Lesson Note and Plan on English Language

Likes & Dislikes

Subject: Enlish Language

Theme: Listening & Speaking

Topic: Likes & Dislikes

Sub Topic: Likes & Dislikes

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Class: Basic 1

Duration: 35 Minutes

No of Learners: 30

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
  1. Talk about food.

    • Food

  2. Pronounce different fruit/food correctly by bleeding the sound made by the teacher to form a word.

    1. /ᴧ/ /n/ /j/ /ə/ /n/ = onion
    2. /t/ /ə/ /m/ /ɑ:/ /t/ /ə/ /ʊ/ /z/
      = tomatoes
    3. /p/ /ӏꓽ/ /z/ = peas
    4. /k/ /æ/ /r/ /ə/ /t/ = carrot
    5. /p/ /ə/ /t/ /e/ /ꓲ/ /t/ /ə/ /ʊ/ /z/
      = potatoes
    6. /tʃ/ /ꓲ/ /k/ /ꓲ/ /n/ = chicken
    7. /s/ /æ/ /l/ /ə/ /d/ = salad
    8. /g/ /r/ /e/ /ꓲ/ /p/ /s/ = grapes
    9. /f/ /i/ /ʃ/ = fish
    10. /tʃ/ /ӏꓽ/ /z/ = cheese
    11. /m/ /ᴧ/ /ʃ/ /r/ /ʊ/ /m/ = mushroom
    12. /s/ /t/ /r/ /ͻ:/ /b/ /ə/ /r/ /i/
      = strawberry
    13. /b/ /r/ /ɑ/ /k/ /ə/ /l/ /i/ = broccoli
    14. /b/ /r/ /e/ /d/ = bread
    15. /tʃ/ /ɑ/ /k/ /l/ /ə/ /t/ = chocolate
    16. /r/ /ə/ /ꓲ/ /s/ = rice
    17. /f/ /r/ /e/ /n/ /ə/ /tʃ/   /f/ /r/ /a/ /ӏ/ /z/
      = french fries
    18. /a/ /ӏ/ /s/   /k/ /r/ /a/ /ӏꓽ/ /m/ = ice cream
    19. /p/ /æ/ /s/ /t/ /ə/ = pasta
    20. /p/ /ӏꓽ/ /t/ /s/ /ə/ = pizza
    21. /b/ /ӏꓽ/ /n/ /z/ = beans
    22. /d/ /r/ /ӏ/ /ⴂ/ /k/ = drink
    23. /e/ /g/ = egg
    24. /m/ /ӏꓽ/ /t/ = meat
    25. /f/ /u:/ /d/ = food
    26. /f/ /r/ /u:/ /t/ = fruit. Etc

  3. Talking about likes and dislikes for food.

    • Likes and dislikes for food

  4. Match words with a type of food/fruit.

    • Matching words with types of food/fruits


People often love talking about their loves and hates likes and dislike as a way of expressing something that is just as important, because you can talk about likes and dislikes of almost any kind such as food, fruits, arts, music, etc, this language point can be tied to almost any topic, hence, this lesson, therefore, introduces learners to simple structures for likes and dislikes.

Target Vocab:

cheese, chocolate, rice, French fries, strawberries, bread, ice cream, grapes, pasta, pizza, beans, food, drink, rice, bananas, apple, lemons, oranges, melons, pineapples, fruits. Etc

Prerequisite/Previous knowledge:

Learners can say different food/fruit and talk about likes.

Learning Materials:

  1. supermarket magazines (with lots of food and drink pictures).
  2. Blue-Tak or something to stick flashcards on the board.
  3. A3 paper or construction paper to stick the magazine pictures on (1 sheet per learner).
  4. crayons/pencils.
  5. board with chalk / markers.
  6. Learner's textbook.

