Two (2) 'A' Level passes chosen from relevant subjects. | Five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including English Language. | Any three (3) subjects. |
(i) IBADAN requires two (2) 'A' Level passes/ NCE merit in Pre-Primary/Primary Education plus one (1) approved teaching subject. | (i) IBADAN - Same as in Special Education. | (i) EKSU requires one (1) subject each from Arts or Social Sciences and Sciences. | |
(ii) DELSU accepts NCE with merit and above in Education and a teaching subject or Merit in DELSU Diploma in Nursery and Primary Education. | (ii) EKSU requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language and 'O' Level pass in Mathematics at one (1) sitting. | (ii) IAUED requires English Language, Mathematics and any other two (2) subjects. For Primary Education Studies, IAUED accepts English Language, Mathematics and any other two subjects. |
(iii) UYO and ABSU accept NCE merit in relevant programmes plus the UTME requirements. BSU? plus a pass in 'O' Level Mathematics. | (iii) TASUED does not require 'O' Level credit in Mathematics. | (iii) KWASU requires Mathematics and any other two (2) subjects. | |
(iv) EDALV - No admission by UTME. | (iv) LAGOS require Five O/Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and any three subjects. | (iv) BENIN accepts any three (3) subjects from Social Sciences/Arts/ third (3rd) subject may or may not be Science subject. | |
(v) OOU accepts NCE merit in Nursery and Primary Education. | (v) KWASU requires 'O' Level credit passes in Mathematics, one Science subject and two (2) other subjects. | (v) LAGOS accepts any three (3) subjects. | |
(vi) EKSU accepts NCE merit in Biology and Health Education or Integrated Science plus the UTME requirements. In addition, EKSU accepts PHE at upper credit level plus the UTME requirements. | (vi) BENIN requires five (5)'O' Level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics and Arts subject and any Science subject. Teachers Certificate Grade II merit. | (vi) DELSU accepts any three (3) subjects. | |
(vii) ILORIN accepts; a) At least two (2) A Level passes in GCE/IJMB or equivalent to include at least one Teaching subject in Art/Social Science/ Science subjects. b) NCE in Primary Education or other specializations with at least one teaching subject in Arts/ Social Science/ Science subjects. |
(vii) JOS requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes at not more than two (2) sittings, including English Language, Biology/Health Science and 'O' Level pass in Mathematics | (vii) ILORIN requires any three (3) Arts/ Social Science/ Science subjects three subject from (a) Arts (b) Social Science and (C) Science. | |
(viii) TASUED accepts two (2) 'A' Level passes/NCE merit/credit in Primary Education Studies plus one (1) approved teaching subject. | (viii) ABUJA requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes or its equivalent to include Mathematics, English Language and three (3) other relevant Arts/Social Sciences subjects. | (viii) LAGOS requires English Language and any three subjects. | |
(ix) KWASU requires two (2) 'A' Level passes/IJMB or their equivalents, one (1) of which must be in relevant subject and teaching subjects in the secondary school system plus the UTME requirements. | (ix) LAGOS requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and any three (3) subjects. | (ix) PHC requires Any three (3) subjects from French, Literature in English, History/Government, CRK/IRK, Economics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Physics, Igbo/Hausa/Yoruba, Fine Art, Geography, Commerce, Accounting. | |
(x) BENIN accepts NCE, IJMB plus five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including English Language and 'O' Level pass in Mathematics. a. NCE merit plus the UTME requirements b. good passes in two (2) subjects at one (1) sitting at 'A' Level or HSC c. ND upper credit plus the UTME requirements. |
(x) DELSU requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including English Language, Mathematics and any three (3) of Arts/Social Science/Science subjects. | ||
(xi) LAGOS accepts NCE credit/merit in: Primary Education Studies and any teaching subject. Very good passes in three JUPEB subjects in Arts, Sciences or Social Sciences. Three 'A' Level passes in relevant subjects in Arts, Sciences and Social Sciences. | (xi) IAUED requires five (5) 'O' Level credits including English Language and Mathematics. For Primary Education Studies, IAUED accepts SSCE/GCE O'Level with credit in 5 subjects which must include English Language and Mathematics Or TCII certificate with credit or merit in 3 subjects but credit/merit are required in English Language and Mathematics. |
(xii) ABUJA accepts two (2)'A' Level passes in relevant subjects/NCE; minimum 10 points in addition to UTME requirements. | (xii) ILORIN requires five (5) 'O' level credit passes in GCE/SSCE/TC II or equivalent to include English Language, Mathematics and any three (3) other Arts/Social Science/ Science Vocational subjects. | ||
(xiii) PHC- For Primary Education Studies accepts Two (2) Advanced level GCE or HSC or JUPEB or IJMB passes in the relevant subjects including UTME entry requirements. NCE with Credit Passes in the relevant subjects from recognized institutions in addition to UTME entry requirements.For Early Childhood Education accepts Two (2) Advanced level GCE or HSC or JUPEB or IJMB passes in the relevant subjects in addition to UTME entry requirements.NCE with Credit Passes in the relevant subjects from recognized Institutions in addition to UTME entry requirements. | (x) PHC- For Primary Education Studies requires Five (5) SSC credits in English Language and any other four (4) subjects from French, Literature in English, History/Government, CRK/IRK, Economics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Physics, Igbo/Hausa/Yoruba, Fine Art, Geography, Commerce, Accounting .For Early Childhood Education requires Five (5) SSC credits in English Language and any other four (4) subjects from French, Literature in English, History/Government, CRK/IRK, Economics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Physics, Igbo/Hausa/Yoruba, Fine Art, Geography, Commerce, Accounting. | ||
(xiv) IAUED accepts three (3) 'A' level passes chosen from relevant subjects. For Primary Education Studies, IAUED accepts Merits or credits in 3 subjects areas in NCE, GCE A'Levels, OND etc. A minimum of 5 O'Level credit passes in not more than 2 sittings BUT no subject shall be counted at both the ordinary and Advance O'Levels. |