Scheme of Work on Health Habit
Syllabus for Nursery
Nursery 1 - Age 3 | Nursery 2 - Age 4 | Kindergarten - Age 5 |
WEEK 1: Disease/ Illness1. Give simple meaning of disease 2. Give examples of some diseases common among children. E.g, Polio, Cough, Malaria, Chicken pox, Stooling, Kwashiorkor etc NOTE: Refer children for treatment when necessary to appropriate health facility centre |
WEEK 1: Care of nails1. Show posters or charts on nails (toes & fingers) to the pupils 2. Demonstrate care of nails to the pupils. E.g. Washing of hands and arms with clean water and soap, the use of nail cutters to cut them short, apply cream |
WEEK 1: Exercise1. Give simple meaning of excercise 2. List some exercises pupils can practise such as jogging on a spot, twisting, stretching of arms and legs etc 3. Engage the pupils in the exercise |
WEEK 2: Diseases: Causes1. List and discuss some causes of diseases and illness. E.g (a) Drinking dirty water (b) Using dirty plates or cutlery to eat (c) Picking food from the floor (d) Living or sleeping in dirty room (e) Stagnant water in the surroundings (f) Littering of floor, roads and gutter with dirt 2. Discuss the implications of dirty habits to our health and environment |
WEEK 2: Nails (cont'd)1. List and discuss some items/ tools for cleaning nails. E.g. Water, nail file, nails cutter NOTE: Advise pupils not to cut nails by themselves |
WEEK 2: Disposal of Refuse1. Give simple meaning of refuse to the pupils 2. Discuss and train pupil on proper disposal of refuse. E.g. The use of dust bin |
WEEK 3: Diseases1. List and discuss some care to be given to a pupil that is ill. E.g (a) ORT/ SS solution when necessary (b) Give food (c) Water (c) Warmth (d) Give First-Aid treatment (e) Refer to clinic NOTE: Teachers are advised not to administer medicine to pupils Parents are advised to keep sick pupil(s) at home for proper care |
WEEK 3: Care of Hair1. Guide the pupils to identify hair on their heads 2. Discuss the function of hair on the head. E.g. To look beautiful Protect the head etc |
WEEK 3: Disposal of waste1. Give simple meaning of waste 2. Discuss the two types of waste; (a) Solid waste:- Paper, cans, cartons, leaves, bottles etc (b) Liquid waste:- Urine, water from drainge, etc |
WEEK 4: Diseases: Prevention1. Discuss with the children some preventive measures on childhood diseases. E.g (a) Immunization (b) Cleanliness Live in air and cool house ORT/ SS Solution Use of insecticide Use of treated mosquito nets De-worming |
WEEK 4: Care of Hair (cont'd)1. List and discuss some materials/ tools that can be used to take care of hair. E.g (a) Washing with water and hair shampoo (b) Drying with towel or dryer (c) Creaming with oil (d) Combing (e) Plaiting |
WEEK 4: Disposal of waste1. Discuss methods of disposing animal waste:- Burying inside the ground to prevent bad odour or epidemic 2. Discuss the use of animal waste-dungs |
WEEK 5: Immunization1. Use simple words to explain immunization to the pupils 2. Expose pupils to pictures/ photographs/ posters/ charts showing various vaccines. E.g BCG, vaccine against measles, polio, Vitamin A etc NOTE: Educate parents on types of immunization (vaccines) exercise Collect and keep records of pupils' immunization |
WEEK 5: Care of Legs1. Guide pupils to identify legs on their body 2. Give the functions of the legs.Eg. Walking, driving, dancing, swimming, playing football, running etc |
WEEK 5: Waste Disposal Materials: Compositing1. Give simple meaning of compost 2. Give examples of compost materials |
WEEK 6: Health Habits: Good1. Discuss simple meaning of good health habits with the pupils 2. Mention some ways of maintaining good personal health. E.g Eating balanced diet (good food), drinking clean water, play safely, exercise |
WEEK 6: Care of Legs (cont'd)1. Discuss the care of the legs. E.g. Wash them with clean water, cut the toes' nails short, apply cream |
WEEK 6: Waste Disposal Materials: Recycling1. Give simple meaning of recycling 2. Display posters or charts and use them to discuss simple method of recycling of waste to pupils. E.g. Books, metals, poly products, can |
WEEK 7:Health Habits: Bad1. Discuss simple meaning of bad health habits. E.g Dirty nails, bushy hair, mouthodour, mucus in the nose, dirt in the eyes, smoking |
WEEK 7: Care of Hands1. Encourage pupils to bring forth their hands for simple exercise 2. Give functions of the hands. E.g Holding, Carrying, Clapping, Writing, Cooking, Playing games, Eating etc |
