Scheme of Work on Bible Story

Syllabus for Nursery

Nursery 1 - Age 3 Nursery 2 - Age 4 Kindergarten - Age 5

WEEK 1:Adjusting to School Life LESSON NOTE

Teacher begins and end each lesson with a prayer.

WEEK 1: Review of 1st term's work

Teacher begins and end each lesson with a prayer.

WEEK 1: Review of 1st term's work

Teacher begins and end each lesson with a prayer.

WEEK 2: The Attributes of God (God our father)

Teacher ask children, who is God? Guide children to know the Attributes of Our Father God: (God is Loving, Kind, compassionate, Giving, Faithful, Merciful, Strong, Forgiving, Good, Righteous, Caring, Sovereign, Shepherd, Ever-Present, Refuge, Gracious, healer, Powerful, Helper, One Who Saves, The One Who Makes All Things New, etc.)

Teacher explain the terms to children in simple sentence and language.

WEEK 2: God is our father (The Story of Creation) (Genesis 1)

Teacher read the story with illustration of the creation: 'Long ago, there was no world, no sky, no planets, no animals, and no people. God created the world and all that is in it. He created everything in six days. On the seventh day, God rested. God is very powerful. He simply spoke words and things were created'.

Teach the creation song. Melody and lyrics are available at:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

WEEK 2: The Attributes of God (As Supreme Being, Immortal, etc)

Teacher ask children, who is God? Guide children to know the Attributes of Our Father God: (God has no origin, God never change, God has no needs, God is all powerful, God is all knowing, God is always everywhere, God is wise, God is faithful, God is good, God is just, God is merciful, God is gracious, God is loving, God is Holy, God is Glorious, etc.)

Teacher explain the terms to children in simple sentence and language.

WEEK 3: God makes Things 1 ( The Story of Creation) (Gen 1-3)

Teach the creation song. Melody and lyrics are available at:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Display a flash card of creation day to children

    DAY 1 (Gen 1:3-5). God made light, day, and night. God said it was good.

    DAY 2 (Gen 1:6-8). God made the sky. God said it was good.

    DAY 3 (Gen 1:9-13). God made the land and seas, plants, and trees. God said it was good.

WEEK 3: Creation Day 1 & 2

Teacher uses flash card or creation picture to explain each reaction day.
On the first day of creation, God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. On that day, He created day and night, light and darkness.

On the second day, God spoke, and He created the sky.

WEEK 3: The Good and Bad Son ( Cain and Abel) (Genesis 4:1-26)

Have children tell about a time when they didn’t get along with a brother or a sister.

Read the story of Cain and Abel to Children.

Teach children the “Cain and Abel” song. Click on:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

WEEK 4: God makes Things 2 (The Story of Creation) (Gen 1)

Ask children to sing the creation song. Melody and lyrics are available at:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Display a flash card of creation day to children

    DAY 4 (Gen 1:14-19). God made the sun, the moon, and the stars. God said it was good.

    DAY 5 (Gen 1:20-23). God made the birds and all the creatures of the sea. God said it was good.

    DAY 6 (Gen 1:24-31). God made all the animals and man. God said it was very good.

    DAY 7 (Gen 2:1-3). God rested.

WEEK 4: Creation Day 3 & 4

Teacher uses flash card or creation picture to explain each reaction day.
On the third day, God said, “Let dry ground appear. Let the land produce . . . plants and trees with fruit and seeds.” And it was so.

On the fourth day, God created great lights in the sky—the sun, the moon, and the stars.

WEEK 4: God makes Solomon wise (The Story of King Solomon) (1 Kings 3, 10)

Read the story of King Solomon to children.

After David died, his son Solomon became king, although he was still very young. One night, God said to him in a dream, “Ask for whatever you want, and I will give it to you.”
“I want to be wise, to know right from wrong, so that I may be a good king.”
God said, “Because you did not ask to be rich or powerful, but to care for your people, I will bless you with both great wisdom and great wealth.”
Solomon became famous for his wisdom, and people came from all over the world to ask him questions. In a faraway kingdom, the powerful Queen of Sheba heard of Solomon and decided to test him.
She asked him questions that no one in her kingdom could answer. After each question Solomon closed his eyes for a moment and then told her the answer.
The Queen of Sheba was amazed. “What makes you so wise?”
“All wisdom comes from God,” Solomon replied.
“Praise God,” she said, “for he has given your people a wise and righteous king.”

