Teaching Method

Asei Lesson Plan on Biology

Subject: Biology

Theme: Ecology of Population

Topic: Ecology

Sub Topic: Interaction of Living Organisms in an Ecosystem

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Class: SSS 3

Duration: 35 Minutes

No of Learners: 30

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
  1. Defined an Ecology

  2. Ecology is the study of the inter-relationship between living organisms and their environment.

  3. Defined an Ecosystem

  4. An ecosystem is a term coined from ecology and system. It is a natural unit that is made up of non-living things and living things, all of which interact constantly to form a stable system.

  5. Identify the major types of ecosystem

    1. Terrestrial Ecosystem.
      • Forest Ecosystem.
      • Grassland Ecosystem.
      • Desert Ecosystem.
    2. Aquatic Ecosystem
      • Marine Ecosystem
      • Freshwater Ecosystem

  6. To construct simple food chains and food webs using organisms in their locality.

  7. Food chain and web


Students are aware that the ecosystem is composed of several organisms interacting in their environment. Their interaction is based or dependent on the flow of energy. It is therefore important for students to understand food chains and food webs.

Target Skills:

  • Observation
  • Construction
  • Analysis
  • Inference
  • Collaboration
  • Manipulation
  • Communication

Prerequisite/ Previous knowledge:

Living and non-living things, Living organisms, internal and external structures of organisms, physiology and adaptations of organisms.

Learning Materials:

Pictures of different organisms representing different trophic levels, Flip Chart, stickers, Manila chart, masking tape

Reference Materials:

Biology A New Approach For Senior Secondary Schools and Colleges By E. O. Egho.

Lesson Development:

full class session (5mins)
The teacher introduces the lesson by posing a scenario of a flood where animals were displaced from their original environment. The task of the students now is to return the animals to their habitats.
Activity 1: “Take them back home”

Teacher issues out the materials to the pupils

  1. Why did you put the different organisms where they are (homes)?
  2. What are the major types of ecosystems that you have created?

Teacher issues out the materials to the pupils

Students use the given pictures of the organisms to fit them into the most suitable environment

Students stick their charts on the wall and a brief class discussion of the activity ensues

The students answer the question posed by the teacher.

  1. That is their habitat (it is a natural home).
    1. Terrestrial Ecosystem.
      • Forest Ecosystem.
      • Grassland Ecosystem.
      • Desert Ecosystem.
    2. Aquatic Ecosystem
      • Marine Ecosystem
      • Freshwater Ecosystem

Learner’s entry points.
Development and Grouping

The teacher asks students to form groups and choose their leaders and secretaries.

From the activity carried out, No organism, as it were, leads its life in isolation; it constantly depends on other living organisms and certain environmental factors to survive, though it must be prepared to cope with problems posed by some of these organisms.

The teacher explains to students; 'Eco' is connected with the environment (natural habitat), while 'logy' is connected with scientific study/ discipline.
A system, on the other hand, is a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole.

The teacher asks the students what study do they think could be used to study the inter-relationship between living organisms and their environment.

The teacher asks the students, what will the constant interaction of the non-living and the living thing in a natural unit, call?

Students form groups and choose their leaders and secretaries.

Learners expected response. Learners reflect on inter-relationship between living organisms and their environment. This could be called ecology.

Learners expected response. Learners reflect on the constant interaction of the non-living and the living thing in a natural unit. This could be called an ecosystem.

Being able to defined Ecology and Ecosystem
Learners are asked to define what ecology and ecosystem are in their own words.

Ecology is the study of the relationships between organisms and their environment.

The ecosystem is a system formed by the interaction of an organism with its environment.

Confirming the meaning of ecology and ecosystem.
Activity 2: using the same materials issued for activity 1

Who eats who?

The teacher now asks the students to construct a food web using the same materials issued for activity 1.

Students to use the pictures to construct a food web.

Each group displays their food web and the class comments.

Food web

Students construct a food web.
The teacher asks the students questions.
  1. What is an ecosystem?
  2. What is Ecology?
  3. What are the producers in this food web and what is their importance?
  4. What do the arrows in the food web represent?
  5. What will be the effect of over poaching antelopes in a food web?
  6. Construct 3 food chains from your food web with at least four organisms
  1. An ecosystem is a natural unit that is made up of non-living things and living things, all of which interact constantly to form a stable system.
  2. Ecology is the study of the inter-relationship between living organisms and their environment.
  3. The green grass in the ecosystem are the producers, they manufacture their food through the process of photosynthesis. The animal on the other hand cannot make their food; they depend on plants either directly or indirectly to form their required compound.
  4. The arrows represent the flow of food from one organism to another.
  5. Poaching antelopes will decline the population of the antelopes within a habitat, which in turn disrupts the food chain.


Asking the learners questions to assess the achievement of the set objectives.
The teacher poses the question:
What have we learnt in this lesson?
Pupils respond giving their views;
We have learnt how to construct simple food chains and food webs using organisms in our locality.
Consolidating and Improving their level of understanding of Ecology.

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Facts about Teachers

● ● ● Teachers Are Great No Controversy.

● ● ● Teachers are like candles, they burn themselves to light others.

● ● ● Teachers don't teach for the money.

● ● ● Every great mind was once taught by some brilliant teachers.

● ● ● Teachers are the second parents we have.

● ● ● If you can write your name, thank your teacher.

Teaching slogans

● ● ● Until the learner learns the teacher has not taught.

● ● ● I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and know.

● ● ● The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.