Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Arts, Social Sciences or Science subjects. Five (5) SSC credit passes to include English Language and Arts subjects. Literature in English and two (2) other relevant subjects.
(i) ABU accepts Two 'A' level passes in English, Performing Arts, Journalism, Mass Communication, Creative Arts, Music and Dance, Literature in English, or any Nigerian Language at IJMB/ NCE, or a minimum of Merit at Diploma. Candidates with Diploma must also possess pass in Literature in English. General English/Use of English at NCE satisfies' O' level English requirement. (i) NFI-DEG, BOWEN, PLASU, KSU and IBADAN require five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Literature in English and other subjects from Arts or Social Sciences. (i) ABU requires Literature in English and other relevant subjects.
(ii) ABUJA accepts:

(a) a minimum of ten (10) points in NCE or ND upper credit in addition to the UTME requirements OR two (2) 'A' Level passes including Literature in English and one other Arts subject.

(b) NCE merit or ND upper credit in Theatre Arts with four (4) 'O' Level credit passes.
(ii) ABUJA requires five (5) credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Literature in English and any other two (2) subjects. (ii) BENIN accepts any two (2) Arts Subjects and another subject.
(iii) BENIN requires two (2) 'A' Level passes in GCE or HSC or its equivalent in any two (2)Arts subjects. It accepts NCE merit in Music from a recognised institution. (iii) BENIN requires Literature in English and one Arts subject. (iii) FED-OYE EKITI requires any Language and two (2) other subjects.
(iv) BOWEN, OAU, BENIN and DELSU require 'A' Level pass in Literature in English. (iv) FED-OYE EKITI requires five (5) credits passes at SSC (or its equivalent) including English Language and Literature in English plus at least a Pass in Mathematics. (iv) FED-OYEEKITI, NDU, ILORIN, and LASU require another Arts subject plus any Arts or Social Science subject. ILORIN accepts Science subject.
(v) CALABAR accepts:

a) ND credit in Mass Communication.

b) ND in Mass Communication, Business Management, or Statistics from reputable institutions.
(v) ILORIN accepts ABRSM Grade V and above (Music Theory) or equivalent certificate in lieu of 'O' Level credit pass in Literature in English. (v) NDU and IBADAN accept any three (3) subjects.
(vi) DELSU accepts

a) NCE (Merit and above in Theatre Arts or Drama.

b) Diploma (Upper Credit and above) in related Arts, (English & Literary Studies, Music, Fine and Applied Arts and Mass Communication) may be admitted into the Direct Entry Programme.

c) Two (2) A level passes one of which must be in Literature in English in addition to UTME requirement.
(vi) JOS, Fine Arts is not compulsory. (vi) OAU requires Literature in English plus another Arts subject and any other subject.
(vii) JOS accept certificate in Drama, Theatre Arts - Mass Communication and Music. 'A' Level passes to include Literature in English, plus the UTME requirements. (vii) KWASU, JOS, UYO, BSU, IMSU and CALABAR require 'O' Level credit pass in Literature in English. (vii) OOU requires Literature in English and two (2) other relevant subjects.
(viii) FED-OYE EKITI accepts two (2) 'A' Level passes or NCE in two (2) arts subjects and Diploma in Theatre Arts or Mass Communications. (viii) LASU, UNIZIK and ILORIN accept five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language and Literature in English plus any other Arts/Social Science subjects. (viii) REDEEMER'S requires any two (2) Arts subjects and Literature in English.
(ix) ILORIN requires 'A' Level candidates to posses English Language and Literature in English at 'O' Level credit passes. (ix) NDU requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Literature in English and any other three (3) subjects. Two (2) of which must be Arts subjects. (ix) UNN requires Literature in English and two (2) subjects from either Arts or Social Sciences.
(x) PHC accepts A/level passes in GCE or HSC or IJMB or JUPEB in two (2) Art or Social Science subjects including UTME entry requirements (x) OAU requires Five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in English Language, Literature in English plus one Arts subject and any other two (2) subjects. (x) DELSU requires Literature in English and two (2) others in Arts and Social Science subjects.
(xi) JOS and NFI-DEG accept 'A' Level/IJMB pass in two (2) or three (3) 'A' Level passes and other certificates in Drama, Mass Communication, Journalism with three (3) 'O' Level credit passes in relevant subjects including Literature in English. (xi) OOU requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Literature in English and Arts subjects. (xi) BAYERO requires English Literature and two (2) subjects from Arts.
(xii) KWASU accepts:

a) Two (2) 'A' Level passes in Arts and one Social Science subject.

b) ND upper credit in visual or Theatre Arts. NCE merit in English language, Literature in English and any Arts subject.

c) NCE merit in music and any other Arts subject.
(xii) PHC requires Five (5) O Level Credits in English Language, Literature in English and any other three (3) subjects from History/Government, CRK/IRK, Economics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Physics, Igbo/Hausa/Yoruba, Fine Art, Geography, Commerce. (xii) PHC requires Literature in English and any other two (2) subjects from History/Government, CRK/IRK, Economics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Physics, Igbo/Hausa/Yoruba, Fine Art, Geography, Commerce.
(xiii) LASU accepts:

a) NCE merit in Theatre/Performing/Creative or Communication Arts of recognised institutions plus five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language at not more than two (2) sittings.