Reference Materials:

  1. Modular English Course for Pry Sch Book 1 Evans S. O. Ayodele et al.
  2. Brighter Grammar Book 1 Longman Phoebean Ogundipe et al
  3. Structural Eng. Workbooks Book 1 African Univ. Press Ronald Ridout
  4. Spelling Book Bounty Press Ltd. John Smith
  5. My First Oxford Dictionary Oxford Univ Press Evelyn Goldsmith
  6. The Queen Primer - Part 1 Spectrum Books Ltd Victoria Regina

Lesson Development:

full class session
(3 mins)
The teacher begins the day's lesson by checking learners' homework and reviewing previous lessons, thereafter introducing the topic by singing a rhyme to help learners talk about the things they like and guiding the learners to sing the rhyme with her. Thus;

Verse 1:
I like chocolate,
I like rice,
I like French fries,
They’re very nice,
I like strawberries,
I like bread,
Oh no, what’s that?
I don’t like cheese!

Cheese, cheese,
I don’t like cheese,
Cheese, cheese,
Don’t give me, please!
I like lots of food,
I like lots of drink,
But as for cheese – what a stink!

Verse 2:
I like ice cream,
I like grapes,
I like pasta,
It tastes great!
I like pizza,
I like beans,
Oh no, what’s that?
I don’t like cheese!


Learners join the teacher in the song and action, learners sing along and dance! Confirming the previous lesson and developing the idea of the concept of the topic, Likes & Dislikes.
DEVELOPMENT of the lesson (Step 1)
Do "Exercise Routine" activity (5 min)
The teacher says the following and has the learners follow her lead:
  1. "Stand up (Teacher stands and so does everyone else)
  2. "Hands up / hands down" (do 4 or 5 times)
  3. "Jump" (4 or 5 times)
  4. "Run! / Stop!" (4 or 5 times)
  5. "Turn around! / Stop!" (4 or 5 times)
  6. finally "Sit down".
Learners follow the teacher's lead
DEVELOPMENT Step 2. Group Work (3 mins) The teacher guides the learners to form four groups and asks them to choose their leaders and secretaries. Learners choose their group leaders and secretaries. Inculcating leadership skills, competitive spirit, cooperation, teamwork and a sense of responsibility among learners.
2 mins.
The teacher display before learners food/fruits wallpaper/pictures and allow them to identify them. The learners identify the wallpaper/pictures as types of food/fruits.
    • Food

  • Being able to identify the wallpaper/pictures.
    Bleeding the sound
    (Step 4)
    (10 mins)
    The teacher guides learners to pronounce correctly words for each bleeding sound she made for the types of food/fruits.
    Teachers demonstrate the actions associated with the letter sounds and ask the learners to do the same.
    Using her magic writing board (left arm) she blends two/three and more letter words of types of food/fruits for learners to pronounce. e.g

    1. /ᴧ/ /n/ /j/ /ə/ /n/
    2. /t/ /ə/ /m/ /ɑ:/ /t/ /ə/ /ʊ/ /z/
    3. /p/ /ӏꓽ/ /z/
    4. /k/ /æ/ /r/ /ə/ /t/
    5. /p/ /ə/ /t/ /e/ /ꓲ/ /t/ /ə/ /ʊ/ /z/
    6. /tʃ/ /ꓲ/ /k/ /ꓲ/ /n/
    7. /s/ /æ/ /l/ /ə/ /d/
    8. /g/ /r/ /e/ /ꓲ/ /p/ /s/
    9. /f/ /i/ /ʃ/
    10. /tʃ/ /ӏꓽ/ /z/
    11. /m/ /ᴧ/ /ʃ/ /r/ /ʊ/ /m/
    12. /s/ /t/ /r/ /ͻ:/ /b/ /ə/ /r/ /i/
    13. /b/ /r/ /ɑ/ /k/ /ə/ /l/ /i/
    14. /b/ /r/ /e/ /d/
    15. /tʃ/ /ɑ/ /k/ /l/ /ə/ /t/
    16. /r/ /ə/ /ꓲ/ /s/
    17. /f/ /r/ /e/ /n/ /ə/ /tʃ/ /f/ /r/ /a/ /ӏ/ /z/
    18. /a/ /ӏ/ /s/ /k/ /r/ /a/ /ӏꓽ/ /m/
    19. /p/ /æ/ /s/ /t/ /ə/
    20. /p/ /ӏꓽ/ /t/ /s/ /ə/
    21. /b/ /ӏꓽ/ /n/ /z/
    22. /d/ /r/ /ӏ/ /ⴂ/ /k/
    23. /e/ /g/
    24. /m/ /ӏꓽ/ /t/
    25. /f/ /u:/ /d/
    26. /f/ /r/ /u:/ /t/
    Learners observe and emulate their teacher's actions and pronounce the sounds.

