader to dig the meaning of or reference to any clues.The author also links a complex plot featuring two protagonists: Nii and Mama; two historical periods and two West African countries into one Odyssey of search for identity and self. On the surface, the multiple episodes embedded in the untitled chapters may seem desperate and unconnected, but in time and space they eventually coalesce into one captivating story, though the denouement seems rather contrived and unconvincing. Again the writer’s recreation of the scenes and landmarks in the history of Africa goes beyond mere recollection. He probes the human psyche and lays bare its frailties. The probe sets him apart from a historian since a historian can only record events on their face value. The writer in his creativity turns events into a human experience beyond the elasticity of cause-and-effect permutations. He interrogates the human psychology behind these events and shows the military psychology interfaces with the Civic psychology. Doing that, he fills in the missing lynx in that collective historical unconscious by redirecting the role of ordinary Ghanaians and Nigerians the formulation of their common history and destiny.
Finally, his use of a demotic language sometimes moves a notch higher into the realm of high-flowing philosophical discourse and poetic sublimity, it is a story told by a master-teller, whose eyes for detail create a tale, which combines collective human foibles and collective responsibility with individual fortitude, hope and passion.
The novel Unexpected Joy at Dawn relates the story of Nii and Mama Orojo two siblings during the 1983 deportation of Ghanaians from Nigeria under the Shehu Shagari administration. Nii, who is a Nigerian by blood but a Ghanaian by birth, was left in Ghana by her parents as they embarked on a complicated journey to Nigeria when Ghana enacted the ‘aliens’ compliance order of 1967 which made every individual who were inhabitant of Ghana without the required papers completely an alien. This unfortunate incident which also be described as incessant decision by the government made Nii to change his name so as to reflect the name of his adopted parents. After 14 years of unendurable hardship while working in a bank, doing multiple jobs, not being able to bury his dead wife, and being chased around by market women for alleged “fraud”, he then made the move to travel to Nigeria his supposedly fatherland in search of his roots (origin). Aside the fear of being labelled an alien, Nii also had to face some number of issues arising from proof of citizenship as it got to a point where blackness (dark skin complexion as common amongst Nigerians and Ghanaians), tribal marks, and name alone no longer grant citizenship or staying permits. This is as a result of the rising tensions in Ghana against Nigerians as a direct result of the predicament of Ghanaians in Nigeria.Soon after embarking on the perilous journey with ordeal experiences such as deaths threats, bribes, swindles and gun-point robbery, getting to Nigeria, he realised that again, tribal marks, colour and a name alone do not also make him a Nigerian. At this point in time, three more things which Nii was lacking such as the ability to speak in Nigerian language, how to speak like a Nigerian and dress like one seems to be the major requirements. His inability to do any of these got him exposed and everywhere he goes, he is welcomed with the statement ‘Omo Ghana abi’.
This makes him feels like a total stranger and insecure. He had to indulge in some temporary jobs ranging from serving as a slave in people’s cassava farm to living in slums, deportation camps to being a building labourer all just to survive. Eventually, he was tagged as an armed robber and it was at this point that fate smiled upon him; hence: Unexpected Joy at Dawn.
The novel unexpected joy at Dawn as a suspenseful fiction is set in Ghana. The time frame which surveys the era of military government In Ghana is marked with economic session resulting from bad government. The setting which covered the period between early 70s and 80s featured the exodus of Ghanaian people into Nigeria where the economy was booming. As at then. Ghana was economically suffering from decline in foreign reserve, decline in coca prices among other economic problems.Prerequisite/ Previous knowledge:
Storyings, songs, history etc.Learning Resources:
Flash cards, an audio video youtube examples, Available useful objects.Reference Materials:
