Scheme of Work on Social Habit

Syllabus for Nursery

Nursery 1 - Age 3 Nursery 2 - Age 4 Kindergarten - Age 5


1.Myself: (i) Teacher introduces himself/ herself to the class

2. Teacher guides pupils to mention their names one after the other

3. Teacher makes pupils mention names of at least three (3) other pupils in the class


1. My Family: (i) Teacher gives simple meaning of Family

2. Pupils are made to mention the to a nuclear family and the position they holdin their respective families

3. Pupils are made to mention the members of an extended family and their names:
Uncle's name
Aunt's name
Cousin's name
Niece's name
Nephew's name
Grandfather's name and
Grandmother's name

4. Pupils are guided to make a family tree on a chart


1. My Rights: (i) Teacher explains what Rights are and why they are important in a child's life

2. Teacher mentions and gives simple meanings to various rights of a child

3. Pupils are to describe the rights they enjoy and those they are denied

4. Compose a rhyme on Child Rights


1. Myself (contd): (i) teacher mentions his/ her age to the class

2. Pupils are then encouraged to mention their ages one after the other

3. Each pupil is made to state his/ her gender

4. Compose a song on "Myself"


1. Roles of Members of the Family: (i) Teacher discusses with pupils the roles of the Father, Mother and children

2. Teacher guides pupils to mention the roles of their parent's one after the other

3. Pupils describe thrie roles in their homes and demonstrated how they carry out their roles in the family


1. Child Abuse Practices: (i) Teacher gives simple meaning of what Child Abuse is

2. Teacher explains in simple terms the various Child Abuse practces

3. Pupils are encouraged and educated to report incidents of abuse


1. My Family: (i) Teacher leads the pupils to state the number of people living in their responsive house

2. Pupils are led to mention the names of their parents

3. Pupils are guided to mention the names of other members of their families

. Compose a rhyme on "My Family"


1. Activities at Home and in School: (i) Teacher discusses the various activities carried out in the home

2. Teacher discusses the various activities at home and in school

3. Pupils are made to describe their activities at home and in school and are mentored by the teacher to carry out instructions given by their parents/ elders and teachers


1. Forms of Child Abuse: (i) Teacher explains the forms of Child Abuse

2. Teacher explains ways of preventing Child Abuse

3. Pupils are made to learn more from pictures showing the various forms of Child Abuse

. Pupils are encouraged to report incidents of abuse


1. My School: (i) Teacher leads the pupils to state the name of their school

2. Teacher tells the pupils the address of the school

3. Teacher guides the pupils to identify the Head of School

4. Pupils are made to list common objects or things found around the school

5. Pupils are made to state activities carried out in the school


1. Advantages of Living Together as Family: (i) Teacher explains the concept of living together as a family

2. Pupils describe things they do together as family in their homes

3. Pupils are encoouraged to have a strong bond of love with every member of their family


1. Stigmatization: (i) Teacher explains stimatization in simple term

2. Teacher describes the effect of stimatization i.e
low self-esteem
lack of self-confidence
fear etc

3. Pupils are encouraged to learn from pictures of examples of stimatization

4. Pupils are made to mention cases of how they have been stimatized at home or in school if any


1. Greetings: (i) Teacher leads the pupils through the basic greetings and appropriate responses

2. Teacher demonstrates ways people from different parts of the country greet

3. Pupils are made to role-play parental roles and elicit proper greeting

4. Teacher guides the pupils on when to say the following greeting
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
Welcone and

5. GROUP WORK: Teacher with the pupils either in small groups or as an entire class do a group work basesd on any of the topics taught between week 1 - 5


1. Greetings on Special Occasions: (i) Teacher describes other forms of greetings and compliments to the pupils. E,g
Good Afternoon
Good Evening etc

2. Teacher explains to pupils how to greet one another and others during festivities. E.g
Christmas:- Merry Christmas
New Year:- Happy New Year
Ed-El-Fitri:- Barka deSellah
Birthday:- Happy Birthday

3. Pupils are encouraged to pass appropriate complimentary remarks to others and greet in their local languages

4. Pupils are encouraged to role-play how to greet one another in their local language and other language


1. My Responsibilities (At home): (i) Teacher explains 'Responsibility' in simple terms

2. Teacher describes pupils' responsibilities at home

3. Pupils are made to mention other responsibilities they should do

4. Pupils are guided to role-play some of the responsibilities


1. Greetings (Magic Words): Teacher introduces the five (5) magic words to the pupils

2. Teacher explains the circumstances when the magin word must be used and encourages the use of these words in their interaction with others

