This examination syllabus is derived from the Senior Secondary School curriculum on DataProcessing published by the NERDC. It is designed to test basic knowledge and skills acquisitionin data processing. A conceptual approach was used in preparing the syllabus, considering areasthat would encourage the development of entrepreneurial skills for everyday living.This syllabus is not a teaching syllabus. It is an examination syllabus. Teachers are thereforeadvised to use the national teaching syllabus for the teaching-learning process.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
The aims and objectives of the syllabus are to test candidates’ knowledge and understanding of:
1. safety rules and regulation in electrical installation and maintenance work.
2. electrical installation tools, materials and accessories.
3. wiring of buildings.
4. installation of electrical machines and repairs.
5. rewinding of electrical machines.
6. entrepreneurship skill in electrical installation and maintenance.
There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2; both of which will be a composite paper to be taken atone sitting.
Will consist of forty multiple choice objective questions to be answered in 45minutes for 40 marks.
Will be essay and test of practical work paper, covering the entire syllabus. It willbe in two sections; Sections A and B as follows:Section A:
Will consist of three essay questions out of which candidates will berequired to answer two questions in 1 hour for 50 marks.Section B:
Will be a test of practical work and will contain two compulsory questionsdrawn from Sections B and C of the syllabus. Candidates will be requiredto answer the questions in 1 hour 15 minutes for 50 marks.The paper will therefore take 2 hours 15 minutes and carry 100 marks.
A. WORKSHOP SAFETY RULES AND REGULATIONS | 1. Hazards in electrical workshop. | Causes of accidents, prevention of accidents andprecautions to be taken. |
2. Dangers in electrical workshop. | Dangers arising as a result of faulty equipment andtools, chemicals, water, poor joint and insulationstrains and moving machines. | |
3. Precautions in handling electrical toolsand materials. | Care and maintenance of electrical tools. | |
4. First-aid for electrical accidents. | Contents of first-aid box, treatment for cuts, burnsand electrical shock. Procedures for first aid (e.g.removing casualty from contact with live wire andadministering artificial respiration). | |
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5. Statutory regulations. | Various statutory regulations (electricity supplyregulations, factory acts and IEE regulations).Importance, aims and objectives of statutoryregulations and applications of statutoryregulations. | |
B. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION TOOLS, MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES | 1. Measuring, marking and striking tools. | Types and uses of measuring instruments. Typesand uses of marking and striking tools. |
2. Types and preparation of cables. | Types, sizes and preparation of cables. Types ofarmoured cables, reasons for armouring, parts ofarmoured cables, joints and terminations ofarmoured cables.Types of data cables (e.g. computer cable, fibreoptics and co-axial cable) and their uses.Other types of cables (sheathed, screaned or Htype,gas pressured impregnated and MICC cables) | |
3. Electrical accessories. | Types of electrical accessories (switches, sockets,lamp holders, ceiling roses, joint boxes, plugs etc.)and their uses. Regulations guiding their uses. | |
4. Cells | Types of cells (primary and secondary), workingPrinciples of cells and construction of a simple cell. | |
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C. WORKSHOP PRACTICE | 1. Working drawing. | Draw and identify electrical BS symbols (switches, lamp holders, sockets, cooker control units etc.). |
2. Generation, transmission and distribution systems. | Drawing and interpretation of circuit diagrams ofgeneration, transmission and distribution systems.Wiring drawing and scale drawing of a living room | |
3. Surface wiring. | Materials for surface wiring (cables-1mm2,1.5mm2, clips, nails etc.). Tools for surface wiring (hammers, screw drivers, pliers etc.). Factors affecting current rating of cables (e.g. types of conductors, ambient temperature and types of excess current protection). Wiring a point of light controlled from two independent positions. | |
4. Conduit wiring. | Explain conduit wiring, types (e.g. PVC,galvanized, surface and concealed), advantages anddisadvantages. Identification and uses of conduitwiring. Procedures for conduit installation (piping,wiring and fitting). Types of conduit boxes andfittings (end box, angle, tee-4-way, 2-hole loop-in,junction box, knock-out box, couplers etc.). Toolsfor conduit wiring (bending spring, bendingmachine, hammer, chisel, hacksaw stove etc.).Materials for conduit wiring (union gum, conduitbox, conduit pipes etc.) | |
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5. Illumination. | Concept of illumination. Factors affectingillumination. Definition of illumination, luminousflux and luminous intensity. Types of lamps.Mathematical calculation on illumination.Measurement of illumination using the photometer. | |