1. Exam focus on Literature in English by J.OJ Nwachukwu et’al.2. “Unexpected Joy at Dawn” by Agyei Agyiri Alex.
Lesson Development:
STEP 1: PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE full class session (3 mins) |
The teacher Introduces the lesson by asking questions based on previous knowledge; List and explain the element of prose. |
The students respond to the questions based on previous knowledge. 1. Theme: The theme is the general idea of a story. A literary theme is the main idea or underlying meaning a writer explores in a novel, short story or other literary work. (The Theme is the Central massage of a story). 2. Setting: Is the information of the place where the story occur and the time of the story. Setting include a content (especially society) beyond the surrounding of the story, like historical period (date), geography and occupation. It is the time and place (or when and where) of the story. It’s a literary element of literature used in novels, short stories, play, films etc. The setting of a story can change throughout the plot. 3. Plot: ls the sequence of connected events that make up a narrative in a novel. Generally, a plot in friction builds up to a climax and ends in a resolution at the finish of the story. 4. Point of view: Is the different angles of seeing the subject 5. Character and Characterization: Character is an individual. It is a person, animal, or object/thing presented as a person in a narrative. There are two required elements of a story; the first being characters, the second is the plot or events of the story. Characterization is the method used by the writer to develop a character. 6. Symbols: Is the language style used by the author. 7. Atmosphere: ls the condition and emotion in a story 8. Style: Style is the literary element that describes the ways that the author uses words, the author’s choice of words, sentence structure, figurative language and sentence arrangement and all work together to establish mood, images and meaning in the text. |
Reversing previous lesson |
STEP 2: INTRODUCTION full class session (3 mins) Identification of prior ideas. |
The teacher review/introduce what they are going to study today; Plot Narration and Event in the novel: Unexpected Joy at Dawn by Alex Agyei-Agyiri Thereafter, the teacher asks student to state the setting of the story to arouse their interests and refresh their memories. |
The students listen attentively to the teacher. Thereafter, Students mention that the book, “Unexpected Joy Dawn” is set in Ghana and Nigeria in the last 60s in Ghana and early 80s in Nigeria. It received a commendation in the Best First Book Prize, Africa Region, of the Commonwealth Writers Prize. Mama said, starting her story, "I came to Lagos from Ghana. I came to Nigeria because I was considered an alien in that country. The government of Ghana passed a law asking all aliens without resident permits to regularize their stay in the country. You see, my great, great grandparents had migrated to Ghana several years before, and regarded Ghana as their home ... as for the reason, possibly it was because the opposition party then had hyped to monstrous heights that aliens was ruining the country; or the government of the time...blamed their failure to do things right on us 'alien' scapegoats. ... It was difficult to start life all over again, and even more difficult to learn that we were unwanted in a country we had come to regard as our own". This story of migration, identities, and lives undermined by cynical and xenophobic politics pushed to their logical and terrible conclusion by the Ghanaian orders of "alien compliance" issued in 1970-1971, which were designed to force all non-ethnic Ghananians, so-called illegal immigrants, to return to their--so stipulated--"homes." The novel touches on concerns of deeper relevance to the politics of race and migration in the twenty-first century. |
Introducing the topic for discussion. |
STEP 3: DEVELOPMENT Group Work (2 mins) |
The teacher guides the learners to form four groups and asks them to choose their leaders and secretaries. | Learners choose their group leaders and secretaries. | Inculcating leadership skills, competitive spirit, cooperation, teamwork and a sense of responsibility among learners. |
STEP 4: EXPLORATION 3 mins Mode: Individual |
The teacher presents to the class the instructional resources and leads the students
to air their views on them. Thereafter, the teacher guides the students to explain the BACKGROUND OF THE NOVELIST |
The students explain the BACKGROUND OF THE NOVELIST The novelist, Alex Agyei-Agyiri, is a Ghanaian poet, writer, and lawyer. Born in Adamorobe in the Eastern Region, Alex Agyei-Agyiri is a graduate of the University of Ghana, and has been writing poetry since 1979. His poems Passover and This Death Call were among the best poems selected in the BBC Arts and Africa Poetry Award for 1982 and 1984 respectively. Two of his poetry collections won the Ghana Association of Writers prize for literature and the Valco Award for literature in 1982. His novel, Unexpected Joy at Dawn, under the title Alien, won the Valco Award for Literature in 1988. Unexpected Joy at Dawn (Sub-Saharan Publishers, 2005) was commended in the 2005 Commonwealth Writers Prize (Africa Region). His novel, The Coffee Shop was published in 2007 by Letters and Marks Pre Publishing. Alex Agyei-Agyiri’s collection of poetry, Elements, was published in 2007, and his latest novel Rubble, in 2008 by Letters and Marks Pre Publishing. Alex also has a novel currently in print: One more Dance in December (Longing Publishers, New York). Alex Agyei-Agyiri is a lawyer with the da Rocha chambers in Accra. |