3. Compose a rhyme on the 'USE OF MAGIC WORDS' or demonstrate the use of these words


1. Ceremonies in our culture (Marriage): (i) Teacher gives simple meaning of marrige

2. Teacher explains types of marriage ceremony

3. Pupils describe the marriage ceremony they have attented and the activities involved

4. Pupils role-play the activities involved in a marriage ceremony


1. My Responsibilities (In School & My Society): (i) Teacher describes pupils' responsibilities in school

2. Teacher explains pupils responsibilities in the society

3. Pupils are encouraged to be good citizens and are made to know why Good Citizenship is valuable

4. Pupils are made tp role-play their responsibilities to the school and the society


1. Respect for Elders and Others: (i) Teacher states ways to show respect for elders

2. Pupils are asked how to show respect to their parents and older sinlings/ neighbours

3. The Teacher discusses various acts that constitute respect for elders

4. Sing a song on "Respect"


1. Ceremonies in our culture (Naming Ceremony): (i) Teacher gives simple meaning of Naming Ceremony

2. Teacher explains the activities involved in naming ceremonies

3 . Pupils give account of the naming ceremonies they have attended and say the names given to the baby

4. Pupils are made to find out other names they were given on their naming ceremony day and pictures to that effect


1. Harmful Traditional Practices: (i) Teacher explains the topic in simple terms

2. Teacher mentions examples of harmful traditional practices and explains why those traditional practices are harmful

3. Pupils are made to know the effects of these practices

4. Pupils are encouraged to find out other types of harmful traditional practices


1. Simple Instructions: (i) Teacher leads the pupils to carry out simple instructions

2. Teacher guides pupils in giving the appropriate response to such instructions

3. Pupils are given instructions and are guided by the teacher to ensure they carry them out

4. The class sing songs on how to obey and carryout simple instructions


1. Places in my House: (i) Teacher gives simple meaning of House

2. Teacher explains the difference between a big house and small house

3. Teacher describes the various rooms found in the house and their different purposes

4. Pupils describe other rooms in their houses and what they are used for


1. Public Places: (i) Teacher explains what a Public Place is and gives examples

2. Teacher explains what is done or activities that are carried out in Public Places

3. Pupils are encouraged to be of good behaviour at these places

4. Pupils are made to mention one or two other public places around

WEEK 9 (Cont.):

1. Simple Instructions: (i) Teacher leads the pupils to carry out simple instructions

2. Teacher guides pupils in giving the appropriate response to such instructions

3. Pupils are given instructions and are guided by the teacher to ensure they carry them out

4. The class sing songs on how to obey and carryout simple instructions

WEEK 9 (Cont.):

1. Places in my House: (i) Teacher gives simple meaning of House

2. Teacher explains the difference between a big house and small house

3. Teacher describes the various rooms found in the house and their different purposes

4. Pupils describe other rooms in their houses and what they are used for

WEEK 9 (Cont.):

1. Public Places: (i) Teacher explains what a Public Place is and gives examples

2. Teacher explains what is done or activities that are carried out in Public Places

3. Pupils are encouraged to be of good behaviour at these places

4. Pupils are made to mention one or two other public places around







We provide educational resources/materials, curriculum guide, syllabus, scheme of work, lesson note & plan, waec, jamb, O-level & advance level GCE lessons/tutorial classes, on various topics, subjects, career, disciplines & department etc. for all the Class of Learners

Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten

WEEK 1: Review of 1st term's work

WEEK 1: Review of 1st term's work

WEEK 1: Revision of three (3) letter words


1. Good and Bad Habits: (i) Teacher gives simple meaning on what Good and Bad Habits are

2. Teacher guides the pupils to mention the good habits they practice

3. Pupils are made to say some bad habits they know and teacher encourages pupils to stop practising all bad habits


1. Traditional Musical Instruments, Rulers and Festival: (i) Teacher gives simple explanation on the various traditional musical instruments, traditional rulers with the use of visual card