WEEK 7: Cleaning: School Uniform1. Discuss the meaning of cleanliness to pupils 2. Discuss the steps to take in cleaning school uniform (a) Washing (b) Rinsing (c) Drying and (d) Ironing 3. Train pupils to always look neat and tidy in and out of the school |
WEEK 8: Safety Rules1. Discuss the meaning of safety rules 2. Mention and discuss some safety rules a child needs to keep. E.g (a) Playing with electric sockets or wire (b) Playing with naked wire (c) Talking with strangers (d) Flying kites on the road (e) Rolling tyre or ball on the road (f) Sitting in the front of a car (g) Crossing road alone etc |
WEEK 8: Care of Hands (cont'd)1. Mention and discuss the care of the hands. E.g (a) Washing before and after a meal (b) Washing after the use of toilet (c) cutting the nails short (d) Applying cream |
WEEK 8: Sleep: Bed-Time1. Discuss simple meaning of sleep and its usefulness 2. Explain the best time bedtime can be observed by the pupils 3. List and discuss what pupils need to do before going to bed |
WEEK 9: Safety Rules (Cont.t)1. Discuss the meaning of safety rules 2. Mention and discuss some safety rules a child needs to keep. E.g (a) Playing with electric sockets or wire (b) Playing with naked wire (c) Talking with strangers (d) Flying kites on the road (e) Rolling tyre or ball on the road (f) Sitting in the front of a car (g) Crossing road alone etc |
WEEK 9: Care of Hands (cont'd)1. Mention and discuss the care of the hands. E.g (a) Washing before and after a meal (b) Washing after the use of toilet (c) cutting the nails short (d) Applying cream |
WEEK 9: Sleep: Bed-Time (Cont.t)1. Discuss simple meaning of sleep and its usefulness 2. Explain the best time bedtime can be observed by the pupils 3. List and discuss what pupils need to do before going to bed |
Nursery 1 | Nursery 2 | Kindergarten |
WEEK 1: Review of 1st term's work |
WEEK 1: Review of 1st term's work |
WEEK 1: Revision of three (3) letter words |
WEEK 2: Drug Use I1. Discuss the simple meaning of drug 2. Mention and discuss management of drug to pupils. E.g (a) No self medication (b) Keeping drug out of reach of children (c) Do not take overdose Do not take expired drug |
WEEK 2: Care of Skin1. Discuss simple meaning of skin 2. Guide the pupils to identify skin on their body 3. Mention and discuss the funtions of the skill on our body. E.g. It protects our body from heat and cold, it covers our bones etc |
WEEK 2: Toilet: Types1. Discuss simple meaning of toilet 2. List and discuss different types of toilet facilities with the use of posters and charts. E.g. Pit latrine, VIP Latrines, Water system, Potty |
WEEK 3: Drug Use II1. Mention and discuss the safe uses of drug to pupils. E.g (a) To cure diseases (b) To heal wounds (c) To prevent sickness (d) To relax To sleep etc 2. Mention and discuss some categories of people that can use drug. E.g. Children, men, women, pregnant women, old people |
WEEK 3: Care of the Skin (cont'd)1. Mention and discuss the care of skin. E.g. Bathing regularly Rubbing cream or oil on it Cover with good and clean dresses etc 2. Train the pupils not to expose the private part of the body |
WEEK 3: Toilets: Cleaning Materials1. Expose pupils to posters/ charts on different materials use for cleaning the toilet. E.g. Water, towel, tissue-paper, soap, brush, disinfectant, dust-bin etc |
WEEK 4: Personal Hygiene: Care of the Body I1. Discuss personal hygiene to the pupils 2. Sing the song on parts of the body and their care 3. Guide the child to identify some parts of the body. E.g Head, mounth, ears, eyes, head, leg, skin, teeth etc |
WEEK 4: Care of Ears1. Guide pupils to identify the ears and where they are positioned in the body 2. List and mention the uses of ears. E.g. Hearing, for wearing earrings etc |
WEEK 4: Toilet: Good Habits1. Mention and discuss the good hadits pupils are to display while using toilet: (a) cleaning of seat bowl with tissue before sitting on it (b) Cleaning up with tissue paper or water after use (c) Flushing the toilet (d) Washing of hands after using it 2. Train every pupils to use the toilet independently |
WEEK 5:Personal Hygiene: care of the Body II1. Desmonstrate and discuss about oral hygiene. E.g (a) Bathing twice daily (b) Cutting of fingers or toes' nails short (c) Wearing clean cloth etc 2. List and discuss the consequences of neglecting care of the body. E.g. Germs, diseases, body rashes etc |