Background of the novelist. Unexpected Joy at Dawn by Alex Agyei-Agyiri |
STEP 5: DISCUSSION 5 mins. Mode: Group |
The teacher guides the learners to explain the PLOT SUMMARY of the novel. | The students quickly explain the PLOT SUMMARY of the novel. The plot of the novel revolves around two siblings, Mama Orojo and Nii Moses Tackie who are portrayed as victims of the arbitrariness of privileged political actors. The author tells the story of Nii Moses and his sister, Mama Orojo, who were separated when Ghana enacted the Aliens Compliance Order of 1969, forcing supposed illegal migrants to leave the country. The protagonist is left to stay in the country with his grandmother while the sister, Mama Orojo relocated to Nigeria. Their parents who left with Mama Orojo unfortunately died on the way in a manner that reminds the reader of the Israeli’s journey in the wilderness. With a good university education, Ghanaian name and a managerial position at Expense Bank, Nii appears set to make a modest living as an honest civil servant. However, fate plays a cruel joke on him as he persistently struggles to make a living, combining his job as Assistant Bank Manager with a part-time teaching practice in a tutorial centre. Trapped in the squalor of the slums, the protagonist’s efforts to liberate himself from the shackles of abject poverty are steadily ruined by factors beyond his control. He barely earns enough money to sustain the family and could not afford Massa’s medical bills. His condition is further compounded as his Ghanaian wife, Massa, a victim of a strange ailment dies after being bedridden for over six months. On realizing that neither his Ghanaian name nor linguistic competence could save him from the government instigated discrimination against non-indigenes, Nii steals out of Ghana for Nigeria, using his leave period. Ironically, Nii Moses Tackie faces rejection in both countries. His unmistakable Nigerian tribal marks make him a stranger in Ghana while his Ghanaian accent, name and inability to speak a Nigerian language complicate his predicament. Neither his patriotic zeal nor his sincerity of purpose could shield Nii from becoming a victim of the “Operation Ghana Must Go” saga. Unexpected Joy at Dawn satirically showcases the idiosyncrasies of officials of government agencies such as the immigration, police and army who in the guise of executing draconic executive orders metamorphose into tyrants that threaten the lives of the citizenry. Travelling through bush paths to beat overzealous customs and immigrations personnel at the various border posts within the West African sub-region, the protagonist arrives Nigeria only to be arrested and detained in the home of one of such devious characters Tsuru Palao who subjects him and his co-travelers to dehumanizing experiences by taking them as illegal immigrants from the Seme Border to his home where he turns them into domestic slaves, claiming to provide them protection from the law. After many years of fretful existence in Ghana, Nii Moses Tackie resolves to visit Nigeria and search for the Orojo family dynasty. Despite the nobility of his mission, he encounters a lot of troubles on the way and in his supposed home country. His travails include escaping death severally by the whiskers, being denied of earned wages, losing a lover and a friend, detention at deportation camp and living in servitude at the mercy of a corrupt immigration officer. Nii and Mama Orojo meet under very strange circumstances as Nii is mistaken for a thief and narrowly escapes being lynched by an irate mob that includes his own sister. Nii’s problems did not end in Ghana. The characters in the novel include the protagonist, Nii Moses Tackie, his rich sister, Mama Orojo, Massa, his sickly wife and Marshak, the good at heart prostitute, Tom Monday, Mama Orojo’s male admirer, Joe, who eventually marries Mama Orojo, Ibuk, Mama Orojo’s Christian sister and member of the Amin Kristie Church who is killed in a needless religious riot, Aaron, a talented and visionary building engineer who dies while trying to escape from an irate mob that had mistaken him for an armed robber and Tsuru Palao, through whom the theme of retributive justice is realized as his family house is razed by arsonists. |
The plot summary of the novel. Unexpected Joy at Dawn by Alex Agyei-Agyiri |
STEP 6: APPLICATION 4 mins Mode: Group |
The Teacher guides the students to explain the theme of the novel | The students expected answer. The exposure of information about the background and corrupt nature of the country is given, Massa's advocacy for Pan_ Africanism is reiterated. The death of Massa also brings about a great symbolism. At various borders where Nii and other migrants have passed the borders of Ghana, Togo and Nigeria, 'the immigration people demand a lot of money'. The novel is satire against injustice going on in the society. Government corruption was also revealed in the text. chapter 9_15. The novel explores Mama\'s life in Lagos, The pastor of the Amen church warmly appreciates those who have undertaken the Illere mission of which Mama Orojo is the leader of the group. Extortions and other forms of corruption are the other of the day in the society. When Mama comes to the airport in order to board a flight to Ghana, the attendants request for a bribe before reserving a seat for her. Nii explains to Aaron why his loan applications are not attended to ' due to economic slump', a very few loan applications were able to meet the criteria set by the bank. Mama also met with the Daga group in the Beyeeman where she got in contact with Joe. |
