There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2 and 3, all of which must be taken.Papers 1 and 2 will be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.PAPER 1:
will consist of forty multiple‐choice objective questions all of which are to be answeredin 1 hour for 40 marks.PAPER 2:
will consist of five questions out of which candidates will be required to answer anyfour in 1½ hours for 60 marks.PAPER 3:
will be practical test of 3 hours, 10 minutes duration. It will consist of one compulsoryquestion for 100 marks.ALTERNATIVE TO PRACTICAL TEST:
The Council may consider testing candidates’ ability in practical work as prescribed inthe syllabus in the event that materials for the actual practical test cannot be acquired.For this alternative test there will be one question to be answered in 3 hours for 100marks.DETAILED SYLLABUS
1. | Workshop and standardworkshop practices. | 1.1. Introduction to fabrication andwelding practice. 1.2. Safety precautions in weldingand fabrication workshop. - Types and causes ofaccident in the workshop(fire, explosion, sharpobjects, hazardous gases,etc). - Accident preventionmeasures. - Types and causes ofenvironmental pollution. - Methods of preventing environmental pollution.- Safety facilities andprotective wears. 1.3. Workshop layout (fabricationand welding). 1.4 . Standard welding codes andsymbols. 1.5. First-Aid administration in theworkshop. | 1.2.1. Demonstration of theuse of protectivewears in welding andfabrication. 1.5.1. Demonstration of theuse of first aid in theworkshop. |
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2. | Properties of metals andselection. | 2.1 Ferrous and non-ferrousmetals (steel, aluminum, castiron, copper and zinc, tin, alloysteel). 2.2. Properties of metals (ductility,hardness, toughness,malleability, fusion andtenacity, brittleness, elasticityand plasticity). 2.3. Sheet metal (aluminum, mildsteel, brass) - concept of sheet metal - gauges of sheet metal 2.4. Selection of suitable metals forspecific jobs. 2.5 Heat treatment of metals(hardening, annealing,normalizing, tempering andcase- hardening, etc.) | 2.1.1 Identification offerrous and nonferrousmetals. 2.5.1. Annealing,Hardening andNormalizing of metals |
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3. | Tools and Equipment inFabrication and Welding. | 3.1. Identification of tools andequipment for fabrication andwelding. 3.2. Equipment set-up for gas, arcwelding and fabrication. 3.3. Job holding devices forfabrication and welding. 3.4. Measuring instruments,marking out and cutting tools. 3.5. Identification of parts and accessories for gas and arcwelding. 3.6. Maintenance procedure for arcand gas (oxy-acetylene)welding equipments. 3.7. Preparation of acetylene gasfrom carbide. 3.8. Types of electrodes and theircomposition, their application,gauges of electrodes, selectionof appropriate electrode for aspecific job. 3.9. Equipment for fault detectionand trouble shooting infabrication and welding. | 3.1.1. Student to set up oxy– acetylene equipment3.4.1. Demonstration of theuse of measuring,marking out andcutting tools. 3.5.1. Demonstration of the preparation oface-tylene gas fromcarbide. |
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4. | Operations andTechniques in Weldingand Fabrication. | 4.1. Types of welding (Gas and Arcwelding), explanation of theprinciples of gas and arcwelding and their differences. 4.2. Description of a typicalfabrication process. 4.3. Types of joints, joint methodsand application in welding andfabrication. 4.4. Classification of marking outtechniques in welding andfabrications. 4.5. Description of the use oftemplates for fabricated andwelded assemblies. 4.6. Welding techniques andapplication. 4.7. Techniques in fabrication work- Description of foldingtechniques and itsimportance in fabricationwork. | 4.3.1. Demonstration ofvarious jobs cuttingtechniques. 4.6.1. Students to weld usingboth leftward andrightward methods. 4.7.1. Students to work onwire-edge projects. |
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5. | Fasteners | 5.1. Permanent fasteners. 5.2. Temporary fasteners. 5.3. Types of rivets. 5.4. Uses of rivets. 5.5. Description of bolts and nuts. 5.6. Uses of bolts and nuts. 5.7. Classes of rivets and screws. | 5.4.1. Students to producerivets joints. 5.5.1. Students to producebolts and nuts. |
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6. | Forging Process | 6.1. Definition of forging 6.2. Forging tools and equipment(furnace, swages, fullers,flatters and tongs). 6.3. Forging process - upsetting. - drawing down - twisting - bending - forging an eye. | 6.3.1. Students to form aneye. |
