Scheme of Work on handwriting

Syllabus for Nursery

Nursery 1 - Age 3 Nursery 2 - Age 4 Kindergarten - Age 5

WEEK 1: Adjusting to school life, Sitting Up

Make sure that the child's arms are comfortably supported on the desk top. The chair should be at a suitable height for the desk or table at which the child is writing. LESSON NOTE

WEEK 1: Review of curves and point lines

Hand Writing Skill
Teacher review curve and point lines to pupils: Curves are formed by continuous movement. Points are formed by introducing a momentary pause before changing direction
NOTE: With the exceptions of f, k, t and x, all the small letters are written with one hand movement, without lifting the pen or pencil from the paper.

Ask children to trace curve lines A into row 3, point lines B into row 4 and to copy curve lines A into row 5 and point line B into row 6. Have the children start at the dots bellow the upper line.

WEEK 1: Revision on small letters alphabet

Hand Writing Skill
Ask children to trace small letters in row 4, 5 and 6, and to copy small letters of row 1, 2 and 3 into row 7, 8 and 9 respectively. Have the children start at the dots.

WEEK 2: Gripping of pencil and scribbing

Hand Writing Skill
Teacher should determine whether children are left-handed writers or right-handed writers.
The most efficient way of holding a pencil (or pen or crayor) is when it id held lightly between thumb and forefinger. Hold it about 3cm from the point, with the middle finger providing the support
For right-handed children the paper or book should be to the right of an imaginary line running through the centre of the body. For left-handedchildren it should be to the left. The paper or book can be slanted as shown in the diagram below.

Hand Writing Skill
Teacher should guide the children to scribe on the board or writting paper, observed each child and make a notation as to which hand he or she uses.
NOTE: If a child is truly ambidextrous, it is probably best to train the right hand.
Walk around the room as children practice to make sure children are modeling correct posture for handwriting and correct position of pencil and paper.

WEEK 2: Curved Lines (small c)

Hand Writing Skill
Write c on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small c. Then write c on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin just below the middle (dash) line.
Curve up left, touch the middle line, then curve around to the left and down to the bottom line.
Curve up right and stop short.

Guide children to trace and write each small c in the 2 row. Point out that small c begins just below the middle line and stop just above the lower line.

Guide children to copy small c in the 3 row.Have the children start at the dots on the middle line and copy small 'c' in the row 3.

As you observe children, make sure they are writing small c with one continuous stroke.

Have children identify the animal on a flash card that begins with the letter c. (camel).

WEEK 2: Letter Aa, Number 0, 1

Hand Writing Skill
Write Aa on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital A and small a. Then write A on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line.
Slant left down to the bottom line. Lift.
From the starting point, slant right down to the bottom line. Lift.
Connect the slant lines at the middle line by moving across from left to right.

Have children identify the animal whose name begins with the letter a. (alligator) Point out the arrows for the letters in each box. Have children trace and write capital A and small a. Have children read the words with you and trace A and a.

As you walk around the room, check that children are sitting up straight with their feet flat on the floor.
Hand Writing Skill
Write 0, 1 on the chalkboard and have the numerals identified. Demonstrate on guidelines as you say stroke directions.

Numeral 0: Begin just below the top line. Curve around to the left down to the bottom line. Curve up and close at the starting point.

Numeral 1: Begin at the top line. Move straight down to the bottom line.

Have children identify the numbers, then trace and write each number. Ask children to look over the numbers they wrote and circle their best numbers.

WEEK 3: Top to Bottom

Teacher should guide children to understand and use the positional terms top and bottom

To trace and draw a line from top to bottom, Introduce relevant material through flash cards, real objects, toys and environment. Point to the appropriate place and identify it as top or bottom. Then call on a child to point to the bottom, another child to point to the top.

Extension: Play a movement game with the children. Ask: What is the top part of your body? (head) Then say: Move your head up and down.
Then ask children to name the bottom part of their body. (feet) Say: Stamp your feet. March your feet around the room.

WEEK 3: Curved Lines (small o)

Hand Writing Skill
Write o on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small o. Then write o on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin just below the middle (dash) line.
Curve up left, touch the middle line, then curve around to the left and down to the bottom line.
Continue making a small oval by curving up and around to the right and closing at the starting point.

Guide children to trace and write each small o in the 2 row.

Guide children to copy small c in the 3 row.Have the children start at the dots on the middle line and copy small 'c' in the row 3.

As you walk around the classroom, check to see that children are starting at the dot and moving their pencils around to the left.

Ask: What is the name of a sea animal that has eight arms? (octopus) Tell children that octopus starts with the letter o.
Have children point to the small O in the top box.

