Scheme of Work on CCA

Syllabus for Nursery

Nursery 1 - Age 3 Nursery 2 - Age 4 Kindergarten - Age 5

Adjusting to School Life. LESSON NOTE

WEEK 1: Review Art and Design

Teacher review art and design by using representation to communicate, e.g. drawing a line and saying ‘That’s me’

Teacher help children to understands that they can use lines to enclose a space, and then begin to use these shapes to represent objects.

WEEK 1: Tracing and Colouring Review

Colour Trace Review
Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 2: I dentification of drawing tools

Teacher display drawing tools and guide children to identify the drawing tools. E.g.
Drawing book
Colored Pencils
Watercolor Paints 'for kids 5 years and older' e.t.c.

WEEK 2: Identification and drawing of Cone

Teacher introduce a Cone on air and on the board, pointing and discribing the shape of the cone as father Christmas hat with a finger and recite rhyme.

I'm a cone!
Look at me.
I have three sides
Side One, slide down
Side Two, oval,
Side three, slide up
I have three sides
One, two, three!

Teacher guide and classify children in group of six to form a cone and sing a song and play.

This is the way we make a cone,
Make a cone, make a cone,
This is the way we make a cone,
Makr a cone with us!

Teacher ask children to trace and copy the cone on their workbook.
Teaching ask learners to name objects in the environment that are cone-like shape (Flag, Christmas tree, Star, Hat, etc).

WEEK 2: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Objects at Home - TV

Teacher ask children to list objects found at home.
(Table, Armchair, Lamp, Wardrobe, sink, bath, toilet, shower, microwave, cupboard, window, door, fridge/ freezer, TV, cooker, bookcase, bed, etc.

Object At home
Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 3: Identification and drawing of Circle

Teacher introduce a Circle on air and on the board, pointing and discribing the shape of the circle with a finger and recite rhyme.

I'm a circle!
Look at me.
I go round and round.
No end can be found!

Teacher guide and classify children in group of four to form a circle and sing a song and play.
This is the way we make a circle,
Make a circle, make a circle,
This is the way we make a circle,
Round and round and round.

Teacher ask children to trace and copy the circle on their workbook.
Teaching ask learners to name objects in the environment that are circle-like shape (Ball, Balloon, Sun, Wheel, etc)

WEEK 3: Identification and drawing of Cylinder

Teacher introduce a Cylinder on air and on the board, pointing and discribing the shape of the cylinder with a finger and recite rhyme.

I'm a cylinder
Look at me.
I've a cycle on top.
a cycle below.
Joint by two sides lines!

Teacher ask children to trace and copy the cylinder on their workbook.
Teaching ask learners to name objects in the environment that are cylinder-like shape (Tin, Drum, Tanker, Pipe, etc)

Teacher assign a shape to each child and guide children to form a cycle, a child will run round behind them (cycle) and sing a song of his/her shape. At the ending of the song, the child touches another child who does the same while the first child takes his/her place.

I'm a cylinder,
A cylinder,
A cylinder.
I'm a cylinder,
What have you?

The play is repeated for circle, cone, star, square, rectangle, triangle, diamond, oval, etc

WEEK 3: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Objects at Home - Table

Objects At Home 2
Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 4: Identification and drawing of Square

Teacher introduce a Square on air and on the board, pointing and discribing the shape of the square with a finger and recite rhyme.

I'm a square!
Look at me.
I'm like a game -
Down, across,
Up and across.
All sides are the same.

Teacher guide and classify children in group of four to form a square and sing a song and play.

This is the way we make a square,
Make a square, make a square,
This is the way we make a square,
Make a square with us!

Teacher ask children to trace and copy the square on their workbook.
Teaching ask learners to name objects in the environment that are square-like shape (Window, TV, Picture, Table, etc)

WEEK 4: Identification of Colours: ORANGE

Teacher introduce the colour Orange with a rhyme and flash card ofyellow, red and orange pigment.

Will change to ORANGE

WEEK 4: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Objects in the Classroom - Whiteboard

Teacher ask children to list objects found in the classroom.
(Table, Chair, Desk, Whiteboard, Books, Bell, Fiies, etc.

Objects in the Classroom
Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 5: Identification and drawing of Triangle

Teacher introduce a triangle on air and on the board, pointing and discribing the shape of the triangle with a finger and recite rhyme.
I'm a triangle!
Look at me.
I have three sides
Side One, slide down
Side Two, goes across,
Side three, slide up
I have three sides
One, two, three!

Teacher guide and classify children in group of three to form a triangle and sing a song and play.

