Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan on Basic Science

Subject: Basic Science

Theme: You and Environment

Topic: Erosion

Sub Topic: Wind Erosion

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Class: Basic 5

Duration: 30 Minutes

No of Learners: 35

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson learners should be able to:
  1. Define erosion.

  2. The wearing away of the surface soil by water or wind is called erosion.

  3. Mention the effect of wind erosion.

    1. nutrition rich topsoil would be taken away
    2. may make the land unusable.
    3. can cause landslides
    4. makes the soil poor and reduces the yields of crops.

  4. Describe ways of controlling wind erosion.

    1. Planting of grasses e.g. Bahama grass or carpet grass.
    2. Planting of trees.
    3. Planting of cover crops.
    4. Making ridges at right angles to the slope of the land.


Wind has an important effect on the soil such as erosion. Hence learning the effect of wind on the soil will prepare the learning learners to prevent soil from being eroded. It will also prepare the learners for learning higher related concepts like an earthquake, Pollution etc.

Prerequisite/ Previous knowledge:

Learners are familiar with how strong wind carries some materials (including sand particles) which often wear away softer layers of the soil leaving the harder part sticking out.

Learning Materials:

These include Pictures, grass, stones, trays, sand, water, seedlings, cup, stones and blowers.

Reference Materials:

NERDC (2009), Basic Science and Technology, Book 5.

Lesson Development:

Learners to look at the pictures on the board to have an insight on erosion. (5mins)
The teacher presents pictures/ charts to the class and asks the following questions:
What can you see in these pictures?
What conclusion can you make about what had happened with the soil?
Learners look at the pictures/ charts shown by the teacher and respond to the questions:
Soil with few leaves of grass, eroded land etc.
Learners develop ideas about the concept of erosion.
Step 1. Learners to carry out activities that will show the effect of erosion (7mins)
The teacher asks the learner's to carry out the activities as instructed in their worksheet and record their observations. Learners carry out the activities as instructed. Learners observe and discuss the effect of the air on the soil. And record their observation. (The topsoil dispersed all over the pan making galleys and valleys of soil. This shows that strong wind causes erosion on the soil).
Learners to observe the differences between the 2 activities (5mins)
Learners place some grasses, stones, plants, around the soil, and carry out the activities, as instructed in their worksheet. Learners observe how wind affects the soil when there is little or no cover on the area of the soil exposed. (The soil did not blow easily, the material did not allow the air and the water to carry plenty of soil).
Learners have the idea that the erosion effect could be minimized when the soil is covered. (7 mins)
The teacher asks learners to repeat the above exercise covering the soil with some materials as instructed in their worksheet. Learners explain what happens to the soil when there is little or no cover (Using their worksheets). Learners realized that erosion could be minimizing when the soil is covered.
The teacher asks the learners to present and explains their work on the board based on what happened to the topsoil in the 2 activities. Learners present their work to the whole class.
Pupils use their worksheet to draw and label what they observed
The teacher asks the learners to draw the topsoil to show the effect of wind. Learners draw to show the effect of wind on the soil. Learners draw the topsoil showing galleys and valleys.
Learners to relate the 2 activities to a real-life situation.
The teacher asks the learners to think and mention activities in the environment that can pave way for erosion to take place. And some places where traces of erosion could be seen either in the school compound or elsewhere. Learners cite examples of where they see traces of erosion in their area and the activities that cause them.
  1. Building construction
  2. Mining
  3. Lumbering
  4. Weeding, etc.

Soil erosion is seen in our farms, roadside, playing ground. etc
CONCLUSION The teacher use pictures to explain to the learners that there are natural forces that affect erosion and displacement of soil. Learners look at the pictures and follow the teachers' explanations. Learners realized that erosion is a natural phenomenon; some activities carried out by man can accelerate the rate of erosion. Pupils recognized that wind does not only carry particles of materials from their origin but also change the nature of the environment by causing erosion.
  1. Defined erosion
  2. What is the effect of wind erosion on our environment?
  3. How can these effects in (2) above can be avoided or reduced?
Learners answer other questions. Improving their level of understanding of erosion.

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Facts about Teachers

● ● ● Teachers Are Great No Controversy.

● ● ● Teachers are like candles, they burn themselves to light others.

● ● ● Teachers don't teach for the money.

● ● ● Every great mind was once taught by some brilliant teachers.

● ● ● Teachers are the second parents we have.

● ● ● If you can write your name, thank your teacher.

Teaching slogans

● ● ● Until the learner learns the teacher has not taught.

● ● ● I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and know.

● ● ● The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.