2. Teacher discusses the role of traditional rulers in Nigeria

3. Pupils are encouraged to organize cultural dance activities to display their cultural heritage

4. Pupils are made to say the name of the traditional ruler of their community


1. Peace Education: (i) Teacher explains the need to live with others peacefully

2. Teacher describes ways of how to live with different people peacefully

3. Pupils are made to mention ways on how they relate with people of different cultures and religions

4. Pupils are encouraged on how to settle quarrels amicably


1. Helping Yourself: (i) Teacher guides the pupils to demonstrate how to help themselves

2. Pupils describe how they do certain things by themselves

3. Pupils are made to say what they cannot do by themselves and are encouraged to learn to do it by themselves

4. Compose a rhyme on "Helping Yourself"


1. People in the Country: (i) Teacher discusses the various ethnic groups in Nigeria

2. Teacher describes their way of life i.e.
Language they speak
food they eat
way they dress etc

3. Pupils describe the ways they dress in the state

4. Pupils are encouraged to know the name of their natives food(s)


1. Emotions: (i) Teacher gives simple meaning of Emotion

2. Pupils explains the different emotions that can be expressed

3. Pupils are encouraged to learn how to express themselves appropriately wherever they find themselves


1. Dressing Habits: (i) Teacher tells the pupils the need to dress properly

2. Teacher guides pupils on how to dress properly i.e how a boy or girl should dress

3. Pupils are made to orally dress themselves up properly

4. Pupils role-play how to dress in their locality


1. Social Duties (Coommunity Helpers): (i) Teacher explains who community helpers are

2. Teacher mentions various community helpers and their role

3. Pupils are made to mention the community helpers they know and the ones they have in their communities

4. Pupils are guided to say what they would like to be when they grow up


1. My Neighbours: (i) Teacher gives simple meaning of neighbour

2. Teacher explains the need to maintain peace with our neighbours in the neighbourhood

3. Pupils are encouraged to be of good behaviour and render assistance to their neighbours

4. Pupils are encouraged to mention the names of their neighbours


1. Interaction: (i) Teacher gives simple meaning on what "Interaction" is

2. Teacher guides pupils to interact well with each other in the class

3. Teacher encourages pupils on how to interact well with other people

4. Teacher guides pupils on how to interact and express self freely

5. GROUP WORK: Teacher and the pupils either in small groups or as an entire class carries out a group work based on any of the topic taught between week 1 - 5


1. My School (People in my School): (i) Teacher discusses the schedules or roles of everyone in the school

2. Teacher introduces them to other teachers and staff of the school

3. Pupils are led to mention other people in their school apart from their class teachers and describe their roles/ duties


1. Good Behaviour (at Public Places): (i) Teacher explains simple meaning of behaving well

2. Teacher describes ways of behaving well e.g not littering public places, not scribbling on the walls, not destroying things used in such places, not making noise etc

3. Pupils are made to describe public place visited with the use of charts or poster

4. Pupils are encouraged to mention other things that they shouldn't do at public places


1. Friendship: (i) Teacher discusses with pupils on what 'friendship' is

2. Teacher explains to pupils the importance of friendship to them and the country

3. Teacher mentors and cautions pupils to be aware of the effect of having bad friends

4. Pupils sing rhymes / songs on 'Friendship'


1. Activites in the School: (i) Teacher explains to the pupils the activities done in the school

2. Pupils are made to describe what they enjoy doing in the school

3. Pupils are guided to describe other activities done in the school i.e activities not mentioned by the teacher, just to encourage pupils active participation


1. States and Capital: (i) Teacher introduces the topic by telling the pupils the name of our country with the use of map

2. Teacher points out 36 states and 1 Federal Capital territory

3. Teacher recites stes and capitals to pupils


1. Friendship (Birthday): (i) Teacher allows the pupils to interact with each other by saying their respective age

2. Pupils are encouraged to say their best friend's name one after the other

3. Pupils are encouraged to know their friends' birthday and celebrate with them on those days

4. Sing a 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' song


1. Values (Honesty & Trustworthiness: (i) Teacher gives simple explanation on what honesty is and its reward

2. Teacher explains what being trustworthy means and how to make other trust us

3. Teacher and pupils role-play how to be honest and trustworthy to encourage effective learning and active participation

4. Pupils are encouraged to practise these values in their day to day activities


1. My Hairstyle: (i) Teacher introduces the topic to pupils with the use of chart or poster on hairstyles to explain the simple meaning

2. Teacher relates this to pupils hairstyles in the class

3. Teacher mentions and describes the various types of hairstyles appropriate for boys and girls

4. Pupils are made to give other types of hairstyle

5. Teacher encourages pupils to keep hairstyles that are appropriate for them and make their hair neet and tidy


1. Special Days (Children's Day, Independence Day, Workers' Day etc): (i) Teacher leads the pupils by mentioning the special days we have in Nigeria

2. Pupils learn the respective dates of the special days from the teacher

3. Pupils compose songs for the special days with the help of the teacher


1. Value (Responsibility, Peacemaking & Tolerance): Teacher explains what responsibility & tolerance is and ways to be responsible and tolerate others