This is the way we make a triangles,
Make a triangle, make a triangles,
This is the way we make a triangles,
Make a triangles with us!

Teacher ask children to trace and copy the triangle on their workbook.
Teaching ask learners to name objects in the environment that are triangle-like shape (Flag, Christmas tree, Star, Hat, etc)

WEEK 5: Identification of Colours: VIOLET

Teacher introduce the colour VIOLET with a rhyme and flash card ofblue, red and violet pigment.

Will change to VIOLET

WEEK 5: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Objects in the Classroom - Bell

Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 6: Identification and drawing of Rectangle

Teacher introduce a rectangle on air and on the board, pointing and discribing the shape of the rectangle with a finger and recite rhyme.
I'm a rectangle!
Look at me.
I'm like a door,
I have four sides.
Side One, goes across
Side Two, goes down,
Side three, goes across,
Side four, goes up
I have four sides
One, two, three, four!

Teacher guide and classify children in group of six to form a rectangle and sing a song and play.
This is the way we make a rectangle,
Make a rectangle, make a rectangle,
This is the way we make a rectangle,
Make a rectangle with us!

Teacher ask children to trace and copy the rectangle on their workbook.
Teaching ask learners to name objects in the environment that are rectangle-like shape (Door, Bed, Picture, Book, Table, Mat, Clock, etc)

Teacher explain to children with the grouping and the shape (rectangle on the board),
A rectangle is like a squre, only 2 sides are longer.

WEEK 6: Identification of Colours: Green

Teacher introduce the colour Green with a rhyme and flash card ofyellow, blue and green pigment.

Will change to GREEN

WEEK 6: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Fruits - Orange

Teacher ask children to list some fruits.
(Mango, Orange, Apple, Pineapple, Pear, Guava, Pawpaw, brinjal etc.

Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 7: Identification and drawing of Oval

Teacher introduce a oval on air and on the board, pointing and discribing the shape of the oval with a finger and recite rhyme.
I'm a oval!
Look at me.
I'm like an egg.

Teacher guide children to sing a song and play.
Circles, squares and rectangles
Rectangles, rectangles,
Circles, squares and rectangles
Ovals and triangles

Teacher ask children to trace and copy the ovals on their workbook.
Teaching ask learners to name objects in the environment that are oval-like shape (Grapes, Lemon, Egg, Spoon, Sweets, Clock, etc)

WEEK 7: Identification of Rainbow colours

Teacher introduce the rainbow colours with a rhyme and flash card of rainbow.

Rainbow PURPLE,
Rainbow BLUE,
Rainbow GREEN,
Rainbow YELLOW,
Rainbow ORANGE,
Rainbow RED,
Rainbow smiling overhead!

WEEK 7: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Fruits - Mango

Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 8: Identification (Tracing and Mashing) of Shapes

Teacher ask children to trace each shape. Tell children to start at the dot and follow the arrow direction to trace the shapes.

Teacher ask children to draw a line from the name to the correct shape.

WEEK 8: Identification & Colouring of Cone

Teacher ask children to Identify, trace and colour the cones ORANGE

WEEK 8: Music and Dance

The teacher intoduce this topic with the following resources: Illustrated charts, Audio-visual aids; CDs and VCDs, Phone/radio/TV, YouTube channels, Resource person, etc.

Identify traditional and modern musical instruments. (Xylophone/Flute, Drum/Gong, Rattles/Charts, Guitar/Piano, Mouth organ etc).

Display at least one Nigerian dance step

Identify non Nigerian music.
Music from any African language zone.
Music from other continents.

WEEK 9: Drawing of Shapes

Drawing Shapes
Teacher ask children to draw the correct shape next to its name

WEEK 9: Identification & Colouring of Cylinder

Teacher ask children to Identify, trace and colour the cylinder VIOLET

WEEK 9: Drawing of Objects of Choice

Ask the child to draw anything she/he feels like.
Write the name of the object drawn by the child and talk to her/him about it.

Functional Association
Associated Objects
Introduce and talk about all of the objects above.

Ask the child to match the related/ associated objects.






Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten

WEEK 1: Review of 1st term's work

WEEK 1: Review of 1st term's work

WEEK 1: Revision of three (3) letter words

WEEK 2: Identification of Colours: RED

Teacher introduce the colour Red with a rhyme and flash card of red apple, rose and red icy nose simultaneous.

Red is an Apple
Red is a rose
Red is the colour
Of my cold, icy nose.

WEEK 2: Concept of Distance

Conceptof Distance
Introduce and talk about all sets of pictures to the child.

Ask the child to circle the picture in which the crow is closer to the pot.