WEEK 5: Care of Ears (cont'd)1. Discuss the care of the ears with pupils. E.g. Clean with damp towel, cotton bud, rub cream on it 2. Train pupils not to put sharp objects like nail, pin, broom stick, stones, beads into the ears |
WEEK 5: Toilet: Bad habits1. Discuss some bad habits that pupils are not expected to participate in while using the toilet. E.g. (a) Using toilet without flushing (b) Eating in the toilet (c) Drinking water from toilet reservoir or the closet (d) Unwashed hands after toilet use,, etc |
WEEK 6: Personal Hygiene: Toilet- Uses1. Guide pupils to identify and locate toilets in the school premises 2. Mention types of toilet. E.g. Pit, water closet 3. Mention some uses of toilets. E.g. To urinate, to defecate |
WEEK 6: Care of Mouth1. Give simple meaning of mouth 2. List and discuss the uses of mouth. E.g. Smiling, laughing, crying, talking, singing, eating, shouting, blessing etc 3. Sing song or rhymes on mouth |
WEEK 6: Eating Habit: Good1. Discuss with pupils simple good eating habit 2. List and discuss some good eating habits. E.g. (a) Use clean plate (b) Cutlery (c) Place water by food side (d) Take a little at a time (e) Washing hands before and after meal, etc |
WEEK 7: Personal Hygiene: Toilet- Habits1. Mention some items that can be found in the toilet. E.g. Tissue paper, napkin, liquid soap, cleaning brush, washing sink, closet, water reservoir etc 2. Train pupils to wash hands after the use of toilet |
WEEK 7: Care of Mouth (cont'd)1. Mention and discuss the steps in talking care of the mouth. E.g Brushing of teeth two times daily with water, tooth brush/ chewing stick and toothpaste Goggle mouth with water after meal |
WEEK 7: Eating Habit: Bad1. Discuss with pupils on bad eating habit 2. List and discuss some bad eating habits. E.g. (a) Talking while eating (b) Fighting while eating (c) Cleaning hands with dress after meal (d) Soiling clothes while eating (e) Sneezing or coughing insde food (f) Eating with dirty hands |
WEEK 8: Orphans1. Discuss who an orphan is with the pupils 2. Discuss some result of psychological distress condition of an orphan. E.g. Fear, withdrawal, neglect etc |
WEEK 8: Care of Eyes1. Guide pupils to identifyeyes on the body 2. List and discuss the uses of eyes. E.g. To see, read, choose colour, etc 3. Mention and discuss the care of the eyes. E.g. Rinsing with clean water Keep away from dusr, wind, direct sunlight ray, sharp or pointed objects etc |
WEEK 8: Care of Teeth1. Guide pupils to identify teeth in the mouth 2. Discuss the uses of teeth. E.g. Tearing cutting, biting, chewing food etc 3. Demonstrate to the pupils the care of teeth. Sing 'This is the way I brush my teeth...' Advise and encourage pupils to brush teeth twice daily |
WEEK 9: Orphans (Cont.)1. Discuss who an orphan is with the pupils 2. Discuss some result of psychological distress condition of an orphan. E.g. Fear, withdrawal, neglect etc |
WEEK 9: Care of Eyes (Cont.)1. Guide pupils to identifyeyes on the body 2. List and discuss the uses of eyes. E.g. To see, read, choose colour, etc 3. Mention and discuss the care of the eyes. E.g. Rinsing with clean water Keep away from dusr, wind, direct sunlight ray, sharp or pointed objects etc |
WEEK 9: Care of Teeth (Cont.)1. Guide pupils to identify teeth in the mouth 2. Discuss the uses of teeth. E.g. Tearing cutting, biting, chewing food etc 3. Demonstrate to the pupils the care of teeth. Sing 'This is the way I brush my teeth...' Advise and encourage pupils to brush teeth twice daily |
Nursery 1 | Nursery 2 | Kindergarten |
WEEK 1: Revision of 2nd term's work |
WEEK 1: Revision of 2nd term's work |
WEEK 1: Revision of 2nd term's work |
WEEK 2: Sanitation I1. Give simple meaning of sanitation 2. Discuss some places general sanitation can take place. E.g House, Market, School, Supermarket, Roads |
WEEK 2: Care of Nose1. Guide pupils to identify nose on the body in addition to exposure of charts and posters on nose 2. List and discuss the uses of nose. E.g. Smelling, breathing, sneezing |
WEEK 2: Sanitation I1. Give simple meaning of sanitation with the use of video clips 2. Discuss the purpose of sanitation in our environment |
WEEK 3: Sanitation II1. Discuss some materials that can be used for sanitation. E.g. Broom, rake, finger rake, parker etc 2. Mention the state agency in charge of sanitation in your State 3. Group the pupils for role-play on sanitation |
