Lesson Note and Plan on English Language

Parts of the Body

Subject: Enlish Language

Theme: Listening & Speaking

Topic: Parts of the Body

Sub Topic: Parts of the Body

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Class: Basic 1

Duration: 35 Minutes

No of Learners: 30

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
  1. Identify, touch & mention the parts of the body.

    • Parts of the Body

  2. Pronounce the parts of the body correctly by bleeding the sound made by the teacher to form a word.

    1. /h/ /e/ /d/ = head
    2. /ʃ/ /ə/ /ʊ/ /l/ /d/ /ə/ (r) that is the r is voiceless, hence, /ʃ/ /ə/ /ʊ/ /l/ /d/ /ə/ = shoulder
    3. /n/ /ӏꓽ/ = /knee/
    4. /t/ /ə/ /ʊ/ = toe
    5. /h/ /e/ /ə/ (r) = hair
    6. /a/ /ꓲ/ = eye
    7. /n/ /ə/ /ʊ/ /z/ = nose
    8. /m/ /a/ /ʊ/ /θ/ = mouth
    9. /l/ /e/ /g/ = leg
    10. /h/ /æ/ /n/ /d/ = hand
    11. /f/ /ʊ/ /t/ = foot. Etc
  3. Say the right cloth(es) for body parts.

    • Right Clothes for the Body parts

    1. The shirt is worn on the body.
    2. The shoe is worn on the foot.
    3. The skirt is worn on the waist.
    4. The trouser is worn on the waist.
    5. The scarf is worn on the head. Etc.


Children must be well-versed in their body parts because their bodies are such a vital component of their developing linguistic skills. Interacting with others at home and school necessitates that children should be well-versed in their bodily parts.

Prerequisite/Previous knowledge:

Learners have learnt songs and rhyme on body parts.

Learning Materials:

TV/VCR or DVD player, flashcards, poster or wallpaper, large open space.

Reference Materials:

  1. Modular English Course for Pry Sch Book 1 Evans S. O. Ayodele et al.
  2. Brighter Grammar Book 1 Longman Phoebean Ogundipe et al
  3. Structural Eng. Workbooks Book 1 African Univ. Press Ronald Ridout
  4. Spelling Book Bounty Press Ltd. John Smith
  5. My First Oxford Dictionary Oxford Univ Press Evelyn Goldsmith
  6. The Queen Primer - Part 1 Spectrum Books Ltd Victoria Regina

Lesson Development:

full class session
(3 mins)
The teacher introduces the topic by asking the learners to sing one of the following songs with her. Thus;
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes...
  2. One Little Finger...
  3. If You’re Happy and, You Know It...
  4. Chubby Cheeks, Dimple Chin...
  5. My head, My Shoulder, My Knees, My Toes...
Learners join the teacher in the song and action Confirming the previous lesson and developing the idea of the concept of the topic, Parts of the body.
Development of the lesson
Opening discussion: (1 min)
Give learners command.
  1. Stand on your feet.
  2. Wave your right hand.
  3. Wave your left hand.
  4. Shake your right foot.
  5. Shake your left foot.
  6. Touch your shoulder.
  7. Stand on your right leg.
  8. Stand on your left leg.
  9. Leap three times.
  10. Sit down.

The Teacher may give learners a prompt by performing the same action as she command.

  1. Learners stand up.
  2. Learners wave their right hand.
  3. Learners wave their left hand.
  4. Learners shake their right foot.
  5. Learners shake their left foot.
  6. Learners touch their shoulders.
  7. Learners stand on their right leg.
  8. Learners stand on their left leg.
  9. Learners leap three times.
  10. Learners sit down.
Step 1
(10 mins)
The teacher displays a large picture of the human body parts on the board and asks learners to touch and mention the corresponding part on their body as she points the body parts on the board.

Ask learners, what is this (example; pointing with the aid of a rod on number 1 of the body part of the picture on the board)?
The teacher guides the learners to respond with action; this is my ______
  • Body Parts

Learners are expected to respond with action; this is my head...
Identifying, touching & mentioning the parts of the body.
The teacher guides learners to pronounce correctly words for each bleeding sound she made on the parts of the body.
Teachers demonstrate the actions associated with the letter sounds and ask the learners to do the same.
Using her magic writing board (left arm) she blends two/three and more letter words of the body parts for learners to pronounce. e.g

