Introduction to literature

Concept of Literature

Subject: Literature-in-English

Theme: Introduction to literature

Topic: Concept of Literature

Sub Topic:

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Class: S.S 1

Average Age: 14 years and above

Duration: 35 Minutes

No of Learners: 40

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:

Explain the Historical Development of Literature:

The word "Literature" comes from the Latin word "litera," meaning written or printed material. In ancient times, literature was mainly oral and often involved storytelling, singing, and dancing. These early forms of expression were thought to be inspired by divine beings. For example, in Greek culture, the Muses were goddesses believed to inspire art, music, and literature. Similarly, in African traditions, the Griot was a storyteller, singer, and poet who played a key role in preserving the oral history and culture of their people.

The transition from oral to written literature began with the invention of writing. This development allowed literary works to be recorded and passed down through generations, marking the beginning of written literature. Both oral and written forms of literature coexist today, with examples such as folktales, riddles, proverbs, novels, and plays.

Define Literature:

- Etymologically, the origin of literature states it derives from the adjective “Literate” which means to read and write. In its widest sense, it means everything written in every discipline. But the literature in this context is the one that concerns itself with creative or imaginative writings.
A literature writer is called a Litterateur while a small group of people in a society who knows a lot about literature is known as Literati.

- Literature is defined as books and other written works, especially those considered having creative or artistic merit or lasting value.

- Literature is any collection of written work, but it is also used more narrowly for writings specifically considered to be an art form, especially prose fiction, drama, poetry, and including both print and digital writing. (Details in students’ notes)

- Literature refers to written or spoken artistic compositions, especially those with a focus on imagination and creativity. It includes various genres like novels, poems, plays, and short stories, which reflect and interpret human experiences. Literature is a product of the writer's imagination and helps readers to see the world from different perspectives. It serves as a mirror of human life, offering insight into the complexities of existence.

List Types of literature & explain them:

Literature can be divided into two broad types – Fiction and Non-Fiction.

An unreal story invented by someone. It is created by the writer with a view to eliciting literary reactions from readers. A writer of fiction may borrow a leaf from real life events, tweak the details up and subsequently add some imaginary characters in order to make it real and plausible.
The direct opposite of fictitious literature. Non-fictions are books, journals, novels, poems, plays, and article that center on real facts or events not borne out of imagination.

Literature can also be divided into two other broad types – written and oral literature.

Written Literature:
This includes works that have been written down, such as novels, poems, and plays. It is the most common form in modern times, as writing allows for the preservation and distribution of literary works.
Oral Literature:
This form includes spoken or performed literature, such as folktales, riddles, songs, and proverbs. Oral literature was especially important in ancient times and is still practiced in many cultures today.

List and explain Characteristics of Literature:

i. Fictional and Non-fictional: Literature can either be based on real events (non-fiction) or entirely invented (fiction).
ii. Aesthetic: Literature is written with attention to artistic beauty and style.
iii. Affective: It often evokes emotions and engages the reader on a deep, personal level.
iv. Expressive: Literature is a form of self-expression, where authors convey their thoughts, emotions, and ideas.
v. Language-based: It uses words as its primary medium, relying on the power of language to create meaning and effect.

List and explain the Sources of Literature:

Literature takes its source from:
These are traditional stories that take their roots from the culture of a particular group of people. It is usually a fictitious but elaborate story accepted by people and transmitted from one generation to another through the medium of speech. Folklore consists of folkheroes. These are persons admired by people in a particular society, because of their alleged positive and long time influence on their people and society at large. FOLKDANCE: Is a kind of traditional dance from a particular area. The folkdance is usually done by a folkdancer. FOLKMUSIC is a traditional music that has been played by ordinary people in a particular area for a long time. It is a style of popular music in which people sing and play with the aid of traditionally made guitars without any electronic equipment.
Festivals are occasions where there are performances of many films, plays and piece of music. Festival is a period in a year, regularly marked out for public gaiety and feasting. It is also a special occasion when people celebrate something such as religious events, and it is usually associated most often with a public holiday. Festival consists of traditional ceremonies which reveal the culture and tradition of the people.
This is a ceremony that is always performed in the same way in order to mark an important religious or social occasion. It is also a form of religious obligation performed with the sole mission of appeasing traditional gods and deities.
This is an idea or story that many people believe which may or may not be true. It is also an ancient story, especially those ones invented in order to explain natural or historical events. Myth is also an imaginary story of gods, heroes, heroines and supernatural beings which the society holds in high esteem. This form of story is usually rendered orally.
An old, well known story, often centred on adventure of brave people, or magical events. A legend could mean someone who is famous and admired for being extremely good at doing something.
This is poetry done by word of mouth. That is, it is rendered orally. The purpose is to praise an event, individual or society for great deeds. Poems under this are known as praise poem or panegyric.
Songs are lyrics or beats with the words designed to entertain people. Songs can be done with or without use of musical instrument.
We can explain that these are deep words or expressions used to perform rituals or communicate to spiritual forces. Deep words or languages employed to change the atmosphere spiritually.