WEEK 3: Letter Bb, Number 2, 3

Hand Writing Skill
Write Bb on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital B and small b. Then write B on the guidelines as you say stroke directions. Have children echo you as you write B in the air and say:
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift.
From the starting point, curve around to the right and close at the middle line.
Again, curve around to the right and close at the bottom line.

Ask: “What animal do you see in the picture whose name begins with the letter b?” (bear) Have children point to capital B in the box, trace it, and then trace and write the other capital B’s. Guide children to do the same with small b. Repeat stroke directions as needed.

In the last row, read the sentence with children and have them trace the letters.
Hand Writing Skill
Write 2, 3 on the chalkboard and have the numerals identified. Demonstrate on guidelines as you say stroke directions.

Numeral 2: Begin just below the top line. Curve around to the right. Slant left down to the bottom line. Move across the bottom line from left to right.

Numeral 3: Begin just below the top line. Curve around to the right down to the middle line.Curve around again to the right and end just above the bottom line.

Have children identify the numbers, then trace and write each number. Ask children to look over the numbers they wrote and circle their best numbers.

WEEK 4: Top, Middle, Bottom

Teacher should guide children to understand and use the positional terms top, middle, and bottom

To follow oral directions, Stack three different-colored books one on top of another. Then call on children to come up and point to the book you name: Point to the middle book. Point to the top book. Point to the bottom book.

WEEK 4: Curved Lines (small e)

Hand Writing Skill
Write e on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small e. Then write e on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin just above the bottom line.
Slant right, then curve up and around to the left to touch the middle line.
Curve around to the left and down to the bottom line; curve up right and stop short.

Have children trace and write the rows of e on row 2. Check that children write small e as one continuous stroke.

Guide children to copy small c in the 3 row.Have the children start at the dots bellow the middle line and copy small 'e' in the row 3. Check that children write small e as one continuous stroke.

Ask children to point to the small e in each box.
Ask: What animal name begins with the letter e? (elephant)

WEEK 4: Letter Cc & Dd

Hand Writing Skill
Write Cc on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital C and small c. Then write C on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin just below the top line.
Curve up around to the left and down to the bottom line.
Continue curving up right and stop short. (just above the bottom line).

Have children identify the animal on the page that begins with the letter c. (camel) Ask children to find the capital C in the box and trace it with a finger. Then tell children to trace and write each capital C with a pencil. Remind them to start at the dot.

Next ask children to point to small c in the box. Guide children to trace and write each small c. Point out that small c begins just below the middle line.

As you observe children, make sure they are writing capital C and small c with one continuous stroke.
Hand Writing Skill
Write Dd on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital D and small d. Then write D on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift.
From the starting point, curve around right and close at the bottom line.

Have children point to capital D and small d in the boxes on the page. Ask: “What bird quacks?” (duck) Tell children that duck starts with the letter d.

Have children trace and write the rows of capital D’s and small d’s. Tell children to follow the arrows. Repeat directions as needed.

Finally, ask children to trace capital D and small d in Dad and duck.

WEEK 5: Left to Right

Guide children to identify the directional terms left and right

Guide children to trace from left to right. Teacher sould face the same direction as the children and raise your left hand. Say: This is my left hand. Raise your left hand. Then raise your right hand. Say: This is my right hand. Raise your right hand.

WEEK 5: Curved Lines (small s)

Hand Writing Skill
Write s on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small s. Then write s on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin just below the middle line.
Curve around to the left and down to halfway between the middle and bottom lines.
Curve around to the right and down to the bottom line.
Curve up left and stop short.

Have children trace and write the rows of s on row 2. Check that children write small s as one continuous stroke.

Guide children to copy small s in the 3 row.Have the children start at the dots bellow the middle line and copy small 's' in the row 3. Check that children write small s as one continuous stroke.

Have children point to the models of small s. Ask: What animal with a bushy tail begins with the letter s? (squirrel) Say directions and have children trace and write the letters. Walk around the room, checking that they start at the dot.

WEEK 5: Letter Ee & Ff

Hand Writing Skill
Write Ee on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital E and small e. Then write E on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift
Touch the starting point; move across to the right. Lift.
Touch the middle; move across to the right. Lift.
Touch the bottom; move across to the right.

Ask children to point to the capital E and the small e in each box. Ask: “What animal name begins with the letter e?” (elephant)

Have children trace and write the rows of E. Then children trace and write the small e’s. Check that children write small e as one continuous stroke.

Read the words with the children and have them trace the capital E and small e.
Hand Writing Skill
Write Ff on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital F and small f. Then write F on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift.
Touch the starting point; move across to the right. Lift.
Touch the middle; move across to the right.