b) A recognized certificate in Dramatic Arts plus one other certificate in the Humanities from a recognized Institution or 'A' Level pass in any other subject plus five (5) 'O' Level credit passes including English Language.
(xiii) REDEEMER'S requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Literature in English, one other Arts subject and 'O' Level pass in Mathematics. (xiii) KASU requires Literature in English and two other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.
(xiv) NDU accepts 'A' Level pass in Literature in English or NCE merit, and in one other Arts subject, Fine and Industrial Arts or Theatre Arts. (xiv) UNN requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes in subjects to include English language, Literature in English, and one Science subject. (xiv) RSUST requires English Language, Literature in English, Government and Christian Religious Knowledge.
(xv) OAU accepts two (2) 'A' Level passes to include Literature in English or Yoruba. (xv) UYO does not require 'O' Level credit pass in Fine Arts.
(xvi) OOU accepts two (2) 'A' Level passes in Arts, Social Sciences or Science subjects. Also accepts ND upper credit and NCE merit in Theatre/Performing/Creative/Communication/Music/ Fine and Applied Arts and other relevant progammes from recognised Institutions. (xvi) DELSU requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes at SSC or its equivalent which may include Mathematics, English Language, Literature in English and three other subjects in Arts and Social Science.
(xvii) PLASU accepts:

a) Degree in any programme provided the candidate meets 'the UTME requirements.

b) HND lower credit in relevant programme, with the UTME requirements.

c) ND lower credit in relevant programme, with the UTME requirements.

d) IJMB seven (7) points in relevant subjects alongside the UTME requirements.
(xvii) AAUA requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Literature in English and any two other Arts subjects.
(xviii) REDEEMERS requires Literature in English and any other Arts subject. (xviii) LCITY requires five (5) 'O' Level credit passes at SSC or its equivalent to include English Language and any other four (4) subjects.
(xix) UNN accepts:

(a) ND/NCE either in Theatre Arts or any other relevant subjects or 'A' Level pass in Literature in English.

(b) ND in Mass Communication, Fine and Applied Arts, Electrical/Elect. Engineering, Music, Management and other relevant program, plus the UTME requirements.
(xix) BAYERO requires five (5) SSCE credit passes to include English Language, English Literature and any other Language, and at least one other Art subject.
(xx) UYO accepts ND upper credit, HND lower credit and NCE merit in any relevant programme/subjects plus the UTME requirements. (xx) ABU requires Five 'O' level credit passes to include Literature in English and English Language, and any other Arts or Social Science subjects.
(xxi) OOU will conduct audition before selection. (xxi) FED-LAFIA requires Five (5) Credit passes at SSCE, GCE, NECO and NABTEB O' Level examination including English Language, Literature in English, Mathematics and two other relevant subjects in not more than two sittings.
(xxii) BAYERO requires two (2) 'A' level passes in Language and any other one Arts subject. (xxii) RSUST requires Five (5) WASC/GCE/SSCE/NECO 'O'level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics and any three (3) other subject from Arts, Social Science and Sciences.
(xxiii) FED-LAFIA accepts In addition to the UTME requirements, DE Candidates must have any of the following: 2 GCE (Advanced Level) lower credit passes or its equivalent. Merit pass at the NCE level and Diploma at Lower credit in Theatre Arts, Creative Arts, Journalism, Mass Communication, Music, Dance or Fine Arts. In rare circumstances, considerations could be given to applicants who are established professional artistes (choreographers, instrumentalists, performers in various fields of Theatre and talented Folk Artistes). IJMB: Minimum of 9 points (xxiii) KASU requires Five 'O' level credit passes to include English Language, Mathematics, Literature in English and two other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.
(xxiv) KASU- For Theatre Arts Two 'A' passes to include Literature in English and one other Arts subjects merit pass including English provided they merit 'O' Level requirements. ND/HND Upper credit in related field and IJMB 7 points and above.
(xxv) RSUST accepts Admission into Year Ill; Degree relevant to the Programme. HND (Upper Credit) relevant to the Programme from a recognized Institution. Admission to Year II;(OND/ND (Upper Credit) relevant to the discipline. HND (Lower Credit) relevant to the Programme. In addition, all such candidates above must also satisfy the U.M.E. entry requirements.

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Facts about Teachers

● ● ● Teachers Are Great No Controversy.

● ● ● Teachers are like candles, they burn themselves to light others.

● ● ● Teachers don't teach for the money.

● ● ● Every great mind was once taught by some brilliant teachers.

● ● ● Teachers are the second parents we have.

● ● ● If you can write your name, thank your teacher.

Teaching slogans

● ● ● Until the learner learns the teacher has not taught.

● ● ● I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and know.

● ● ● The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.