WEEK 3: Care of Nose (cont'd)1. Discuss and demonstrate proper care of nose. E.g. Use of clean handkerchief to remove dirt or mucus from the nose, keep away from inhaling dust, rotten smell, smoke, water |
WEEK 3: Sanitation II1. Mention some places sanitation can take place. E.g. House, market, offices, streets, etc 2. Engage pupils to participate in simple sanitation activities in the school compound |
WEEK 4: Pests1. Display pictures and charts of different inserts to discuss pests 2. List some examples of pests. E.g. Houseflies, cockroach, mosquitoes etc 3. Discuss harmful effects of pest on man |
WEEK 4: Cleanlinness: Dresses1. Give simple meaning of cleanliness in relation to dress (pupil's school uniforms) 2. Mention dresses girls wear. E.g. Gown, Blouse, Skirt, Wrapper 3. Mention dress boys wear. E.g. Shirt, Trousers, shorts, tie |
WEEK 4: Hot Weather1. Discuss hot weather with pupils 2. Guide pupils on how to take care of themselves when the weather is hot, e.g. Wearing light clothes, eating warm food, sleeping in cool and airy room, having cold bath etc |
WEEK 5: Pests control1. Discuss ways of reducing/ preventing pests in our environment. E.g (a) Cutting of bushes Cleaning of dirty plates and gutter Flushing of toilets Disposal of refuse Use of inserticide etc |
WEEK 5: Cleanliness: Dress (cont'd)1. Discuss some materials that can be used for cleaning/ washing dress. E.g. Soap, detergent, bleach, water etc 2. Demonstrate and discuss the steps to be taken in washing dresses 3. Train pupils not to soil their dresses while eating |
WEEK 5: Cold Weather1. Discuss cold weather with pupils 2. Guide pupils on how to take care of themselves when the weather is cold. E.g. Wearing thick clothes or sweater/ cardigan, eating hot food, tea/ beverages, covering body with blanket or duvet, having warm bath etc |
WEEK 6: Reptiles1. Display pictures and charts of different reptiles for discussion 2. Explain to pupils what reptiles are 3. List some examples of reptiles. E.g. Lizard, snake, wall-gecko etc |
WEEK 6: Cleanliness: Foot-wears1. Discuss the purpose of using foot-wears to pupils 2. Give and discuss types of foot-wears. E.g. Sandals, Shoes, Slippers, Canvas, Socks etc |
WEEK 6: Hand Washing1. Give simple meaning of hand washing 2. List and discuss the benefits of constant hand washing 3. Demonstrate the proper way of washing hands and engage the pupils to do same |
WEEK 7: Reptiles: Control1. Discuss where reptiles can be found 2. Discuss ways of preventing reptiles in our environment. E.g. Use of window net, camphor, fumigation etc |
WEEK 7: Cleanliness: Foot-wears (cont'd)1. List and discuss some materials that are needed for cleaning foot-wears. E.g. Shoe brush, Polish (oil or liquid based), foam etc 2. Demonstrate and discuss the steps involved in cleaning foot wears 3. Train pupils not to remove shoes anyhow while in the school |
WEEK 7: Diseases: Water related1. Give simple meaning of diseases 2. Mention and discuss water related diseases. E.g (a) Skin rashes (b) dysentery (c) Guinea worm (d) Diarrhea (e) Maleria (f) Vomiting |
WEEK 8: Community Hygiene: Cleanliness1. Give simple meaning of cleanliness. Also use songs and rhymes to illustrate 2. List and demonstrate simple household chores. E.g. Sweeping, dusting, mopping etc Train and encourage pupils to dispose refuse properly |
WEEK 8: Exercise1. Give simple meaning of exercise 2. Demonstrate some exercises for the pupils. E.g Jogging, Jumping, bending, walking back and forth etc |
WEEK 8: Diseases: Excreta related1. Mention some excreta related diseases. E.g. (a) Cholera (b) Dysentery (c) Diarrhoea 2. Mention some transmitting agents of these diseases. E.g. Water, air, man, fruit |
WEEK 9: Community Hygiene: Cleanliness (Cont.)1. Give simple meaning of cleanliness. Also use songs and rhymes to illustrate 2. List and demonstrate simple household chores. E.g. Sweeping, dusting, mopping etc Train and encourage pupils to dispose refuse properly |
WEEK 9: Exercise (Cont.)1. Give simple meaning of exercise 2. Demonstrate some exercises for the pupils. E.g Jogging, Jumping, bending, walking back and forth etc |
WEEK 9: Diseases: Excreta related (Cont.)1. Mention some excreta related diseases. E.g. (a) Cholera (b) Dysentery (c) Diarrhoea 2. Mention some transmitting agents of these diseases. E.g. Water, air, man, fruit |