Have children point to the box with capital F and then to the box with small f. Ask children to name a leaping animal whose name begins with the letter f. (frog)

Repeat the stroke directions for capital F and small f and guide children to trace and write these letters.

Then read the words in the last row together. Ask for volunteers to tell why Fred begins with a capital letter. (Fred is a person’s name.) Have children trace capital F and small f.

WEEK 6: Directions

Teacher should guide children to identify and follow the direction of an arrow: left, right, up, down

Teacher should trace over the lines of the arrow with your finger to show how it is formed. Call on a child to touch the part of the arrow that forms the point. Then ask the child to tell if the arrow is pointing to the right or the left.

Introduce relevant material through flash cards, real objects, toys and environment, point the arrow directly to the left, directly to the top (up), down toward the right, and down toward the left. For each direction, have a child tell in which direction the arrow is pointing.
Then have the arrow pointing to things in the classroom, home, environment etc and they should name the objects it points to such as the door, the window, the closet. Etc

WEEK 6: straight Lines (small i & small l)

Hand Writing Skill
Write i on the chalkboard and have children identify the letters as small i. Then write i on guidelines as you say stroke directions:
Begin at the middle line; and down to the bottom line and stop .
Put a dot above the letter.

Guide children to trace small i on row 2 and to copy small i on row 3

Have children look at the small i in the box at the top of the page. Ask children to point to the dot and numbered arrows. Remind children that the numbered arrows tell how to form the letters, step by step. Encourage children to identify the picture that begins with the letter i. (ice cream)
Hand Writing Skill
Write 'l' on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small l. Then write l on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line.
Move straight down to the bottom line.

Guide children to trace and write small l in the first rows and copy l into the second row. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Repeat the stroke directions for small l.

Have children point to the small l at the top of the page. Ask: “What animal name starts with the letter l?” (lion)

Guide children to say the different between small i and small l

WEEK 6: Letter Gg, Number 4, 5

Hand Writing Skill
Write Gg on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital G and small g. Then write G on the guidelines as you say stroke directions. Have children echo you as you write G in the air and say:
Begin just below the top line.
Curve up around to the left and down to the bottom line.
Continue curving up right to the middle line.
Move across to the left. Stop short.

Ask children to name the animal at the top of the page whose name begins with g. (goat) Then tell children to point to capital G and small g in each box. Have children trace and write capital G’s and small g’s as you describe the strokes.

Remind children that capital G ends with a straight line that goes in. Small g ends with a line that curves up to the left.

Read the words in the last row with the children, and have children identify the end mark. Ask children to trace capital G and small g.
Hand Writing Skill
Write 4, 5 on the chalkboard and have the numerals identified. Demonstrate on guidelines as you say stroke directions.

Numeral 4: Begin at the top line and move straight down to the middle line. Move across from left to right. Lift. Start at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line.

Numeral 5: Begin at the top line. Move straight down to the middle line. Curve around to the right, ending just above the bottom line. Lift. Move across on the top line from left to right.

Have children follow the arrows on the black numbers to trace and write each number.

WEEK 7: Writing on the Lines

Hand Writing Skill
Teacher should guide children to identify and mark on handwriting lines the top line, middle line, and bottom line.
Draw one set of handwriting lines on the chalkboard using lined chart paper. Point to and name the top line, middle line, and the bottom line. Explain to children that when they begin to write letters, they will write them on sets of lines like these.

Demonstrate on the chalkboard how to make a large dot with chalk. Then invite children, in turn, to make a dot on the top line, middle line, and bottom line using colored chalk.

WEEK 7: straight Lines (small j)

Hand Writing Skill
Write j on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as and small j. Then write j on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the middle line and pull down through the bottom line to just above the next row.
Curve left and stop short. Lift.
Put a dot above the letter.

Guide children to trace and write small j in the first rows and copy j into the second row. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Repeat the stroke directions for small j.

Teacher flash a card of a girl planying jumprope and ask the children "What is the girl playing with in the picture that begins with the letter j?” (jumprope) Tell children to point to small j in the box and trace it. Then have children trace and write small j.

WEEK 7: Letter Hh

Hand Writing Skill
Write Hh on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital H and small h. Then write H on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift.
To the right of the starting point, make another straight line from top to bottom. Lift.
Connect the straight lines at the middle by moving across from left to right.

Ask children to point to the models of capital H and small h. Point out that small h has a “hill.” Ask: “What animal can you ride whose name begins with the letter h?” (horse) Have children echo your stroke directions, then trace and write the letters.

Read the words with the children and have them trace the capital H and small h.
Hand Writing Skill
Write 6, 7 on the chalkboard and have the numerals identified. Demonstrate on guidelines as you say stroke directions.