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, help me to be wise and make good decisions.

WEEK 5: The first man and womam (The story of Adam and Eve) (Gen 2:8-25)

Teacher introduce this study to children with a Show of the animated story of Adam and Eve. Visit:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Teacher explain these highlight to children

    Adam was the first person God created.

    Adam lived in the Garden of Eden.

    Adam named all the animals God created.

    God created Eve to be Adam’s helper.

    God loved Adam and Eve very much.
    God loves us!

WEEK 5: Creation Day 5 & 6

Teacher uses flash card or creation picture to explain each reaction day.
On the fifth day, God filled the waters with living creatures. He filled the skies with birds. So God created fish and lobsters, whales, eagles, robins and sparrows, and all other water creatures and birds.
Each day, God looked at all He had created. He liked it all. He said it was all good.

On the sixth day, God made all the animals and man. God said it was very good.

WEEK 5: Different Languages (The Tower of Babel) (Genesis 10-11)

Read the story with illustration of the Tower of Babel to the children.

Teach the song "Jesus Loves the Little Children".
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Then pass out note cards to the kids—a different card and phrase for each one:
"Lucy Goosie", "Pingo Pongo", "Abu Dabi", "Hee Haw", “Missy Sissy”, “Rub-a-Dub”, “Jing-a-ling", "Cat bird seat", "Rolling rolling".

Now ask each child to sing their new words/phrases to the same tune to show how confusing the language change would have been to the people of Babel. Switch cards and repeat.

WEEK 6: How we worship

Teacher flash cards or/and play a clip/video on singing praises, dancing, praying etc to children

Ask children. What are they doing? (Worshiping God)

WEEK 6: The Story of Adam and Eve

Show the children the animated story of Adam and Eve:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Teacher explain these highlight to children

    Adam was the first person God created.

    Adam lived in the Garden of Eden.

    Adam named all the animals God created.

    God created Eve to be Adam’s helper.

    God loved Adam and Eve very much.
    God loves us!

WEEK 6: The Birth of Jesus Christ (Visit of the Angel) (Luke 1)

Teacher shows children picture of Mary visited by an Angel.

Read to the children the story with illustration of the visit of the Angel to Mary.

Mary lived in Nazareth. One day the angel Gabriel came with a message. “Greetings, Mary, the Lord is with you,” Gabriel said. “God has chosen you to be the mother of his only Son, Jesus.”

At first, Mary was puzzled, but she loved God and believed his promises. “I am God’s servant,” she said. “I will do whatever he asks.” Gabriel left, and Mary hurried to tell her cousin Elizabeth the wonderful news!

WEEK 7: The Birth of Jesus (Luke 1–2; Matthew 1:18–25)

Teacher find a manger scene. Have children set it up as the story of Jesus birth is read to them.

Watch the story of Jesus’ life on:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

WEEK 7: The Lord's Prayer

Teach children to recite the Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done,
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power,
and the glory, for ever and ever.

WEEK 7: The Birth of Jesus Christ (Jesus is Born) (Luke 2)

Teacher shows children picture of Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus in a manger.

Read to the children the story of the Birth of Jesus.

When it was almost time for Mary’s baby to be born, Caesar Augustus wondered how many people lived in his kingdom. So Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem to be counted.

Joseph searched for somewhere to stay, but there wasn’t any room. All he could find was a cave with animals in it. Soon Mary’s baby was born. It was Baby Jesus! A new star appeared in the sky, and shepherds heard angels singing, “Glory to God! Today, Jesus the Savior is born!”

WEEK 8: Jesus Gets Visitors (The Three Wise Men) (Matthew2:1–12)

The wise men brought Jesus gifts. Ask children, if you had been going to see baby Jesus what would you have taken to him?

Teach children “Jesus Our Brother Kind and Good”. Have children sing the verses for the shepherds, the wise men, the donkey.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

WEEK 8: The Birth of Jesus (Luke 1–2; Matthew 1:18–25)

Teacher find a manger scene. Have children set it up as the story of Jesus birth is read to them.

Watch the story of Jesus’ life on:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

WEEK 8: The Baptism of Jesus Christ (Matthew 3 & Luke 3)

Teacher shows children picture of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist, when Jesus was Baptized by John.

Teacher read to children the story with illustration of the Baptism of Jesus Christ.

Teacher highlight to children that:

    John baptized men with water.

    John baptized women with water.

    John baptized Jesus with water.