2. Teacher describes what it is to be a peacemaker and various ways to make peace with others

3. Teacher and pupils role-play how to be responsible to others and make peace with others to encourage active learning

4. Pupils are encouraged to practise these values in their day to day activities


1. My Country 1: (i) Teacher leads the pupils to recite the National Anthem

2. The pupils are led to identify occasions when the National Anthem is recited

3. Teacher leads pupils to recite the National Pledge

4. Teacher mentions to the pupils the importance of the National Pledge

WEEK 9 (Cont.):

1. Special Days (Children's Day, Independence Day, Workers' Day etc): (i) Teacher leads the pupils by mentioning the special days we have in Nigeria

2. Pupils learn the respective dates of the special days from the teacher

3. Pupils compose songs for the special days with the help of the teacher

WEEK 9 (Cont.):

1. Value (Responsibility, Peacemaking & Tolerance): Teacher explains what responsibility & tolerance is and ways to be responsible and tolerate others

2. Teacher describes what it is to be a peacemaker and various ways to make peace with others

3. Teacher and pupils role-play how to be responsible to others and make peace with others to encourage active learning

4. Pupils are encouraged to practise these values in their day to day activities

WEEK 9 (Cont.):

1. My Country 1: (i) Teacher leads the pupils to recite the National Anthem

2. The pupils are led to identify occasions when the National Anthem is recited

3. Teacher leads pupils to recite the National Pledge

4. Teacher mentions to the pupils the importance of the National Pledge







We provide educational resources/materials, curriculum guide, syllabus, scheme of work, lesson note & plan, waec, jamb, O-level & advance level GCE lessons/tutorial classes, on various topics, subjects, career, disciplines & department etc. for all the Class of Learners

Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten

WEEK 1: Revision of 2nd term's work

WEEK 1: Revision of 2nd term's work

WEEK 1: Revision of 2nd term's work


1. Religion and Places of Worship: (i) Teacher leads the pupils by giving a simple meaning of what "Religion" is and the three major religions in Nigeria

2. Pupils are then encouraged to mention the religion they practise

3. Teacher explains where the "three types" of religion worship and the objects used to worship


1. Our Environment: (i) Teacher explains the meaning and importance of Environment

2. Teacher describes the pictorial representation of a dirty environment and a clean environment

3. Teacher guides pupils on ways of taking care of their environment

4. Pupils are encouraged to be of good behaviour by making their environment clean at all times

5. Pupils and teacher compose a rhyme on clean Environment


Parental Care: Effects of Denial
1. Teacher explains in simple term the meaning of parental care

2. Teacher explains the effect of denial of parental care

3. Teacher explains that parent care and protection are important in their lives


1. Religion and Places of Worship (contd): (i) Teacher demonstrates the activities carried out in the various places of worship

2. Teacher encourages pupils on the need to play/ worship reverently, not to use bad language and keeping the place of worship neat

3. Pupils are made to mention where they worship are their names

4. Pupils compose a song on Religion and Places of Worship


1. Good Manners: (i) Teacher explains what Good Manners are with examples

2. Pupils are led to mention good manners exhibited by them

3. Pupils are encouraged to exhibit good manners at all times

4. Pupils and teacher sing songs on Good manners


Violence (Physical)
1. Teacher explains the meaning of violence

2. Teacher describes what physical violence is

3. Teacher discusses the harmful effect of physical violence

4. Teacher gives examples of physical violence with the use of posters or charts

5. Pupils are encouraged to desisit from all forms of physical violence


1. Community Helpers: (i) Teacher gives simple meaning/ explanation of who community helpers are

2. Teacher gives examples of community helpers and statetheir roles

3. Pupils are encouraged to mention other community helpers in their community


1. Gender Fairness: (i) Teacher explains the meaning of the following:
(a) Gender
Gender Fairness

2. Teacher guides the pupils on the need to treat each other fairly and respect each other (Male or Female)

3. Pupils are made to know the difference between Fair Treatment and Unfair Treatment and are encouraged to embrace fair treatment to all at all times


Violence (Mental):
1. Teacher remainds pupils on definition of violence

2. Teacher describes what mental violence is

3. Teacher discusses the harmful effect of mental violence in simple term

4. Pupils are shown examples of mental violence (use of charts)


1. Culture: (i) Teacher leads by explaining in a simple term what culture is

2. Teacher explains the reflection of culture on the following:
Ways of Dressing


1. Helping People: (i) Teacher explains the value attached to helping people

2. Teacher demonstrate how to render help to others e.g teacher should help the children to do something so as to make them understand the concept of help better

3. Pupils are encouraged to always help their parents, elders, sibling, friends etc


Care of Children with Special Needs
1. Teacher explains simple meaning of children with special needs