Numeral 6: Begin at the top line. Curve down to the bottom line. Curve around up to the middle line and close.

Numeral 7: Begin at the top line. Move across from left to right. Slant left down to the bottom line.

Have children follow the arrows on the black numbers to trace and write each number.

WEEK 8: Finding Slant and Across Lines

Guide pupils to identify and trace slant and horizontal lines. On the chalkboard, draw a slant line from top to bottom on the chalkboard. Retrace the line and explain that the line slants left and down. Invite children to imitate this movement by moving their arms and hands in the air.
Next draw a long horizontal line from left to right. Retrace the line and explain that the line is drawn straight across. Invite pupils to imitate this movement by moving their arms and hands in the air.

WEEK 8: straight Lines (small t & small f)

Hand Writing Skill
Write t on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small t. Then write t on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift.
At the middle line, cross the letter by moving from left to right.

Have children trace and write small t on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small t on row 3.

Have children point to the small t at the top of the page and identify the animal whose name starts with the letter t (tiger).
Hand Writing Skill
Write f on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small f. Then write f on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin just below the top line.
Curve left touching the top line and move down to the bottom line. Lift.
At the middle line, cross the letter by moving from left to right.

Have children trace and write small f on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small f on row 3.

Have children point to the box with small f. Ask children to name a leaping animal whose name begins with the letter f. (frog)

Have children point to the different betwwen small t and small f

WEEK 8: Letter Ii

Hand Writing Skill
Write Ii on the chalkboard and have volunteers identify the letters as capital I and small i. Then write I on guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift.
At the top line, move across from the left of the starting point to the right. Lift.
At the bottom line, move across from left to right.

Have children look at the capital I in the box at the top of the page. Ask children to point to the dot and numbered arrows. Remind children that the numbered arrows tell how to form the letters, step by step. Encourage children to identify the picture that begins with the letter i. (ice cream)

Explain that the dot shows where to begin writing capital I. Have children place their pencil at the first dot in row 1. Repeat the stroke directions for capital I and have children trace and write capital I in rows 1 and 2. Then repeat stroke directions for small i and have children complete rows 3 and 4.
Hand Writing Skill
Write 8, 9 on the chalkboard and have the numerals identified. Demonstrate on guidelines as you say stroke directions.

Numeral 8: Begin just below the top line. Curve around left down to the middle line.Curve around right down to the bottom line. Curve up left, then slant right up to close at the starting point.

Numeral 9: Begin just below the top line. Curve around left down to the middle line. Curve around right up to the top line. Move straight down to the bottom line.

Have children follow the arrows on the black numbers to trace and write each number.

WEEK 9: Finding Curved Lines

Guide pupils to identify and trace curved lines. On the chalkboard, draw a line that curves over to the left and down, as in small 'f'. Retrace the line and explain that the line curves over and slants down.
Draw a row of curved lines and call on pupils to trace over the lines with colored chalk.

WEEK 9: straight Lines (small k)

Hand Writing Skill
Write k on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small k. Then write k on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift.
From the middle line, slant left down to halfway between the middle and bottom lines.
Slant right down to the bottom line.

Have children trace and write small k on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small k on row 3.

Have children point to the models of small k and then identify the animal whose name begins with k. (kangaroo).

WEEK 9: Letter Jj

Hand Writing Skill
Write Jj on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital J and small j. Then write J on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line.
Curve up left and stop short. Lift.
At the top line, move across from left to right.

Ask: “What is the girl playing with in the picture that begins with the letter j?” (jumprope) Tell children to point to capital J in the box and trace it. Then have children trace and write capital J.

After reading the sentence in the last row together, review why Jean begins with capital J. (It is a person’s name.) Have children trace the letters.






Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten

WEEK 1: Review of 1st term's work

WEEK 1: Review of 1st term's work

WEEK 1: Revision of three (3) letter words

WEEK 2: Straight (Vertical) lines

Hand Writing Skill
Guide pupils To identify and trace vertical lines.
On the chalkboard, draw a straight vertical line from top to bottom. Retrace the line and explain that the line is drawn straight down. Invite children to imitate this movement by moving their arms and hands in the air.

Read the directions to the children. Have them trace each line in the top row with their finger.
Point out the dots in row 2. Have the children start at the dots on the top line and trace the lines in the row. Continue in this manner with rows 3, 4 and 5.

WEEK 2: Right Curve + straight Lines (small a)

Hand Writing Skill
Write Aa on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small a. Then write a on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin just below the middle line.
Curve around left touching the middle and bottom lines; continue up to the middle line.
Move straight down to the bottom line.

Have children trace and write small a on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small a on row 3.