    God baptized Jesus with the Holy Spirit.

WEEK 9: CHRISTMAS alphabet poem.

With the children look at the CHRISTMAS alphabet poem.

    'C' is for the Christ child, born upon this day,

    'H' for herald angels in the night,

    'R' means our Redeemer,

    'I' means Israel,

    'S' is for the star that shone so bright,

    'T' is for three wise men, they who traveled far,

    'M' is for the manger where he lay,

    'A'’s for all He stands for,

    'S' means shepherds came.

    And that’s why there’s a Christmas day.

WEEK 9: The Wise men visit to Jesus (Matthew2:1–12)

The wise men brought Jesus gifts. Ask children, if you had been going to see baby Jesus what would you have taken to him?

Teach children “Jesus Our Brother Kind and Good”. Have children sing the verses for the shepherds, the wise men, the donkey.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

WEEK 9: Jesus Raised the Dead (The Twelve year old girl) (Luke 12:40-50)

Teacher shows children picture of Jesus Christ and the Girl raised from death to life.

Teacher read to children the story of the twelve year old girl raised to life.

A man named Jairus ran to Jesus with tears streaming down his face. “Please, Master, my daughter is dying. Come quick.”

When they got to Jairus’ house, the girl had already died, and everyone was weeping.

“Don’t cry,” Jesus said. “She’s just sleeping.” Jesus took Jairus and the girl’s mother into the room where she lay. He took the little girl’s hand and said, “Child of God, wake up!” She immediately sat up in bed!

Then her stomach growled. Jesus smiled and said, “Feed her. She’s hungry.”






Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten


Teacher begins and end each lesson with a prayer.


Teacher begins and end each lesson with a prayer.


Teacher begins and end each lesson with a prayer.

WEEK 2: Prayer I

Give simple meaning of Prayer and why we pray to children.

Teach children to recite the Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done,
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power,
and the glory, for ever and ever.

WEEK 2: Obedience (The Story of Abraham) (Genesis 15, 17)

Read to the children the story of Abraham.

Watch the video of Abraham and Sarah with the children.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Teach children the song, “Father Abraham”.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

WEEK 2: The Good Samaritan (God wants us to turn our enemies into friends) (Luke 10)

Teacher shows children picture of the robbed Jewish man, the priest and the Samaritan.

Read to children the story with illustration of the Good Samaritan.

Jesus told a story to explain "who is my neighbor”

“One day, a Jewish man was robbed and wounded and left lying in the road...

WEEK 3: Jesus teaches us to pray (Our Lord's Prayer) (Luke 11:1-8) II

Teach children to recite the Lord's Prayer

Teach children to recite the Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done,
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power,
and the glory, for ever and ever.

WEEK 3: A prophetic sign (The birth of Esau and Jacob) (Genesis 25)

Read to children the story of the birth of Esau and Jacob.

Rebekah’s pregnancy was not comfortable; the two babies were constantly jostling one another in her womb, so much so that she asked God what was happening. God told her that two nations were in her womb; one would be stronger than the other, and the older would serve the younger.
When the time came for her delivery, two baby boys were born. The first to appear was red, with a body covered in hair, and so they named him Esau (“Hairy”). His brother was born immediately afterward, so close that he was grasping Esau’s heel, and so they called him Jacob (“He grasps the heel”). This beginning would symbolize the lifelong strife between the two brothers.

WEEK 3: The Birth of Moses (God protects his children) (Exodus 2)

Teacher shows children picture of baby Moses in a basket in a river.

Read to the children the story with illustration of the birth of Moses

Teach children to sing “Baby Moses in a Basket”.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Play “Who’s that Crying?” Children can sit in a circle. One in the middle is blindfolded. Children take turns "crying”. The blindfolded person must guess WHO’S THAT CRYING? If the blindfolded person guesses who was crying, he changes places.

WEEK 4: The twelve disciples

Read the story of the twelve disciples or Intoduce this topic with a flash card or Watch a clip of the twelve disciples

Children should learn from this lesson that Jesus has friends

WEEK 4: The Parriage Pot (Esau sells his birthright) (Genesis 25)

Teach children the story of how Esau sold his birthright.

Talk about playing tricks on one another and why it is not a good practice.

Teach the children the song, “Jacob’s Ladder”.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Have children act out the story of Esau and Jacob.

WEEK 4: Let My People Go (The ten plagues) (Exodus 7-15)

Teacher shows to the children pictures of the ten plagues sent by God to the Egyptian and crossing the Red Sea.