2. Teacher explains the following special needs and how to care for them:
(a) Visually Impaired
(b) Handicapped
(c) Hearing Impaired
(d) Speech Impaired

3. Teacher encourages pupils to be friendly with children with special needs and not to make jest of them or treat them badly

4. Pupils are shown examples of children with special needs on a chart


1. Respect (People and Places to respect): (i) teacher states certain people in the society that should be respected. E.g
Traditional Rulers
Teacher etc

2. Techer guides the pupils on the national symbols that should be respected.E.g
National Flag
National Coat of Arms
National currency etc

3. Pupils are encouraged to show respect to certain place. E.g.
National Arts Thestre
General Hospital
Police Station
National Museum
National Library
The Courthouse etc

4. Pupils are encouraged to mention the activities that go on in these places.


1. People and their Professions: (i) Teacher gives simple meaning on what Profession is

2. Teacher leads the pupils to state different professions they know

3. Teacher explains the different professions stated above, where they work and what they do

4. Pupils are encouraged to mention what they would love to do (profession) when they grow older


Love and Care for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children
1. Teacher gives simple meaning of the following:
(a) Orphaned Children
(b) Vulnerable Children

2. Teacher discusses various ways of taking care of them and showing love to them

3. Teacher explains various ways by which children become orphans


1. Peace Education: (i) Teacher gives simple meaning of what peace is

2. Teacher explains the nneed for peace

3. Pupils are made to mention places where peace is needed

4. Pupils should role-play what they should do to maintain peace in their community


1. Transportation in my Neighbourhood: (i) Teacher explains the concept of Transportation

2. Teacher explains the traditional and modern means of transpotation

3. Teacher describes the following with examples:
(a) transportation by land
Transportation by air
Transpotation by water

4. Pupils are asked to name the means of transportation (Air, Land or Water) that they use


Living with people with HIV/ AIDS
1. Teacher explains the simple meaning of HIV/ AIDS

2. Teacher illustrates different ways it can be contacted

3. Teacher encourages pupils to be friendly with people living with HIV/ AIDS by showing love and care to them


1. Our Country: (i) Teacher lists the national identities. E.g
National Flag
Pledge etc
Also, the teacher introduces pupils to states and their capital

2. The teacher leads the pupils to recite the national anthem and pledge

3. Pupils are encouraged to mention their duties to their country

4. Sing a song of MY COUNTRY


1. Our Country: (i) Teacher leads the pupils to recite the National Anthem and Pledge

2. Teacher draws the Nigeria Flag and colours it and describes what the colours stand for

3. Pupils are made to mention their states of origin


My Country 2
1. Teacher explains what the Coat of Arms stands for and the various characters seen in the Coat of Arms

2. Pupils are made to colour the Coat of Arms and Nigerian map

WEEK 9 (Cont.):

1. Our Country: (i) Teacher lists the national identities. E.g
National Flag
Pledge etc
Also, the teacher introduces pupils to states and their capital

2. The teacher leads the pupils to recite the national anthem and pledge

3. Pupils are encouraged to mention their duties to their country

4. Sing a song of MY COUNTRY

WEEK 9 (Cont.):

1. Our Country: (i) Teacher leads the pupils to recite the National Anthem and Pledge

2. Teacher draws the Nigeria Flag and colours it and describes what the colours stand for

3. Pupils are made to mention their states of origin

WEEK 9 (Cont.):

My Country 2
1. Teacher explains what the Coat of Arms stands for and the various characters seen in the Coat of Arms

2. Pupils are made to colour the Coat of Arms and Nigerian map







We provide educational resources/materials, curriculum guide, syllabus, scheme of work, lesson note & plan, waec, jamb, O-level & advance level GCE lessons/tutorial classes, on various topics, subjects, career, disciplines & department etc. for all the Class of Learners

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PHONE: +234805 5084784, +234803 5586470

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AseiClass Team

We provide educational resources/materials, curriculum guide, syllabus, scheme of work, lesson note & plan, waec, jamb, O-level & advance level GCE lessons/tutorial classes, on various topics, subjects, career, disciplines & department etc. for all the Class of Learners

Facts about Teachers

● ● ● Teachers Are Great No Controversy.

● ● ● Teachers are like candles, they burn themselves to light others.

● ● ● Teachers don't teach for the money.

● ● ● Every great mind was once taught by some brilliant teachers.

● ● ● Teachers are the second parents we have.

● ● ● If you can write your name, thank your teacher.

Teaching slogans

● ● ● Until the learner learns the teacher has not taught.

● ● ● I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and know.

● ● ● The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.