Have children identify the animal whose name begins with the letter a. (alligator) Point out the arrows for the letters in each box.

WEEK 2: Letter Kk

Hand Writing Skill
Write Kk on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital K and small k. Then write K on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift.
From the right of the starting point, slant left down to the middle line.
Continue from the middle line and slant right down to the bottom line.

Have children point to the models of capital K and small k and then identify the picture whose name begins with k. (Kite) Tell children to follow the arrows to trace the letters and then write the capital and the small k’s.

Have children read the sentence with you. Ask them to trace the capital K and two small k’s. Repeat stroke directions as needed.

WEEK 3: Straight (Horizontal) lines

Hand Writing Skill
Guide pupils To identify and trace horizontal lines.
Draw a long horizontal line from left to right. Retrace the line and explain that the line is drawn straight across. Invite children to imitate this movement by moving their arms and hands in the air.

Read the directions of the lines to the children. Have them trace each line in the top row with their finger.
Point out the dots in row 2. Have the children start at the dots on the left line and trace the lines in the row. Continue in this manner with rows 3, 4 and 5.

WEEK 3: Right Curve + straight Lines (small d)

Hand Writing Skill
Write d on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small d. Then write D on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin just below the middle line.
Curve around to the left touching the middle and bottom lines.
Continue curving up right and move straight up to the top line.
Retrace down to the bottom line.

Have children trace and write small d on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small d on row 3.

Have children point to small d in the boxes on the page. Ask: “What bird quacks?” (duck) Tell children that duck starts with the letter d.

WEEK 3: Letter Ll

Hand Writing Skill
Write Ll on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital L and small l. Then write L on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line.
At the bottom line, move across from left to right.

Have children point to the capital L at the top of the page. Ask: “What animal name starts with the letter l?” (lion)

Guide children to trace and write capital L in the first two rows. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Repeat the stroke directions for capital L. Then repeat stroke directions for small l and have children complete the next two rows.

Read the words in the last row aloud. Explain that Lily begins with a capital letter because it is a person’s name. Ask children to trace the capital and small l in the words.

WEEK 4: Slant Lines (Down to left)

Hand Writing Skill
Guide children to identify and trace slanted lines.
Draw a long line slanted down to the left on the chalkboard. Retrace the line and explain that the line is slanted. Invite pupils to imitate this slanted movement by moving their arms and hands in the air.

Ask children to trace and write the lines in the rows. Remind them to start each line at the dot.

WEEK 4: Right Curve + straight Lines (small g)

Hand Writing Skill
Write g on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small g. Then write g on the guidelines as you say stroke directions. Have children echo you as you write g in the air and say:
Begin just below the middle line.
Curve around to the left, touching the middle and bottom lines as you make a small circle.
From the middle line, pull down through the bottom line to the top of the next row.
Curve left and stop short.

Have children trace and write small g on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small g on row 3as you describe the strokes..

Ask children to name the animal at the picture whose name begins with g. (goat).

WEEK 4: Letter Mm & Nn

Hand Writing Skill
Write Mm on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital M and small m. Then write M on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift.
From the starting point, slant right down to the bottom line.
Slant right up to the top line.
Move straight down to the bottom line.

Ask children to name the animal at the picture whose name begins with G. (Goat).
Have children trace the capital M and small m with a finger, then identify the animal whose name begins with the letter m. (monkey) Ask children to trace and write the letters. Repeat stroke directions if needed. Observe children to see that they make the second stroke of capital M without lifting their pencil.

Read the sentence with children. Have children trace the capital M and small m’s.
Hand Writing Skill
Started: Write Nn on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital N and small n. Then write N on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move down to the bottom line. Lift.
From the starting point, slant right down to the bottom line.
Move straight up to the top line.

Have children point to capital N and small n in each box. Ask: “What begins with the letter n and is a bird’s home?” (nest) Tell children to follow the arrows in the models and trace the capital and small letters in the rows.

Read the words with the children. Ask: “Why does Nan begin with a capital N?” Have children trace the capital N and the small n in the words.

WEEK 5: Slant Lines (Down to Right)

Hand Writing Skill
Guide children to identify and trace slanted lines.
Draw a long line slanted down to the right on the chalkboard. Retrace the line and explain that the line is slanted. Invite pupils to imitate this slanted movement by moving their arms and hands in the air.

Ask children to trace and write the lines in the rows. Remind them to start each line at the dot.

WEEK 5: Right Curve + straight Lines (small q)

Hand Writing Skill
Write q on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small q. Then write q on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the middle line; curve around to the left and down to the bottom line.
Curve up, slant right, and close at the middle line.
Retrace down, then continue through the bottom line to the top of the next row.
Curve up to the right and stop short.