Read to the children the story with illustration of the ten plauges

WEEK 5: Jesus Goes to Jerusalem with His Parents (luke 2)

Read the story of Jesus and his parents going into Jerusalem or Watch with the children a video of Jesus Goes to Jerusalem with His Parents and teaching elders in the temple.

Children should learn from the lesson that God makes Jesus wise

WEEK 5: Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors (Genesis 37)

Read the story of Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors.

Joseph and the Dream Coat: Have children do choral speaking of the Joseph story. A copy can be downloaded from: Watch the clip from the Andrew Lloyd Weber musical: Click Here

WEEK 5: The Ten Commandments (God tells his people how they should live) (Exodus 20)

Show to the children the picture of Moses with the Tablet (Ten Commandments)

Read the ten commandment to children in simple and understanding sentences.

Put God first.
Do not worship other gods.
Respect God’s name.
Keep a day to rest and pray.
Listen to your mother and father.
Do not hurt anyone.
Mothers and fathers must love each other.
Do not take anything without asking.
Tell the truth.
Be thankful for what you have.

WEEK 6: Jesus Is Baptized (Matthew 3 & Luke 3)

Read the story of Jesus Baptism or Watch with the children the baptism of Jesus Christ.

Children should learn from the lesson that God blesses Jesus

WEEK 6: Joseph and His Brothers (Joseph Is Sold into Slavery) (Genesis 37)

Read the story of Joseph and his brother, how his brothers sold him into slavery and that God has a plan for Joseph.

WEEK 6: Daniel in the Lions' Den (God is always with us) (Daniel 6)

Show to children picture of Daniel and Lions in the Lions' Den.

Read to children the story of Daniel in the Lions' Den

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, be with me when I am in danger.

WEEK 7: Jesus Turns Water into Wine (John 2)

Read the story of Jesus turning Water into Wine or Watch with the children the miracle of Jesus Turns Water into Wine

Children should learn from the lesson that God brings joy.

WEEK 7: The Strongest Man (The Story of Samson) (Judges 15-16):

Show to the children pictures of samson kill a lion, kill the Philistines soldiers, and fall the philistines' temple pillar

Read to the children the story of Samson.

WEEK 7: The Death of Jesus (Matthew 27)

Read the story of the death of Jesus or Watch with the children the crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Children should learn from the lesson that God suffers for us.

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, help me to forgive just as Jesus forgave.

WEEK 8: The Death of Jesus (Matthew 27)

Read the story of the death of Jesus or Watch with the children the crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Children should learn from the lesson that God suffers for us.

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, help me to forgive just as Jesus forgave.

WEEK 8: Jesus fed many people (Jesus and the Loaves and the Fishes) (Matthew 14:13–21)

Read the story of Jesus fed many people to children

Have children watch the “Loaves and the Fishes” video.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Read the story of “Stone Soup” to the children. Talk about how good things can result when everyone pitches in and helps.

Discuss how everyone can help with a neighborhood or school project by pitching in and helping. Look for community or school projects where children may help out.

WEEK 8: Jesus Is Alive (God raises Jesus from the dead) (Luke 24 & John 20)

Show to the children picture of the empty tomb, and picture of Jesus Alive.

Read the story of the resurrection of Jesus to the children

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, help me to see that Jesus lives.

WEEK 9: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Luke 24 & John 20)

Tell children the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ or Watch with the children the resurrection of Jesus Christ

Children should learn from the lesson that God raises Jesus from the dead.

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, help me to see that Jesus lives.

WEEK 9: Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

A good way to share this with children is by reading them the story of Benjamin’s Box. This is available in many libraries or online though Amazon at:
Click Here

Watch the video with the children:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Teach the children the John 3:16 song, “For God so loved the world”.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Follow the steps for making palm frond crosses. Use them as gifts for Easter.
Click Here

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, help me to see that Jesus lives.

WEEK 9: The Coming of the Holy Spirit (God gives his gift) (Acts 2)

Show to the children pictures of the Apostles of Jesus in a room with a tongues of fire on their head. Tell children the tongues of fire on their head is the gift of the Holy Spirit sent by God.

Read to children the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, fill me with your spirit.






Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten


Teacher begins and end each lesson with a prayer.


Teacher begins and end each lesson with a prayer.


Teacher begins and end each lesson with a prayer.

