ASEI PDSI Lesson Plan

Lesson Note on Essay Writing

Subject: English Language

Theme: Essay Writing

Topic: Argumentative Writing

Sub Topic: Infusing Narrative & Reflective Elements in Argumentative Writing

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Class: S.S.S 3

Duration: 35 Minutes

No of Learners: 30

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
  1. Infuse personal voice in their writing to improve the persuasiveness of their writing and self-expression.


A shift towards expository rather than narrative writing has been observed in the new GCE ‘O’ Level English Language examination syllabus. Therefore, there is a need to teach our students the necessary skills and strategies for them to express their opinions and arguments effectively. Most of our students show a positive attitude and interest towards argumentative writing but their essays are often flat, disengaged pieces of writing where arguments are simply stated and seldom argued. Thus this lesson will help students infuse their voice in their writing so that their essays would be more authentic and persuasive.

Target Skills:

  • Expository
  • Writing
  • Argumentative

Prerequisite/ Previous knowledge:

Students have heard of the acronym PEEL for essays and have written one for a while.

E.g. Should infants be given iPads?

  • POINT: Infants should not be given iPads, because studies show children under two can face developmental delays if they are exposed to too much screen time.
  • EVIDENCE/EXAMPLE: A recent paediatric study showed that infants who are exposed to too much screen time may experience delays in speech development.
  • EXPLANATION: The reason infants are facing these delays is that screen time is replacing other key developmental activities.
  • LINK: The evidence suggests that infants who have a lot of screen time experience negative consequences in their speech development, and therefore they should not be exposed to iPads at such a young age.

Learning Materials:

PEEL Template, Journal.

Reference Materials:

New Oxford Secondary English Course SSS 3 By Ayo Banjo et al.
New Concept English for Senior Secondary School 3 (Revised Edition) by F. Ademola-Adeoye & others.

Lesson Development:

INTRODUCTION: Pre-lesson (conducted before study lesson)
full class session (5 mins).
Lead-in activity.

The Teacher asks students about their views regarding school uniforms, why school uniforms are necessary.
Teacher to encourage vibrant brainstorm of ideas and facilitate students’ participation.

Students may give responses like “identify students from a school”, “make sure everyone is the same”.

Learner’s entry points.

Students can apply the structure of PEEL correctly when planning their paragraphs.

The teacher gives the class a prompt (It is said that school uniform gives pupils a sense of identity and encourages good discipline. Do you agree?) and gets students to discuss their views with their peers'.
Teacher to ensure that students engage in active discussion or debate with their peers and arrive at their own opinion.

Students who agree may say their uniforms are unique and so help identify others of the school they are from, or that they will be more mindful of their behaviour when in uniform. Students who disagree may say that they don’t like the uniform and so don't like to be associated with the school.

Students are enthusiastic to speak up and give suggestions

The teacher goes through a recap of the 5 paragraph structure for expository writing and PEEL format for paragraphs.
Teacher to give further examples of P, E, E, L for students to reinforce what PEEL is about.

Students recall what they understand by the PEEL structure: The main point, elaborate, evidence and link.

In groups of 4, students construct 2 PEEL paragraphs (one on the sense of identity and one on good discipline) and submit them to the teacher.
Teacher to explain that the P is one of the reasons for them agreeing or disagreeing that school uniforms inculcates discipline and instils belonging.

Students may not be clear about what PEEL when attempting to write about school uniforms. They may put P as the question about school uniforms.

Students form their own opinion on whether they agree or disagree with the topic

30 mins.
Development and Grouping

(Before the start of the lesson, The Teacher choose one group's body paragraph - preferably one of the better ones and put it up on word document/ powerpoint slides)
Teacher to give affirmation and compliment students for their good effort.

Students should feel that teacher is giving them relevant feedback. They might be curious about the owner of the work.

The Teacher show class the student group's paragraph on the sense of identity and ask them to critique / comment.
Teacher to validate the ride on students' opinions while teaching the strategies for writing a good body paragraph.

Students express their opinion on whether they like the paragraph or not and the reason why.

The Teacher then shows how this paragraph can be improved. For each student's sentence, The Teacher demonstrates how it can be rewritten for improvement. (teach students to avoid repeating question-wording, use pronoun 'I' when starting opinion, use strong evocative words to express attitude and opinion, provide anecdotal evidence to support topic sentence).
Teacher to validate students own creation.

Students to copy the recommendations made by the teacher.

Teacher to monitor group activity in the classroom and clarify or render help if necessary. In groups, students work on improving the 2nd body paragraph about school uniforms inculcating identity in students.
Collaboratively, students engage in active discussion to recall and apply what they just learnt into a piece of group writing.
Group can complete elaborating a paragraph based on the techniques taught earlier.

The Teacher to model how 2nd body paragraph can be improved.

Individually, students can copy the teacher's model answer or improve on their group work.


The teacher asks the students to work on their body paragraph about school uniforms and good discipline.
Teacher to monitor individual writing in the classroom and clarify or render help if necessary.

Students then try to follow the strategies and improve another paragraph individually (based on good discipline)

“School uniforms encourage good discipline because the students who wear the uniform try not to misbehave and do anything bad in public. When the students wear the uniform, they are reminded that they are representing their school and that anything they do, the public will see and report to the school or base the students’ misbehaviour on the school. If a student from the school wears the school uniform, while another from the same school did not, and they both committed a crime, the public will first inform the school about the boy in the uniform. Therefore, I think school uniforms encourage good discipline as students do not wish to disgrace their whole school in public.”

“I agree to a great extent that school uniforms encourage good discipline. Whenever I wear my school uniform in public, I feel like a representative of Clementi Town Secondary School. Whether I do a good or bad deed, the public will recognise me as a student of the school and judge all other Clementeens to be the same as me. I do not want the public to assume that CTSS is a bad school with bad behaving students because of me, as that would make me feel extremely guilty. Therefore, whenever I wear my school uniform, I must remember to always be on my best behaviour.”

Individuals can complete elaborating a paragraph based on the techniques taught earlier

The teacher poses the question:
What have we learnt in this lesson?
Pupils respond giving their views;
We have learnt how to write Argumentative Writing using the PEEL technique.
Consolidating and Improving their level of understanding of Argumentative Writing.

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Facts about Teachers

● ● ● Teachers Are Great No Controversy.

● ● ● Teachers are like candles, they burn themselves to light others.

● ● ● Teachers don't teach for the money.

● ● ● Every great mind was once taught by some brilliant teachers.

● ● ● Teachers are the second parents we have.

● ● ● If you can write your name, thank your teacher.

Teaching slogans

● ● ● Until the learner learns the teacher has not taught.

● ● ● I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and know.

● ● ● The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.