Have children trace and write small q on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small q on row 3.

Have children point to the models of small q. Have children identify the picture (queen).

WEEK 5: Letter Oo

Hand Writing Skill
Write Oo on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital O and small o. Then write O on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin just below the top line.
Curve up around to the left and down to the bottom line.
Continue curving up and close at the starting point.

Ask: “What is the name of a fruit that begins with the letter O?” (Orange). Have children point to the capital O in the top box, then trace and write capital O’s in the first two rows. Follow a similar procedure for small o in the next two rows.

As you walk around the classroom, check to see that children are starting at the dot and moving their pencils around to the left.

Read aloud the words in the last row. Ask children to trace capital O and small o in Otto and dog.

WEEK 6: Curved Lines

Hand Writing Skill
Guide children to identify and trace curved lines.
Read the directions to the children. Have them trace each line in the top row with their finger.
Point out the dots in row 2. Have the children start at the dots on the top line and trace the lines in the row. Continue in this manner with rows 3 and 4.

WEEK 6: straight Lines + Curved Down (small n)

Hand Writing Skill
Write n on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small n. Then write N on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the middle line and move straight down to the bottom line.
Retrace up, curve right, touching the middle line, then move straight down to the bottom line.

Have children trace and write small n on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small n on row 3.

Have children point to small n in each box. Ask: “What begins with the letter n and is a bird’s home?” (nest).

WEEK 6: Letter Pp

Hand Writing Skill
Write Pp on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital P and small p. Then write P on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift.
From the starting point, curve around to the right, and close at the middle line.

Have children name the animal at picture. (pig) Ask children to point to capital P and small p and trace and write the letters.

Remind children that the first part of small p goes to the top line of the next row and that the circular part of the letter goes to the right.

In the last row, have children trace the capital P in the name Pam and the small p in the word pig.

WEEK 7: Left and Right Curves

Hand Writing Skill
Guide children to identify and trace left and right curved lines.
Read the directions to the children. Have them trace each line in the top row with their finger.
Point out the dots in row 2. Have the children start at the dots on the top line and trace the lines in the row. Continue in this manner with rows 3 and 4.

WEEK 7: straight Lines + Curved Down (small r)

Hand Writing Skill
Write r on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small r. Then write r on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the middle line and move straight down to the bottom line.
Retrace up, curve right touching the middle line.
Stop just below the middle line.

Have children trace and write small r on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small r on row 3.

Have children point to small r and identify the animal at the picture/ flash card. (rabbit)

WEEK 7: Letter Qq

Hand Writing Skill
Write Qq on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital Q and small q. Then write Q on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin just below the top line and curve around to the left down to the bottom line.
Continue curving up and close at the starting point. Lift.
From inside the circle just above the bottom line, slant right down to the bottom line.

Have children point to the models of capital Q and small q. Have children identify the picture. (queen) Ask children to trace and write capital Q’s and small q’s.

Direct children to the last line and ask them to point to the exclamation mark. Have children read Quiet! with expression, then trace and write the letters.

WEEK 8: Scribbling

Hand Writing Skill
Writing of curves continues. Ask children to trace and write the lines in the rows. Remind them to start each line at the dot.

WEEK 8: straight Lines + Curved Down (small m)

Hand Writing Skill
Write m on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small m. Then write m on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the middle line and move straight down to the bottom line.Retrace up, curve right, touching the middle line, then move down to the bottom line.
Again, retrace up, curve right, touching the middle line, then move down to the bottom line.

Have children trace and write small m on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small m on row 3.

Have children trace the small m with a finger, then identify the animal whose name begins with the letter m. (monkey)

WEEK 8: Letter Rr

Hand Writing Skill
Write Rr on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital R and small r. Then write R on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift.
From the starting point, curve around to the right and close at the middle line.
Slant right down to the bottom line.

Have children point to capital R and small r and identify the animal at the top of the page. (rabbit) Tell children to trace and write each capital and each small r. Then read the sentence together and have children trace capital R in Ryan and small r in run.

As you walk around the room, check that children are writing capital R with two strokes and small r with one stroke.

WEEK 9: Scribbling continues

Hand Writing Skill
Writing of curves continues. Ask children to trace and write the lines in the rows. Remind them to start each line at the dot.

WEEK 9: straight Lines + Curved Down (small h)

Hand Writing Skill
Write h on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small h. Then write h on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line.
Retrace up, curve right, touching the middle line, then move down to the bottom line.

Have children trace and write small h on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small h on row 3.