List and explain Functions of Literature:

Literature is the study of man; his feelings or emotions; his needs; his relationships to his society; his contractions within himself and his community and his responses to all these aspects. Hence, the function of literature is to discuss all these aspects and whole human relationships:
To Educate People:
Literature educates by teaching readers about different cultures, life lessons, and human behaviors. It broadens our understanding of the world and other people.
Literature teaches people on existing social, political and economic systems. For after seeing the movie “Citation”, what is the movie teaching you today?
To Entertain People:
Literature entertains by providing readers with enjoyable stories, poetry, and drama. It helps to create a pleasurable mood and often offers an escape from reality.
Literature as an art form gives those entertainments that appeal to human lives and evoke pleasure for the readers. Even though we live in the digital age with all forms of entertainment at our fingertips, a lot of people still enjoy reading books to entertain themselves.
To Express People’s Culture:
Literature preserves and transmits cultural values, traditions, and beliefs. It allows people to learn about their own heritage as well as that of others.
Literature like language is an element of culture. It expresses people’s life and culture they have from one generation to another. For example, after reading “Things Fall Apart”, what culture is conveyed in the story?
Reflection of Human Existence:
Literature reflects the realities of human life, relationships, and experiences. Through stories and characters, it provides insight into the human condition. Language Development: Literature enriches our use of language, introducing new vocabulary, phrases, and ways of thinking.
Emotional Growth:
By connecting with characters and stories, readers gain a deeper understanding of their own emotions and those of others.
Moral Guidance:
Many literary works explore themes of right and wrong, helping readers to think about ethical decisions and moral values.
Global Awareness:
Literature brings together diverse perspectives, making the world a global village by sharing knowledge and experiences from different parts of the world.

Differentiate between English Literature and Literature-in-English:
To some, Literature-in-English refers to the same as English Literature. Though it may not be entirely a false perception, it is subtly different from English literature. English literature refers to the literary works written in Great Britain and British colonies whereas literature in English refers to literary works from all over the world written in any other language.


Literature focuses on the study of literary texts, developing students as independent, innovative and creative learners and thinkers who appreciate the aesthetic use of language, evaluate perspectives and evidence, and challenge ideas and interpretations.

Prerequisite/ Previous knowledge:

Storyings, songs, history etc.

Learning Resources:

A chart board.

Reference Materials:

J.O.J. Nwachukwu et al: Exam Focus: Literature-in-English 2021-2025
Tony Duru: Standard Literature-in-English

Lesson Development:

full class session (5mins)
Through question and answer with an instructional resources teacher guides the learners to explain the historical development of literature. The students explain the historical development of literature, In ancient times, literature was mainly oral and often involved storytelling, singing, and dancing. The transition from oral to written literature began with the invention of writing. This development allowed literary works to be recorded and passed down through generations, marking the beginning of written literature. Both oral and written forms of literature coexist today Learner’s entry points.
Step 1.
Group Work (5 mins)
The teacher guides the learners to form four groups and asks them to choose their leaders and secretaries. Learners choose their group leaders and secretaries. Inculcating leadership skills, competitive spirit, cooperation, teamwork and a sense of responsibility among learners.
5mins. Individual
Identification of prior ideas.
The teacher asks the students to define Literature-in-English. The students contribute by defining Literature-in-English as the use of well-chosen words to tell a story through narrative, involving characters in conflict, or to express an emotion or idea through artfully arranged images.

Literature is defined as books and other written works, especially those considered having creative or artistic merit or lasting value.
Being able to define Literature-in-English
Teacher guide learners to list and explain types of literature. The learners list and explain types of literature.
Literature can be divided into two broad types. These are fiction and non fiction.

FICTION Is a story invented by someone, it is not real. It is the creation of the writer with the aim of eliciting literary reactions from readers. It is a story that centres on imaginary people and events. A writer of fiction may take a story line from real event, and people and then change some details about them and subsequently add some imaginary characters in order to make it real and plausible (e.g.) Purple Hibiscus.