Ask the child to circle the picture in which butterfly is farther away from the flower.

WEEK 2: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of kitchen utensils - Frypan

Teacher ask children to list objects found in the kitchen.
(Spoon, Knife, Pot, Frypan, Steamer, Saucepan, Apron, Sieve, Teapot, Chopping board, Spice container, Bowl, Timer, Rolling pin, Plate, etc).

Objects in the kitchen
Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 3: Identification of Colours: YELLOW

Teacher introduce the colour Yellow with a rhyme and flash card of yellow lemon, sun and yellow butter simultaneous.

Yellow is a lemon.
Yellow is the sun.
Butter, too, is Yellow,
Put it on your bun.

WEEK 3: Recognition, Tracing and Colouring of Mango

Introduce and talk to the child about mangoes.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 3: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of kitchen utensils - Spoon, Knife

kitchen utensils
Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 4: Identification of Colours: BLUE

Teacher introduce the colour Blue with a rhyme and flash card of blue ocean, eyes, sky and blue butterflies simultaneous.

Blue is the ocean
Blue are my eyes,
Blue is the sky
And butterflies.

WEEK 4: Free drawing

Free Drawing
Ask the child to draw anything she/he feels like.

Write the name of the object drawn by the child and talk to her/him about it.

WEEK 4: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Objects at Home II - Reading Lamp

Tracing Objects at Home
Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 5: Identification of Colours: GREEN

Teacher introduce the colour Green with a rhyme and flash card of green grass, trees, salad and plate of peas simultaneous.

Green is the grass,
Green are the trees,
Green is my salad
And my plate of peas.

WEEK 5: Concept of Space

Concept of Space
Introduce and talk about both sets of pictures to the child.

Ask the child to circle the picture in which the flowers are inside the pot.

Ask the child to circle the picture in which the fruits are outside the plate.

WEEK 5: Complete the Picture

Introduce and talk about the picture to the child.

Ask the child to spot the differences in the pictures and complete the incomplete picture.

WEEK 6: Identification of Colours: BLACK & WHITE

Teacher introduce the colours Black and White with a rhyme and flash card of stripe Black and White Zebra, Panda, Day and Night.

Black & White!
Black & White!
Zebra, panda,
day and night!

WEEK 6: Recognition, Tracing and Colouring of Apple

Introduce and talk to the child about apples.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 6: Modelling/ Moulding of Simple Objects - Cup, plates etc.

Teacher should guide children to form and assemble rigid and malleable materials e.g. marshmallow and matchstick, spagetti and dough.
Ask children to shape plasticine, mould cup, plates etc.

Guide children to add texture to clay using different techniques e.g. rolling, cutting, moulding, and carving.

College Work- Thumb Printing
Thumb Printing
Introduce and talk about fish to the child.

With the use of watercolour, ask the child to put her/ his thumb impression in the picture of the fish.

WEEK 7: Identification of Colours: GREY

Teacher introduce the colours Grey with a rhyme and flash card of rabbit, mouse, gray foot mat.

Grey is a rabbit.
Grey is a mouse.
Grey is the mat that says
WELCOME to my house.

WEEK 7: Concept of colour - Red

Concept of colours
Review the colour red and talk about red coloured objects in the surroundings.

Talk about all the pictures above.

Ask the child to circle all of the red coloured objects.

WEEK 7: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Fruits II - Banana

Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 8: Identification of Colours: PURPLE

Teacher introduce the colours Purple with a rhyme and flash card of rabbit, grape, plum, and purple juice.

Purple is a grape.
Purple is a plum.
Purple is my favourite juice.
Would you like some?

WEEK 8: Similar Object Matching

Object Matching
Introduce all the pictures above.

Ask the child to match similar looking objects.

WEEK 8: Complete the Picture

complete the picture
Introduce and talk about the picture of the car to the child.

Ask the child to spot the differences in the two pictures and complete the incomplete picture.

WEEK 9: Identification of Colours: BROWN

Teacher introduce the colours Brown with a rhyme and flash card of chocolate, bear and hair.

Brown is chocolate,
Brown is a bear.
Brown is the colour
Of my brother's hair.

WEEK 9: Concept of Thick and Thin

Concept of Thick and Thin
Introduce and talk about all sets of pictures to the child.

Ask the child to circle the thick candle.

Ask the child to circle the thin book.

WEEK 9: Problem Solving (Maze)

Introduce the picture of the rabbit and the path within the maze.

Ask the child to take the rabbit to the carrots through the path while not touching the borders.






Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten


Free Drawing and colouring
Review of 2nd term's work


Free Drawing and colouring
Review of 2nd term's work


Free Drawing and colouring
Review of 2nd term's work

WEEK 2: Identification & Colouring of Circle

Teacher ask children to Identify, trace and colour the circles YELLOW

WEEK 2: Concept of Shape - Circle

Concept of Shape
Introduce the shape of a circle and talk about circular objects in the surroundings.

Ask the child to tick all of the circular objects above.

WEEK 2: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Animals - Elephant

Teacher ask children to give example of Animals.
(Elephant, Lion, Crocodile, Bear, Turtle, Kangaroo, Hippopotamus, Squirrer, Goat, Sheep, Monkey, Dolphin, Shake, Birds, etc).

Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 3: Identification & Colouring of Rectangle

Teacher ask children to Identify, trace and colour the rectangles BLACK

WEEK 3: Tracing and Colouring

Introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 3: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Animals - Sheep

Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 4: Identification & Colouring of Triangle

Teacher ask children to Identify, trace and colour the triangles GREEN

WEEK 4: Similar Object Matching

Matching Objects
Introduce all the pictures above.

Ask the child to match similar looking objects.

WEEK 4: Modelling/ Moulding of Simple Objects - Clay Pot

Guide children to create a deep clay pot using rolling technique to add texture to the clay.

College Work
College work
Introduce and talk about trees to the child.

Ask the child to tear and paste paper in the picture of the tree.

WEEK 5: Identification & Colouring of square

Teacher ask children to Identify, trace and colour the squares PURPLE

WEEK 5: Concept of Colour - Blue

Introduce the colour blue and talk about blue coloured objects in the surroundings.

Talk about all the pictures above.

Ask the child to circle all of the blue coloured objects.

WEEK 5: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Objects at Home 3 - Refrigerator

Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 6: Identification & Colouring of oval

Teacher ask children to Identify, trace and colour the ovals WHITE

WEEK 6: Concept of Length

Introduce and talk about both sets of picture to the child.

Ask the child to circle the picture of the long branch.

Ask the child to circle the picture of the short leaf.

Ask the child to circle the picture of the short pencil.

WEEK 6: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Objects at Home 4 - Wardrobe

Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 7: Identification & Colouring of diamond

Teacher ask children to Identify, trace and colour the diamonds RED

WEEK 7: Recognition, Tracing and Colouring of Butterfly

Introduce and talk about butterflies to the child.

Ask the child to trace and colour the picture of the butterfly.

WEEK 7: Make a Rainbow

Give children no more than 10 crayons or markers in basic colors.
Make a color label by writing the name of each color in its color on a separate piece of paper (write the word "red" in red).

Give children play dough in red, yellow and blue.
Start by taking a little red and a little blue dough and say "Red [hold up red] and blue [hold up blue] make purple [squish the two colors together]." Let the children choose two colors and help them narrate their color creations just as you did. Add white dough to teach "light" and "lighter."

Colour creations
Invite children to join and trace the dots across rows "horizontally", colour and complete the Rainbow, have them fill in the blanks with each colour text to create the rainbow.

WEEK 8: Identification & Colouring of star

Teacher ask children to Identify, trace and colour the stars GRAY

WEEK 8: Concept of Colour - Yellow

Introduce the colour yellow and talk about yellow coloured objects in the surroundings.

Talk about all the pictures above.

Ask the child to circle all of the yellow coloured objects.

WEEK 8: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Objects at Home 5 - Chair

Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.

WEEK 9: Concept of Size

Teacher Introduce and talk about all sets of pictures to the child.

Ask the child to circle the picture of the small umbrella.

Ask the child to circle the picture of the big cup.

Ask the child to circle the picture of the small ball.

WEEK 9: Shape Object Matching

Shape Object Matching
Introduce and talk to the child about different shapes (circle, rectangle and triangle).

Ask the child to match shapes with similar looking objects.

WEEK 9: Identification, Tracing, and Colouring of Nigeria Flag

Teacher display different flags before the children, and ask children to find Nideria flag.

Ask children to name its colours.
Nanes of Colours
Teacher introduce the sheet to the child.

Ask the child to discover the picture by joining the dots and colour the picture.







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Facts about Teachers

● ● ● Teachers Are Great No Controversy.

● ● ● Teachers are like candles, they burn themselves to light others.

● ● ● Teachers don't teach for the money.

● ● ● Every great mind was once taught by some brilliant teachers.

● ● ● Teachers are the second parents we have.

● ● ● If you can write your name, thank your teacher.

Teaching slogans

● ● ● Until the learner learns the teacher has not taught.

● ● ● I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and know.

● ● ● The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.