Ask children to point to the models of small h. Point out that small h has a “hill.” Ask: “What animal can you ride whose name begins with the letter h?” (horse)

WEEK 9: Letter Ss

Hand Writing Skill
Write Ss on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital S and small s. Then write S on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin just below the top line.
Curve around left down to the middle line.
Curve around right down to the bottom line.
Curve up left and stop short.

Have children point to the models of capital S and small s. Ask: “What animal with a bushy tail begins with the letter s?” (squirrel) Say directions and have children trace and write the letters. Walk around the room, checking that they start at the dot.

Read the sentence in the last row. Have children trace the capital S and small s’s.






Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten

WEEK 1: Revision of 2nd term's work

WEEK 1: Revision of 2nd term's work

WEEK 1: Revision of 2nd term's work

WEEK 2: Combination of lines

Hand Writing Skill
Slanting strokes combined. Ask children to trace and write the lines in the rows. Remind them to start each line at the dot.

WEEK 2: straight Lines + Curved Down (small b)

Hand Writing Skill
Write b on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small b. Then write b on the guidelines as you say stroke directions. Have children echo you as you write b in the air and say:
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line.
Retrace up, then curve around to the right, touching the middle and bottom lines as you make a small circle.

Have children trace and write small b on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small b on row 3.

Ask: “What animal do you see in the picture whose name begins with the letter b?” (bear)

WEEK 2: Letter Tt

Hand Writing Skill
Write Tt on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital T and small t. Then write T on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down to the bottom line. Lift.
At the top line, move across from the left of the starting point to the right.

Have children point to the capital T at the top of the page and identify the animal whose name starts with the letter t (tiger) Then ask children to point to the small t in the box.

Have children trace and write capital T and small t as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the words in the last row to the children. Ask them to trace the capital T and small t.

WEEK 3: Combination of lines continues

Hand Writing Skill
Slanting strokes combined. Ask children to trace and write the lines in the rows. Remind them to start each line at the dot.

WEEK 3: straight Lines + Curved Down (small p)

Hand Writing Skill
Write p on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small p. Then write p on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the middle line and pull down straight through the bottom line to the top of the next row.
Retrace up; curve around to the right, touching the middle and bottom lines as you make a small circle.

Have children trace and write small p on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small p on row 3.

Have children name an object at the top of the page which begins with letter p, and is use for writting. (pen)

WEEK 3: Letter Uu

Hand Writing Skill
Write Uu on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital U and small u. Then write U on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move straight down.
Curve right, touch the bottom line, and continue up to the top line.

Have children point to and trace the capital U and small u. Identify the picture with the children. (umbrella) Ask children to write capital U’s and small u’s starting at the dots.

Read the words with the children. Then have them trace the letters.

WEEK 4: Combination of lines continues

Hand Writing Skill
Slanting strokes combined. Ask children to trace and write the lines in the rows. Remind them to start each line at the dot.

WEEK 4: Curved up + straight line (small y)

Hand Writing Skill
Write y on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small y. Then write Y on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the middle line; slant slightly to the left and down.
Just above the bottom line, curve right, touch the bottom line, and continue up to the middle line.
Retrace down, then continue through the bottom line to the top of the next row.
Curve up left and stop short.

Have children trace and write small y on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small y on row 3.

Have children point to the models of y and look at the cat. Ask: What does the cat do because it’s sleepy? (yawn)

WEEK 4: Letter Vv

Hand Writing Skill
Write Vv on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital V and small v. Then write V on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line.
Slant right and move down to the bottom line.
Slant right and move up to the top line.

Have children point to the capital V at the top of the page. Ask: “What musical instrument begins with the letter v?” (violin) Have children trace and write two rows of capital V.

Then ask children to point to the small v in the box. Remind children that small v begins at the middle line. Tell children to trace and write small v.

Have children complete the page by tracing capital V in the name Vinny and small v in the word van.

WEEK 5: Combination of lines continues

Hand Writing Skill
Writing of curves continues. Ask children to trace and write the lines in the rows. Remind them to start each line at the dot.

WEEK 5: Curved up + straight line (small u)

Hand Writing Skill
Write u on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small u. Then write U on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the middle line; slant left and down.
Just above the bottom line, curve right, touch the bottom line, and continue up to the middle line.
Retrace down to the bottom line stop short.

Have children trace and write small u on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small u on row 3.

Have children point to the small u. Identify the picture with the children. (umbrella)

WEEK 5: Letter Ww

Hand Writing Skill
Write Ww on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital W and small w. Then write W on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line; slant right down to the bottom line.
Slant right up to the top line.
Again, slant right down to the bottom line.
Slant right and move up to the top line.

Ask children to point to the letter models and the sea animal that begins with the letter w. (whale) Have children trace and write capital W and small w in each row and in the words Wiley and wet.