Being able to explain the theme of the novel |
PAN AFRICANISM: | Students expected answer. The novel is a clear call for Pan_ Africanism; the sense of building and maintaining the African spirit as advocated by Marcus Garvey. Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican Black activist, nationalist and Pan_ Africanist leader who infused the idea of black self_ sufficiency in all of the societies and communities in the black world. In Massa's own philosophy, ' Blackness is not enough ' i.e being black does not make one a true African but having a true sense of Africanism, the African ideals. |
FRUSTRATIONS AND ABORTION OF DREAMS: | Students expected answer. In the novel, there are so many cases of frustrations and aborted dreams. Beginning from Massa, she has a dream where the Africans will be truly united, but she could not achieve the dream. Also Nii, an assistant Manager in Expense Bank is frustrated. He finds himself living in a dilapidating building and undertakes extra_ mural teachings where he is solely insulted by the students. |
A SEARCH FOR IDENTITY AND SELF: | Students expected answer. The author captures the theme of search for identify and self in the characters of Nii Tackie and Mama Orojo. The actions foreshadow that in Nigeria, which is his root, all his hopes will be restored. On finding his country, Nii defends his identity with every sense of alacrity. He never relented in searching for his real identity as a Nigerian. In all these difficult situations, Nii still expresses hope and optimism that one day he will see his sister. |
MIGRATION: | This period is a remarkable period of migration. In Ghana, there is Alien compliance order issued. In Nigeria, there is a decree that has been passed for all the foreigners in Nigeria forcing them to ' leave the country before 25th (p. 18). As a result of this, 'those who had fled the country includes some of the most experience personnel in the public service, commerce and industry '( p.22). | ||
STEP 7: EVALUATION Mode: Entire Class 5 mins |
The teacher asks the students the following questions: i. What is the Background of the novelist, unexpected joy at Dawn? ii. Explain the Background of the novel, unexpected joy at Dawn. iii. What is the setting of the novel? iv. What is the setting of the novel? |
The students expected answers (i) Background of the novelist. Alex Agyin , was born at Adamorebe in the Eastern part of Ghana. He was trained in the university of Ghana, Legon . He doubles as a literary scholar and a legal practitioner who has written many pomes since 1979. As a prolific writer, he has published many poetic works such as poetry’’ passover’’ This Death call’’e.t.c His two collection of poetry fetched him an award from Ghana Association of writers literary prize for literature in 1982 as well as Valdo Award for literature in 1982 The unexpected joy at Down marks his second extensive fictional work which received commendation at the 2005 common wealth writers prize. (ii) Background of the novel, unexpected joy at Dawn. Ghana in 1970-1971 issued an Aliens compliance order forcing all illegal immigrants to return to their country. Went to the West Africa countries repatriate illegal immigrants, called ‘’aliens’’ of loss of lives and property results. Unexpected joy at Dawn, is the story of the two Aliens compliance order told by a Nigeria born in Ghana. It is the narration of venations searches: one for his root, the other for his brother. In the face of intrigue, double dealing and swindle all at the hand of Cooked guide, dubious business man and corrupt border security personnel people die, others are abused, yet there are as well, friendship, love, trust, hard work and goodwill. (iii) The novel unexpected joy at Dawn as a suspenseful fiction is set in Ghana. The time frame which surveys the era of military government In Ghana is marked with economic session resulting from bad government. The setting which covered the period between early 70s and 80s featured the exodus of Ghanaian people into Nigeria where the economy was booming. As at then. Ghana was economically suffering from decline in foreign reserve, decline in coca prices among other economic problems. (iv) The novel is during and after the regime of Alhaji Shehu Shagari and the Busia's government in both Ghana and Nigeria alternatively. Most of the settings of the story takes place in Lagos, Ilere and Ijase. While the second physical settings of the story is Accra and Lagos. |
Asking the learners questions to assess the achievement of the set objectives. |
ASSIGNMENT | The teacher gives learners take home 1. Who is Alex Agyei? Explain 2. Where is the setting of the novel 3. What is the novel about 4. Is the novel relevant in the society? How |
The learners copy the assignment | Better understanding of the novel, Unexpected joy at dawn by Alex Agyei. |
The teachers wrap up from the learners' contribution on Unexpected joy at dawn by Alex Agyei. | The students listen to the teacher and copy down notes. | Consolidating and harmonizing scientific concepts. |