Poetry: Agbor Dancer
BY J.P. Clark
Subject: Literature-in-English
Theme: Poetry
Topic: Agbor Dancer BY J.P. Clark
Sub Topic:
Date: dd/mm/yyyy
Class: S.S 2
Average Age: 15 years and above
Duration: 35 Minutes
No of Learners: 40
Background of the Poetry
Author: J.P. Clark is a Nigerian Poet of Delta State origin. One of the pioneers of Modern African Poetry. Picks the subject of his riverine area, showing his interest in his cultural displays, essential aspects of life among various groups of Nigeria.Subject Matter:
A description of Agbor girl doing a traditional dance in a trance-like response to rhythm of the drums. The poet expresses his own interest in the values represented by this dance by expressing his desire to join the dance that involves earth, sky and flesh or entire life of the people.Theme:
1. Idealization of the dancing girl and the dance, which represents the culture that the poet sees as most worthwhile2. the poet's regret that he is not part of the culture of his people.
Language, Style and Poetic Device:
1. The poem contains number of descriptive adjectival words used because of their sound throb, tripling, maze, trance, trenchant etc.2. The images appeal mostly to senses of sight and hearing.
3. There are rhymes and words with musical effect.