The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in French is toprepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test candidates’ generalability to:
1. assess written comprehension in French;2. apply the principles governing the structure and use of written French;
3. identify how French sounds work in speech production;
4. examine the culture of Francophone West Africa and France in relation (where possible) tohome country.
1. Written Comprehension in French:- topics of general and emergentinterest e.g. love, life, death, politics,marriage, HIV/AIDS,communication, child trafficking,cultism, travel, corruption, moneylaundering,etc. | Candidates should be able to: (i) deduce answers to questions on the content,intent and style of proposed texts, (ii) apply reasoning skills. |
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2. Principles Governing the Structure andUse of Written French:I. Identification of basic form classes:(a) Nouns: simple/compound,Singular/plural, masculine/feminine. (b) Pronouns: personal, impersonal,demonstrative, possessive andrelative. (c) Verbs: reflexive and non-reflexive,their moods and tenses. (d) Adjectives: qualifying, possessive,interrogative,demonstrative, indefinite (e.g.nul), numeral (e.g. dix) andordinal (e.g. dixième.) (e) Adverbs: - common forms i) with-ment (e.g. lentement) ii) with préposition + noun(e.g. par avion, à cheval,en voiture, par bateau.) - special forms (e.g. bien, vite,mal, mieux, le mieux, pire, le pis,ne…que.) - types - manner (e.g. debout,facilement.) - purpose (e.g. pour +Infinitive, afin de + infinitive.) - cause and consequence (e.g. pour+infinitive perfect, à cause de +noun.) - concession (e.g. malgré +noun.) - place (e.g. y, en, ici, là, là-haut,partout.) - time (e.g. hier, aujourd’hui,avant-hier, après, demain, laveille, le matin, dans un mois.) (f) Prépositions: - simple (e.g. à, de, avec, avant,sur, dans.) - compound (e.g. à côté de, aumilieu de.) (g) Conjunctions: - of co-ordination (e.g. mais, ou,et, donc, car, cependant, ne…ni.) -of subordination (e.g. afin que,quoique, à condition que, pourque, parce que.) (h) Articles: - definite, indefinite and partitive. II. Assessment of vocabulary span: (words in contemporary contexts- meaning, use, opposites,Synonyms) III. Importance of word order in: (a) affirmative sentences (b) interrogative sentences (c) imperative sentences (d) passive voice formation IV. Identification and applicationof basic processes in languagestructure, e.g. (a) conjugation - in all tensesexcept l’imparfait dusubjonctif, le passé composé dusubjonctif, et…le plus-que-parfaitdusubjonctif. (b) negation (e.g. ne…pas,ne…plus, ne…rien, nul ne,ne…, ne…personne,personne…ne,aucun….ne,rien ne….etc.) (c) agreement (e.g. les beaux arts, illes a vues les photos.) (d) pluralisation (e.g. as incheval/chevaux,beau/beaux.) (e) derivation: -from adj, to adv –e.g. lent-lentement, -from adj. to adj. e.g.un – premier, -from adj. to noun – e.g.bon-bonté,riche-richesse etc -from one degree ofcomparison to another(using plus…que,moins….que,aussi….que e.g. plusgrand que.) NB –special forms-(e.g. bon, meilleur, le meilleur,la meilleure, mauvais,pire, le pire.) V. Use of French in setexpressions such as in proverbs,idioms and conventionalstructures as provided for incommon speech acts: (a) proverbs (e.g. tel pèretel fils, petit à petitl’oiseau fait son nid.) (b) idioms (e.g. avoir unefaim de loup, crier surle toit, mourir de peur.) (c) conventional stretches(e.g. enchanté, c’estdommage, c’estformidable,stationnement interdit,etc.) (d) speech acts (e.g.proposer, conseiller,regretter, admirer,espérer, interroger,reprocher, s’accorder, etc.) | Candidates should be able to: i. identify what constitutes the basic structuresof written French, ii. use the principles governing the structure ofwritten French to determine acceptability,e.g. to transform one form; one class intoanother, iii. apply the structure to convey diverse messages.iv. apply communicative skills |
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3. Workings of French soundsvia:(a) sound discrimination(e.g. tout/tu), (fais/fée.)(b) letter-soundcorrespondence(e.g. ai-/e/, eau/o/.) (c) syllabification (e.g. con/tente/ment.) (d) liaison (e.g. trois animaux, des enfants.) (e) sense groups in readinge.g. J’ai mal à la tête. J’ai mal/pas à latête / mais au dos/.Comment vas-tu, Carol?// Comment vastudemain? (f) faux amis(e.g.librairie/library, rester/torest, blesser/to bless.) (g) identification of sounds todetermine similarity (, dents/don,fond/fonde.) | Candidates should be able to: (i) discriminate between French sounds, (ii) deduce meanings out of soundcombinations, (iii) use the above to enhance effectivecommunication, (iv) assess sound groupings in terms ofhow they are affected by suchfeatures as syllabification, liaison,e-caduc; pause, intonation, etc. |
4. Culture and Civilization:Characteristics , (aspects, similarities anddifferences) of the educational system,socio-economic life, political organizationand cultural life of Francophone Africa andFrance, with reference (where possible) tohome country i.e. Nigeria. | Candidates should be able to: i. identify the specific features of theculture of Francophone Africa andFrance greetings, dressing, food,leisure, marriage, festival, art,profession etc. ii. compare these features with those ofhome country ( where possible), iii. apply reasoning skill. |
Ajiboye, T. (2014) Companion to French Grammar (4thEdition): Ibadan: Cleavoketa books
Ajiboye, T. (2012) Nouvel Horizon, Book 4, New Revised Edition, Ibadan: Bounty Press
Hatier (1980) Le Nouveau Bescherelle: L’Art de Conjuguer, Ibadan: Spectrum Book Ltd.
Maice, G et Merlo, G., (1998), Grammaire progressive du français ( Niveauintermediaire), Paris:Clé international.
Mazauric,. C, et Sirejols, E. (2006) On y va! Book 3,Ibadan : Spectrun Books Ltd.
Ojo, S. A.(2000) A Comprehensive Revision Handbook of French Grammar, Ibadan:Agoro Publishing Company.
Any other relevant materials on French Grammar.
A (ii) Oral
Ajiboye, T. (2010) An Introduction to Practice in Oral French, Ibadan: Bounty Press.
Any other materials that emphasise oral practice.
B. Culture of Francophone Countries
Girod R and Grand-Clement, F. (1979) Comment vivent les Français, Paris: Hachette
Mbuko, L. (2000) French Essays on Culture and Civilisation for Schools andColleges,Ibadan: Bounty Press.
Any other relevant materials, e.g. French newspapers, magazines, journals, anddocuments on Francophone life.
C. Dictionary
Any good French/English or French dictionary.