WEEK 2: David and Jonathan I (1 Samuel 18:1-4)

Tell children the story of David and Jonathan or Watch with the children the a video of David and Jonathan

Children should learn from the lesson a true friendship and how to make good friends.

WEEK 2: A friend of God (Abraham’s Sacrifice Isaac)

Talk about how we make sacrifices for others. Have the children give examples.

Read the story of Abraham’s Sacrifice Isaac to children.

Teach the children “Isaac’s Song”:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

WEEK 2: Jacob's Family (His children) (Genesis 30:1–24)

With description, explanation or illustration, read to the children the 12 sons of Jacob and the meaning of their names.

Reuben (“See, a son”), Jacob’s first son with Leah

Simeon (“He who hears”), second son with Leah

Levi ( “Attached”), third son with Leah

Judah (“Praise”), fourth son with Leah

Dan (“He has vindicated”), with Rachel’s slave Bilhah

Naphtali (“My struggle”), with Rachel’s slave Bilhah

Gad (“Good fortune”), with Leah’s slave Zilpah

Asher (“Happy”), with Leah’s slave Zilpah

Issachar (“Hired”), fifth son with Leah

Zebulun (“Honored”), sixth son with Leah

Joseph (“May he [God] add”), first son with Rachel

Benjamin (“Son of my right hand”), second son with Rachel

WEEK 3: David and Jonathan II (1 Samuel 20)

Tell children the story of David and Jonathan Covenant or Watch with the children the a video of David and Jonathan Convenant

Children should learn from the lesson a true friendship and how to make good friends.

WEEK 3: The story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17:1–52)

Watch the video of David and Goliath with the children:
Click Here

Teach children the song “Only a Boy Named David”.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

WEEK 3: Story of Joseph (God has a plan for Joseph) (Genesis 37–50)

Show to the children pictures Joseph and his coat of many colours, Joseph thrown into pit by his brothers, sold into slavery etc.

Read the story of Joseph to the children.
Highlight with pictures the following points to the children.

Jacob had 12 sons. Joseph was his favorite son.

Jacob gave Joseph a special coat. Joseph could interpret dreams.

Joseph’s brothers were jealous. They threw Joseph in a pit and sold him as a slave.

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, help me love my brothers and sisters.

WEEK 4: The Good Samaritan (Matthew 26)

Tell children story and watch the video and teach children “The Good Samaritan” song.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Have children follow the lyrics as they sing “The Good Samaritan”.
Have them circle important words.

Click Here to Watch the lyrics

WEEK 4: The Prodigal Son

Talk about good choices/bad choices. Have children make a list of good choices/bad choices for such temptations as: Playing a game versus helping mother set the table, Not doing your homework, Skipping school, etc.

Read the story of the prodigal son to the children.

Teach the song “The Prodigal Son”
Click Here to Watch the lyrics

WEEK 4: Joseph Becomes a Prime Minister (God finds good in all things) (Genesis 41, 45)

Show children pictures of Joseph while in the prison and when he comes out of the prison (made a prime minister)

Read to the children the story, How Joseph becomes a Prime minister.

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, let your will be done in my life.

WEEK 5: Moses Is Saved (Exodus 2)

Tell children the story of the Moses or Watch with the children the story of Moses

Children should learn from the lesson that God protects his children.

WEEK 5: God begins again (Noah Builds an Ark) (Genesis 6-9):

Together watch the “Noah’s Ark” fifty-minute video:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Read the Noah’s Ark story to children.

Teach children “The Rainbow Song”.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Give children paints to paint a rainbow. Teach them the pneumonic device”: ROY G BIV so they get them in the right order

When they have finished, sing “I can Sing a Rainbow”
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Teach children the Noah’s Ark action song:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

WEEK 5: The Voice from the Burning Bush (God commands Moses) (Exodus 3-4)

Show to the children picture of Moses standing in front of a burning bush

Read to the children the story.

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, let me have the courage to do what you ask of me.

WEEK 6: Daniel and the Lion’s Den (Daniel 6)

Tell children story and watch the video and teach children “Daniel and the Lion’s Den”.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Children should learn from the lesson that God is always with us and saves his children.

WEEK 6: Jonah and the Whale (Jonah 1, 2, 3)

Together watch the Jonah movie.
Click Here to Watch the youtube
Or the shorter animated version:Click Here to Watch the youtube

Teach children “Jonah and the Whale” song.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Children should learn from the lesson that God loves everyone, even our enemies.
What obedience and disobedient can causes a child

WEEK 6: David and Goliath (God helps David defeat a giant) (1 Samuel 17):

Show to the children pictures of David and Goliath, David's sling and the stone.