    1. /ᴧ/ /n/ /j/ /ə/ /n/ = onion
    2. /t/ /ə/ /m/ /ɑ:/ /t/ /ə/ /ʊ/ /z/
      = tomatoes
    3. /p/ /ӏꓽ/ /z/ = peas
    4. /k/ /æ/ /r/ /ə/ /t/ = carrot
    5. /p/ /ə/ /t/ /e/ /ꓲ/ /t/ /ə/ /ʊ/ /z/
      = potatoes
    6. /tʃ/ /ꓲ/ /k/ /ꓲ/ /n/ = chicken
    7. /s/ /æ/ /l/ /ə/ /d/ = salad
    8. /g/ /r/ /e/ /ꓲ/ /p/ /s/ = grapes
    9. /f/ /i/ /ʃ/ = fish
    10. /tʃ/ /ӏꓽ/ /z/ = cheese
    11. /m/ /ᴧ/ /ʃ/ /r/ /ʊ/ /m/ = mushroom
    12. /s/ /t/ /r/ /ͻ:/ /b/ /ə/ /r/ /i/
      = strawberry
    13. /b/ /r/ /ɑ/ /k/ /ə/ /l/ /i/ = broccoli
    14. /b/ /r/ /e/ /d/ = bread
    15. /tʃ/ /ɑ/ /k/ /l/ /ə/ /t/ = chocolate
    16. /r/ /ə/ /ꓲ/ /s/ = rice
    17. /f/ /r/ /e/ /n/ /ə/ /tʃ/ /f/ /r/ /a/ /ӏ/ /z/
      = french fries
    18. /a/ /ӏ/ /s/ /k/ /r/ /a/ /ӏꓽ/ /m/ = ice cream
    19. /p/ /æ/ /s/ /t/ /ə/ = pasta
    20. /p/ /ӏꓽ/ /t/ /s/ /ə/ = pizza
    21. /b/ /ӏꓽ/ /n/ /z/ = beans
    22. /d/ /r/ /ӏ/ /ⴂ/ /k/ = drink
    23. /e/ /g/ = egg
    24. /m/ /ӏꓽ/ /t/ = meat
    25. /f/ /u:/ /d/ = food
    26. /f/ /r/ /u:/ /t/ = fruit
    Blending two three and more-letter sounds of different types of food/fruits.
    Step 5
    (10 mins)
    The teacher shuffles a card with a repeated number from one to fourteen and spread the card on a table facing down. The teacher displays a large picture of food/fruit on the board and guides learners on how to perform the activity.

    • Likes and dislikes for food

    Learners listen to the teacher's explanation.
    1. Step 1: The teacher tosses a coin at random to decide who goes first to pick a card.
    2. Step 2: Each group delegate one learner at a time from their group to step out and pick a card.
    3. Step 3: The learner picks a card and looks at which food item it tally on and the number on the card.
    4. Step 4: The learner must then make a sentence with the food item and use the number on the board. E.g. If the card number is ten(10), and ten(10) tally on the cheese picture on the board, the learner must say:

      "I don’t like cheese ice cream!"
      "I like cheese ice cream" (in this case, probably not!)