7. | Preparation of weldingsurfaces andenvironment. | 7.1. Preparation of welding surfacesby cleaning with wire brush,emery cloth, files, scrappers andgrinding machine. 7.2. Preparation of edges for weldinge.g. single V, double V, fillets. 7.3. Post surface preparation - cleaning surface with wirebrush - oiling surface to protect fromcorrosion or rusting. 7.4. Defect in welding surfaces(causes and remedies). 7.5. Definition of weldingenvironment - awkward, unventilated,flammable material - slipery floor (oil/grease onfloor) 7.6. Surface furnishing forfabrication and welding(painting, metal spraying,galvanizing and oiling). | 7.2.1. Preparation of singleV surface forwelding |
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8. | Practical Work/Project | 8.1. Marking of shapes (triangle,square and rectangle). 8.2. Cutting and bending of triangles,square and rectangles. 8.3. Soldering of sheet metals 8.4. Welding of steel using arcwelding. 8.5. Welding of steel using gaswelding. 8.6. Fabrication of ferrous and nonferrousmetals into requiredshapes. 8.7 Suggested projects (students toproduce the following): - named plate - trinket box - funnel - kitchen stool - car stopper - metal rake - scoop - hinges - charcoal stove, etc. | |
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9. | BusinessEntrepreneurshipOpportunity | 9.1. Definition of - entrepreneurship - employer - employee. 9.2 Enterprises - small scale enterprise - medium scale enterprise - large scale enterprise 9.3. Factors for setting a workshop(cost, site, weather, material,manpower, market, source ofpower, transportations. | 9.3.1. Site visitations toexisting enterprise(small, medium orlarge scaleenterprise) |
1. | Hammers (various types) | 20 |
2. | Try squares | 20 |
3. | Chisels | 15 |
4. | Punches | 15 |
5. | Hand gloves | 30 |
6. | Straight edges | 20 |
7. | Trammel drivers | 5 |
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8. | Left and right snips | 20 |
9. | Straight snips | 15 |
10. | Rule, Scriber and dividers | 20 each |
11. | Hand nibbling machine | 5 |
12. | Wire brushes | 50 |
13. | Pliers-assorted | 20 |
14. | Tongs Assorted | 15 |
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15. | Hacksaws and blades | 60 |
16. | Guillotine | 1 |
17. | Bending rollers | 1 |
18. | Bench mounted cone roller | 1 |
19. | Bench shares | 2 |
20. | Power hacksaw | 1 |
21. | Vee blocks | 5 |
22. | Aprons | 50 |
23. | O2 CYLINDERS | 3 |
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24. | Transformers with rectifiers | 5 |
25. | Hand shield and Head caps | 10 each |
26. | Gas welding goggles | 10 |
27. | Double cylinder Trolley | 5 |
28. | Oxygen regulators | 5 |
29. | Acetylene regulators | 5 |
30. | Hoses, Clips and all attachments accessories | 10 |
31. | DC generators with all connections | 5 |
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32. | AC Transformers | 5 |
33. | Combined set of cutting welding outfits | 5 |
34. | Regulators with flow meters | 6 |
35. | Water to carbide generator | 1 |
36. | Anvil | 3 |
37. | Swage block | 1 |
38. | Chipping hammers | 10 |
39. | Flatters | 5 |
40. | Mole grip | 5 |
41. | Sledge Hammers | 5 |
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42. | Plain goggles | 20 |
43. | G – clamp | 5 |
44. | First-aid box | 2 |
45. | Magnetic clamp | 2 |
46. | Self grip pliers | 5 |
47. | Folding bars | 2 |
48. | Bench grinding Machine | 2 |
49. | Electrode Holders | 10 |
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50. | Electrode drying oven | 1 |
51. | Pillar Drilling Machine | 2 |
52. | Smith open forge | 1 |
53. | Vice (bench) | 20 |
54. | Bench type grinding Machine | 2 |
55. | Double ended buffer and polisher | 1 |
56. | Blow pipes (low and high pressure) | 2 |
57. | Files assorted | 100 |
58. | Acetylene Cylinder | 3 |
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59. | Parallel Clamp | 5 |
60. | Toolmakers clamp | 5 |
61. | Mallets | 5 |
62. | Work bench | 10 |
63. | Fire Extinguisher | 4 |
64. | Sand bucket | 4 |
65. | Cramp Folding Machine | 20 |
66. | Riveting Pliers | 5 |
67. | Riveting set | 2 |
1. | Welding and Fabrication | W. Kenyon |
2. | The Science and Practice of Welding | A. C. Davis |
3. | Fabrication and Welding | F. J. M. Smith |
4. | Basic Welding | P. Somsky |
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5. | The Theory and Practice of Metalwork | George Love |
6. | Metal Craft Theory and Practice | John R. Bedford |
7. | Metalwork Motivate Series | J. K. N. Sackey & S. K. Amoakohene |
8. | Metalwork Technology | G. H. Thomas |
9. | Workshop Processes and Materials | J. V. Courtney |
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10. | Ilesanmi Metalwork for Senior Secondary School Books 1 – 3 | Adejuyigbe S. B. and S. K. Akinlosose |
11. | Practical Welding Motivate Series | S. W. Gibson and B. K. Amoako-Awuah |