Read to the children the story.

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, help me to be brave.

WEEK 7: Jonah and the Big Fish (Jonah 1-4)

Together watch the Jonah movie.
Click Here to Watch the youtube
Or the shorter animated version:Click Here to Watch the youtube

Teach children “Jonah and the Whale” song.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Children should learn from the lesson that God loves everyone, even our enemies.
What obedience and disobedient can causes a child

WEEK 7: The First Miracle of Jesus (Jesus Turned Water into Wine) (John 2:1–11):

Give children a glass of water and a small packet of wine colored Kool-Aid. Have them taste the water and then add the package of powder. Have them note the difference in taste and color.

Watch the video where Jesus turns the water into wine. Discuss what is happening as children watch the video:
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Teach children Johnny Cash’s song, “He Turned the Water into Wine”

WEEK 7: Sodom and Gomorrah (Lot's wife becomes a pillar of salt) (Genesis 19):

Show to the children pictures of Lot, Lot's wife turns to pillar of salt, and Lot children.

Watch the video with the children. Stop to discuss what is happening at various times.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Talk about why Lot’s wife becomes a pillar of salt. Compare her punishment to others who disobeyed God.

WEEK 8: Samuel in the Temple (1 Samuel 3)

Tell children the story of Samuel in the Temple or Watch with the children the a video of Samuel in the Temple

Children should learn from the lesson how a little boy serves God and how God chooses Samuel as his messenger.

WEEK 8: Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19)

Watch the video with the children. Stop to discuss what is happening at various times.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Talk about why Lot’s wife was punished. Compare her punishment to others who disobeyed God.

WEEK 8: The Three Friends Did not Bow (The Story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) (Daniel 3)

Show to the children pictures of the gold statue King Nebuchadnezzar erected, crowd except the three friend bowing to the golden statue, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the furnace and God with them, also show to the children the soldiers who led Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were killed by the fire as they approached it.

Read to the children the Story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, let me enemies testify your name in my life.

WEEK 9: Jeremiah the Boy Prophet (Jeremiah 1, 18)

Tell children the story of Jeremiah the Boy Prophet or Watch with the children the a video of Jeremiah the Boy Prophet

Children should learn from the lesson how God calls a young person to be a prophet.

WEEK 9: The Tower to Heaven (The Tower of Babel) (Genesis 11:1–9)

Read the story of the Tower of Babel to the children.

Teach the song "Jesus Loves the Little Children".
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Then pass out note cards to the kids—a different card and phrase for each one:
"Lucy Goosie", "Pingo Pongo", "Abu Dabi", "Hee Haw", “Missy Sissy”, “Rub-a-Dub”, “Jing-a-ling", "Cat bird seat", "Rolling rolling".

Now ask each child to sing their new words/phrases to the same tune to show how confusing the language change would have been to the people of Babel. Switch cards and repeat.

WEEK 9: God rewards love and devotion (The Story of Ruth) (Ruth 1-4):

Watch the video with the children. Pause to discuss where required.
Click Here to Watch the youtube
Have children make a list of the qualities of a good friend.

Teach children “The Friends Song”.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Conclude Friendship Week with teaching “The Friendship Song”.
Click Here to Watch the youtube

Ask children to pray this prayer...
Dear God, let me love all people no matter where they come from.







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ADDRESS: 1. M. Aruna Close, Ughelli, Delta State, Nigeria

PHONE: +234805 5084784, +234803 5586470

Your active support gives strength to our Team and inspires to work. Each donated dollar is not only money for us, but it is also the confidence that you really need our project!
AseiClass is a non-profit project that exists at its founders' expense, it will be difficult to achieve our goals without your help.
Please consider making a donation.
Thank you.
AseiClass Team

Facts about Teachers

● ● ● Teachers Are Great No Controversy.

● ● ● Teachers are like candles, they burn themselves to light others.

● ● ● Teachers don't teach for the money.

● ● ● Every great mind was once taught by some brilliant teachers.

● ● ● Teachers are the second parents we have.

● ● ● If you can write your name, thank your teacher.

Teaching slogans

● ● ● Until the learner learns the teacher has not taught.

● ● ● I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and know.

● ● ● The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.