Hand Writing Skill
Ask children to trace and write the lines in the rows. Remind them to start each line at the dot.

WEEK 6: Point (Straight) lines (small v)

Hand Writing Skill
Write v on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small v. Then write v on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the middle line.
Slant right and move down to the bottom line.
Slant right and move up to the middle line.

Have children trace and write small v on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small v on row 3.

Have children point to the small v at the top of the picture. Ask: “What musical instrument begins with the letter v?” (violin).

WEEK 6: Letter Xx

Hand Writing Skill
Write Xx on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital X and small x. Then write X on the guidelines as you say stroke directions. Have children echo you as you write X in the air and say:
Begin at the top line.
Slant right down to the bottom line. Lift.
Touch the top line to the right of the starting point.
Slant left and cross the letter by moving down to the bottom line.

Direct children’s attention to the picture and have the animal identified. (fox) Explain that the word fox ends with the letter x. Ask children to point and trace capital X and small x in each box, then trace and write the letters, starting at the dots. Repeat stroke directions as needed.

Ask children to read the sentence with you. Have them point to the small x’s that they will trace and write.


Hand Writing Skill
Ask children to trace and write the lines in the rows. Remind them to start each line at the dot.

WEEK 7: Point (Straight) lines (small w)

Hand Writing Skill
Write w on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small w. Then write w on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the middle line; slant right down to the bottom line.
Slant right up to the middle line.
Again, slant right down to the bottom line.
Slant right up to the middle line.

Have children trace and write small w on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small w on row 3.

Ask children to point to the letter models and the sea animal that begins with the letter w. (whale)

WEEK 7: Letter Yy

Hand Writing Skill
Write Yy on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital Y and small y. Then write Y on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line; slant right and down to the middle line. Lift.
Touch the top line to the right of the starting point.
Slant left and down to the bottom line, touching the other line at the middle as you pass.

Have children point to the models of Y and y and look at the cat. Ask: What does the cat do because it’s sleepy? (yawn) Tell children to trace and write capital Y and small y.

In the last row, have children read the words and trace capital Y and small y in Yuri and yes.


Hand Writing Skill
Ask children to trace and write the lines in the rows. Remind them to start each line at the dot.

WEEK 8: Point (Straight) lines (small x)

Hand Writing Skill
Write x on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small x. Then write x on the guidelines as you say stroke directions. Have children echo you as you write x in the air and say:
Begin at the middle line and slant right down to the bottom line. Lift.
From the right of the starting point, slant left and cross the letter by moving down to the bottom line.

Have children trace and write small x on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small x on row 3.

Direct children’s attention to the picture and have the laboratory equipment identified. (x-ray) Explain that the word x-ray begins with the letter x.

WEEK 8: Letter Zz

Hand Writing Skill
Write Zz on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as capital Z and small z. Then write Z on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the top line and move across from left to right.
Slant left down to the bottom line.
At the bottom line, move across from left to right.

Ask: “What animal begins with the letter z and is white with black stripes?” (zebra) Direct children to point to capital Z and trace it by following the arrows. Then have them trace and write the other capital Z’s. Repeat for small z.

Observe children to make sure they begin at the dot and move to the right. This will help them slant the following stroke in the correct direction.

Read the sentence in the last row with children. Have children trace the letters.


Hand Writing Skill
Ask children to trace and write the lines in the rows. Remind them to start each line at the dot.

WEEK 9: Point (Straight) lines (small z)

Hand Writing Skill
Write z on the chalkboard and have the letter names identified as small z. Then write z on the guidelines as you say stroke directions.
Begin at the middle line and move across from left to right.
Slant left down to the bottom line.
At the bottom line, move across from left to right.

Have children trace and write small z on row 2 as you say the stroke directions. Remind them to begin at the dot and follow the arrows. Read the. Ask them to copy small z on row 3.

Ask: “What animal begins with the letter z and is white with black stripes?” (zebra).

WEEK 9: Review aA - zZ

Hand Writing Skill
Write a - z, A - Z on the chalkboard. Say the stroke directions for each letter and call on children to point to the letter you describe.

Have children trace and write the letters. When they have completed the page, ask them to look over their letters and circle their best capital letter and best small letter.







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Facts about Teachers

● ● ● Teachers Are Great No Controversy.

● ● ● Teachers are like candles, they burn themselves to light others.

● ● ● Teachers don't teach for the money.

● ● ● Every great mind was once taught by some brilliant teachers.

● ● ● Teachers are the second parents we have.

● ● ● If you can write your name, thank your teacher.

Teaching slogans

● ● ● Until the learner learns the teacher has not taught.

● ● ● I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and know.

● ● ● The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.