NON-FICTION This is the direct opposite of fictitious literature. Non-fictions are books, journals, novels, plays, poems and articles that centre on real facts or events which were not created or imagined (e.g.) Women of Owu.

Literature can also be grouped as:
Written Literature: This includes works that have been written down, such as novels, poems, and plays. It is the most common form in modern times, as writing allows for the preservation and distribution of literary works.

Oral Literature: This form includes spoken or performed literature, such as folktales, riddles, songs, and proverbs. Oral literature was especially important in ancient times and is still practiced in many cultures today.
Types of literature
With the use of instructional materials and hint, the teacher asks students to list and explain characteristic of literature. The students list and explain the characteristic of literature from chart
i. Fictional and Non-fictional: Literature can either be based on real events (non-fiction) or entirely invented (fiction).
ii. Aesthetic: Literature is written with attention to artistic beauty and style.
iii. Affective: It often evokes emotions and engages the reader on a deep, personal level.
iv. Expressive: Literature is a form of self-expression, where authors convey their thoughts, emotions, and ideas.
v. Language-based: It uses words as its primary medium, relying on the power of language to create meaning and effect
Collaboration among group members, manipulation of characteristic of literacture.
The teacher groups and guide students to enumerate sources of literature Students in their various groups enumerate sources of literature

Poetry, myth, folktale, songs, incantation

Poetry: Understand poetry is as old as man, our forefathers used poetry in various forms; proverbs, rituals, incantation and dance.

Myth: These are false belief about a legend or story that usually interprets natural forces in terms of gods or heroes.

Folktale: These are ancient stories told about animals at moonlight, It could also be called folklore. There are stories told usually from one generation to another. The essence is to teach morals.

Songs are lyrics or beats with the words designed to entertain people. Songs can be done with or without use of musical instrument.

Incantation: We can explain that these are deep words or expressions used to perform rituals or communicate to spiritual forces. Deep words or languages employed to change the atmosphere spiritually.
Group discussion to enumerate sources of literature
5 mins
The teachers allow some contributions from students to mention functions of literature. Some students attempt to mention functions of literature
i. Literature helps to improve knowledge.
ii. It helps to sustain our cultural heritage.
iii. Literature encourages creativity.
iv. It helps to shape our communication skills.
v. It gives the students intellectual prowess.
Functions of literature.
The teacher asks the students questions.
i. Define literature in your own language.
ii. Enumerate four sources of literature.
iii. Mention three functions or purpose of literature.
Learners expected respond:
i. Literature is defined as books and other written works, especially those considered having creative or artistic merit or lasting value.

MYTH: is an imaginary story of gods, heroes, heroines and supernatural beings which the society holds in high esteem. This form of story is usually rendered orally.

LEGEND: An old, well known story, often centred on adventure of brave people, or magical events. A legend could mean someone who is famous and admired for being extremely good at doing something.

ORAL POETRY: This is poetry done by word of mouth. That is, it is rendered orally. The purpose is to praise an event, individual or society for great deeds. Poems under this are known as praise poem or panegyric.

SONGS: Songs are lyrics or beats with the words designed to entertain people. Songs can be done with or without use of musical instrument.

iii. To Educate People

To Entertain People

To Express People’s Culture
Asking the learners questions to assess the achievement of the set objectives.
ASSIGNMENT The teacher gives learners take home
1. What is the origin of the word “Literature”?
2. Mention two forms of literature.
3. Give one characteristic of literature.
4. State one function of literature.
5. Write down one example of oral literature.
6. Define literature in your own words.
7. Explain the difference between written literature and oral literature.
8. List and briefly describe three functions of literature.
9. Give two examples each of written and oral literature.
10. Write a short paragraph (5-6 sentences) about your favorite story or folktale and what lesson you learned from it.
The learners copy the assignment Better understanding of literature
Teachers wrap up from the learners' contribution. The students listen to the teacher and copy down notes. Consolidating and harmonizing scientific concepts.

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● ● ● Teachers Are Great No Controversy.

● ● ● Teachers are like candles, they burn themselves to light others.

● ● ● Teachers don't teach for the money.

● ● ● Every great mind was once taught by some brilliant teachers.

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● ● ● If you can write your name, thank your teacher.

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● ● ● Until the learner learns the teacher has not taught.

● ● ● I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and know.

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