6. Soldering | Types of solders and fluxes. Operations andmaintenance of blow-lamps. The use of pot andladle in soldering cable of big sizes. Soldering ofjoints. Types of conducting materials (e.g. copper,aluminum and silver) and their advantages and disadvantages.Significance of heat transfer onconductors. | |
7. Joints and termination of cables. | Tools and materials used in cable jointing; e.g. soldering bit, blow-lamp, solder, soldering iron,propane gas, pot and ladle, insulated wire and flux.Types of insulating materials (e.g. PVC rubber,paper, mica and bakelite). Types of joints (e.g. tee,married, twist, telescope and scarf). Preparation ofcable for joints and terminations. | |
8. Installation | MICC cable, preparations of MICC cable fortermination. Tools and materials used in MICCinstallation. Advantages and disadvantages ofMICC. Simple surface and industrial installation.Types of bus-bar trunking, fabrication of ducts andtrunking accessories. Requirements of IEEregulations on MICC, trunking and ducting. | |
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9. Underground cable installation. | Types of cable for underground electricalinstallation work; e.g. sheathed, screened orH-type and gas pressured impregnated.Trench preparation, laying of underground cables,tools and materials for underground cableinstallation. IEE regulations for underground cableinstallation. | |
10. Overhead wire installation. | Tools, cables/wires and equipment used inoverhead distribution/transmission. Types ofinsulation used for overheaddistribution/transmission.Types and uses of stay wires.Drawing of lines and cross-arms. Joints andterminations and electrical continuity. | |
11. Inspection and testing of domesticinstallation. | Types and sequence of test; e.g. polarity, insulationresistance, earthing and continuity of ring circuit.Importance of testing and inspection. Instruments for testing; e.g. Insulator resistance Tester(megger), bell set and ohmmeter. | |
12. D.C machines. | D.C motors and generators—types, identification,constructional features, operations and applications. | |
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13. A.C machines. | A.C motors and generators—types, identification,constructional features, operations and applications.Differences between D.C and A.C motors; D.C andA.C generators. | |
14. Installation of machines. | Types of enclosure and their applications. Selectionof suitable starter for different motors; (e.g. stardelta,direct-on-line and auto transformer) and theirprinciples of operations.Test for correct rotation, short circuit and earthfault. Installation of AC and DC machines. | |
15. Tools and equipment for rewindingjobs. | Identification of tools and equipment for rewindingjobs; (hammers screwdrivers spanners, crimpings,winding machine, mallets etc.). | |
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16. Winding drawing. | Drawing and interpretation of simple wave and lapwindings. Application of simple wave and lapwindings. Determination of coil span per pitch, perphase, per pole. Identification of the position of coilends on commutator/slip rings for fixed brush on awinding diagram. | |
17. Rewinding of single phase electricmotor. | Sizes of conductors and types of insulatingmaterials used in winding.Connection of winding coil using prepared data.Continuity and earthing test. | |
18. Armature, commutator and slip rings. | Skimming of armature, slip rings and commutatorunder-cutting. Effectiveness of commutators. | |
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D. PROTECTIVE DEVICES ANDMAINTENANCE | 1. Installation of protective devices. | Protective devices (fuses and circuit breakers—voltage and current operated). Working principlesand application of fuses and circuit breakers.Regulation guiding installation of protectivedevices. |
2. Maintenance of electrical equipment. | Types of maintenance (preventive and corrective).Procedures for machine and equipmentmaintenance. Grades of lubricants and theirapplication. Constructional features of someelectrical appliances (electric heater, boiler,pressing iron etc.). | |
3. Dismantling and assembling ofmachines. | Procedures for dismantling machines. Methods ofcollecting data from the name plate. Assembling ofmachine parts. | |
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4. Repair of electrical machines,equipment and installation. | Causes of faults and breakdown. Signs andsymptoms of faults and breakdown. Interpretationof circuit diagrams. Trouble shooting techniques(e.g. detection of bad bearing and other parts).Inspection and testing of machines (e.g.performance test). | |
E. ENTREPRENEURSHIP INELECTRICAL INSTALLATION. | Entreprenuership in Electrical Installation | Sources of fund and sourcing for fund for businesstakeoff. Proposal writing, budgeting andmanagement of business outfit for small scalebusiness. Government rules and regulations as they affect business registration. |
(2) Soldering iron
(3) Tester
(4) Soldering lead
(5) Plier (different types)
(6) Set of screw drivers
(7) Safety chart
(8) Cable chart
(9) Hammer
(10) Megger (Insulation Resistant Tester)
(11) Fishing Tape
(13) Pen knife
(14) Stripper
(15) Hacksaw
(16) Bending spring (20mm)
(17) Bending machine
(18) Workbench
(19) Vice
(20) Handrilling machine
(21) Single phase electric motor