  1. /f/ /ͻ:/ /h/ /æ/ /n/ /d/
  2. /t/ /ʃ/ /e/ /s/ /t/
  3. /l/ /ӏ/ /p/
  4. /n/ /e/ /k/
  5. /b/ /æ/ /k/
  6. /t/ /u:/ /θ/
  7. /t/ /ӏ:/ /θ/
  8. /s/ /t/ /ᴧ/ /m/ /ə/ /k/
  9. /f/ /ӏ/ /ⴂ/ /g/ /ə/ (r)
  10. /w/ /e/ /ӏ/ /s/ /t/
  11. /e/ /l/ /b/ /ə/ /ʊ/
  12. /ɑ:/ /m/
  13. /h/ /i:/ /l/
  14. /b/ /ɑ/ /t/ /ə/ /m/
Learners observe and emulate their teacher's actions and pronounce the sounds.

  1. /f/ /ͻ:/ /h/ /æ/ /n/ /d/ = forehead
  2. /t/ /ʃ/ /e/ /s/ /t/ = chest
  3. /l/ /ӏ/ /p/ = lip
  4. /n/ /e/ /k/ = neck
  5. /b/ /æ/ /k/ = back
  6. /t/ /u:/ /θ/ = tooth
  7. /t/ /ӏ:/ /θ/ = teeth
  8. /s/ /t/ /ᴧ/ /m/ /ə/ /k/ = stomach
  9. /f/ /ӏ/ /ⴂ/ /g/ /ə/ (r) = finger
  10. /w/ /e/ /ӏ/ /s/ /t/ = waist
  11. /e/ /l/ /b/ /ə/ /ʊ/ = elbow
  12. /ɑ:/ /m/ = arm
  13. /h/ /i:/ /l/ = heel
  14. /b/ /ɑ/ /t/ /ə/ /m/ = bottom
Blending two three and more-letter sounds of the body parts to form words.
Step 2
Right or wrong game
5 mins
The teacher displays a picture on the board and guides the learners to play right or wrong game by matching the right cloth(es) for the body parts, the teacher matches the cloth(es) with the body part and ask the learners to decide if it is RIGHT or WRONGE

Example; the pair of shorts are worn on the feet. "WRONGE". A pair of shorts are worn on the legs, not the feet.
  • Right Clothes for the Body parts

Learners match the right cloth(es) for the body parts.
  1. A pair of shoes is met for the feet. "RIGHT"
  2. The sweater is met for the body. "RIGHT"
  3. A pair of trousers is met for the hands. "WRONG"
    A pair of trousers is met for the legs and not the hands.
  4. A belt is fastened around the wrist. "WRONG" A belt is fastened around the waist.
  5. A pair of socks are worn on the feet. "RIGHT"
  6. The hat is worn on the neck. "WRONG"
    The hat is worn on the head. Etc.
Matching the right cloth(es) with the body parts.
Evaluation. Full class session (5 mins) Ask the following questions to evaluate the achievement of the set objectives.
  1. Touch your head.
  2. Touch your eye.
  3. Touch your bottom.
  4. Touch your nose.
  5. Where is your arm?
  6. How many ears do you have?
  7. How many legs do you have?
  8. How many mouths do you have?
  9. Where do you wear your shirt?
  10. Where do you wear your cap?
Learners expected response:
  1. Learners touch their heads.
  2. Learners touch their eyes.
  3. Learners touch their bottom.
  4. Learners touch their noses.
  5. Learners raise their arms.
  6. I have two ears.
  7. I have two legs.
  8. I have one mouth.
  9. I wore my shirt on my body.
  10. I wore my cap on my head.
Confirming the achievement of the set objectives.
Conclusion, full class session (3 mins) The teacher lets learners sing songs of the body parts. Acting the body parts... Communication: This is developed through answering questions verbally and interpreting the silent signs of teammates during the activities.
ASSIGNMENT The teacher gives learners a take home.
  1. Name all the body parts in the picture.
    • Body Parts

  2. Match the right clothing for the body parts.
    • Right Clothes for the Body parts

  3. Draw three types of clothing for your body parts.
Learners answer other questions. Improving their level of understanding of Parts of the body.

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Facts about Teachers

● ● ● Teachers Are Great No Controversy.

● ● ● Teachers are like candles, they burn themselves to light others.

● ● ● Teachers don't teach for the money.

● ● ● Every great mind was once taught by some brilliant teachers.

● ● ● Teachers are the second parents we have.

● ● ● If you can write your name, thank your teacher.

Teaching slogans

● ● ● Until the learner learns the teacher has not taught.

● ● ● I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and know.

● ● ● The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.