    5. Step 5: Cross out that picture with a marker.
    6. Step 6: The next learner then picks a card. If the learner could not make a sentence with the food/fruit the card number tally with, the learner misses a turn (also miss a turn if the learner picks a card number whose food/fruit has been crossed out. If the learner picks a card whose number has not been crossed out on the picture on the board, the learner must make another like/do not like sentence.
    7. Step 7: Each learner continues until all of the pictures are crossed out.
    Playing "The Food Likes & Dislikes Game" Making simple sentences with likes and dislikes of food and fruits.
    Step 6
    Matching of the word and food/fruit
    5 mins
    The teacher guides learners to match each word with the correct food/fruit from the learner's textbook. The teacher explains this with an example of bread.
    • Matching Word with Food/Fruits

    Learners match each word with the right food/fruit.
    Matching the right word with food/fruit.
    Evaluation. Full class session (5 mins) Ask the following questions to evaluate the achievement of the set objectives.
    1. Food/fruits.

      • Matching Word with Food/Fruits
    2. Dictate the following words using arm blending and action for the pupils to write into their books. e.g.

    3. /f/ /i/ /ʃ/
    4. /tʃ/ /ӏꓽ/ /z/
    5. /m/ /ᴧ/ /ʃ/ /r/ /ʊ/ /m/
    6. /s/ /t/ /r/ /ͻ:/ /b/ /ə/ /r/ /i/
    7. /b/ /r/ /ɑ/ /k/ /ə/ /l/ /i/
    8. /b/ /r/ /e/ /d/
    9. /tʃ/ /ɑ/ /k/ /l/ /ə/ /t/
    10. /r/ /ə/ /ꓲ/ /s/
    11. Fill in the blank space with likes or dilikes of food/fruit.Likes and dislikes for food

    12. Match each word to its food/fruitMatching Word with Food/Fruits

    Learners expected response:
    1. Food/fruits.

      • Food

    2. Pupils write down the words dictated into their notebooks. eg:
      1. /f/ /i/ /ʃ/ = fish
      2. /tʃ/ /ӏꓽ/ /z/ = cheese
      3. /m/ /ᴧ/ /ʃ/ /r/ /ʊ/ /m/ = mushroom
      4. /s/ /t/ /r/ /ͻ:/ /b/ /ə/ /r/ /i/
        = strawberry
      5. /b/ /r/ /ɑ/ /k/ /ə/ /l/ /i/ = broccoli
      6. /b/ /r/ /e/ /d/ = bread
      7. /tʃ/ /ɑ/ /k/ /l/ /ə/ /t/ = chocolate
      8. /r/ /ə/ /ꓲ/ /s/ = rice
    3. Learners fill in the blank space with like/dislike
    4. Learners match each word to each food/fruits
    Confirming the achievement of the set objectives.
    Conclusion, full class session (3 mins) The teacher asks learners to make sentences with food/fruits they dislike. The learners make sentences with food/fruits they dislike. E.g. I don’t like hamburger ice cream. Communication: This is developed through answering questions verbally and interpreting the silent signs of teammates during the activities.
    ASSIGNMENT The teacher gives learners a take home.
    1. Name ten food/fruits you like and ten food/fruits you do not like.
    Learners answer other questions. Improving their level of understanding of Likes & Dislikes for food/fruits.

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    Facts about Teachers

    ● ● ● Teachers Are Great No Controversy.

    ● ● ● Teachers are like candles, they burn themselves to light others.

    ● ● ● Teachers don't teach for the money.

    ● ● ● Every great mind was once taught by some brilliant teachers.

    ● ● ● Teachers are the second parents we have.

    ● ● ● If you can write your name, thank your teacher.

    Teaching slogans

    ● ● ● Until the learner learns the teacher has not taught.

    ● ● ● I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and know.

    ● ● ● The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.