A sound knowledge of the Efịk language, literature and culture is a fundamental need forall who desire the comprehensive knowledge of the Efịk people.

Based on this, the Efịk syllabus is designed for candidates studying Efịk. Adequate carehas been taken to ensure that candidates go through the rubrics of the Efịk language.

The syllabus covers such important areas of the language as the sound system, grammar,culture, worldview, etc.


The objectives of the syllabus are as follows:
1. To enable candidates to speak, read and write Efịk properly and communicateeffectively in it.
2. To familiarize them with the sound system, grammatical structures and otherfeatures of the Efịk language
3. To expose the candidates to Efịk culture – customs, institutions, worldview, etc.
4. To provide them with the necessary tools needed for creative writing andappreciation of the Efịk language and literature.
The rubrics shall be written in Efịk.
Candidates will be required to answer all thequestions in Efịk using the standard orthography and Metalanguage.
The subject will consist of two papers, Papers 1 and 2 both of which will make acomposite paper and will be taken at one sitting.

PAPER 1: Objective (1 hour)

This paper will consist of three sections, Sections A, B and C as follows:
SECTION A: Language
SECTION B: Literature
SECTION C: Culture
The paper will contain a total of sixty multiple choice objective questions distributed asfollows:

SECTION A: Language will contain thirty questions distributed as follows:

Comprehension (2 short passages)10 items
Composition/Letter writing4 items
Sound System4 items
Word and sentence structure8 items
Translation4 items
30 items

SECTION B: Literature will also contain twenty-two questions distributed as follows:

Basic Principles of Literary Appreciation4 items
Oral LiteratureProse - 39 items
Poetry - 3
Drama - 3
Written LiteratureProse - 39 items
Poetry - 3
Drama - 3
22 items
In this section, all questions other than those on Basic Principles of Literary Appreciationwill be based on the set books for Paper 2.

SECTION C: Culture will contain the remaining eight questions which will bedistributed as follows:

Customs4 items
Institutions4 items
8 items
The paper will carry 60 marks.


This will be an essay test having three sections, Sections A, B and C onLanguage, Literature and Culture respectively. Candidates will be required to answer sixquestions in all; three from Section A, two from Section B and one from Section C in 2hours for 100 marks. The rubrics shall be written in Efịk.

Further details on the paper are as follows:

Section A: Language

(i) Composition/Letter Writing:

Candidates are advised to write about 300 words and spend not more than 45minutes on this section. The topics chosen will include any of the following essaytypes:
(1) Narrative
(2) Descriptive
(3) Argumentative
(4) Expository
(5) Dialogue
(6) Debate
(7) Letter writing

Sound System

Candidates will be required to answer one question out of the two questions set.Questions will test candidates’ knowledge of:

(i) Vowels and Consonants

(a) their production in terms of place and manner of articulation
(b) their basic phonetic and phonemic classifications

(ii) Syllable structure

– the way consonants and vowels combine in words

(iii) Sound processes

e.g. vowel harmony, assimilation, elision, deletion, etc. Their distribution – Environment of occurrence (initially, mediallyand finally e.g. /ọ/ in ọbọñ - ‘king’; ọkọ – ‘fence’).

(iv) Adaptation of loanwords

(v) Tone and intonation

1. High tone
2. Low tone
3. Falling tone
4. Rising tone

(iii) Grammar

Candidates will be required to answer one question out of the twoquestions to be set.
Questions will test candidates knowledge of:
(i) Word structure and word formation:
root, affixes, (prefix, suffix); compounding,borrowing, reduplication, etc.
(ii) Word classes:
noun, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, adjectives, etc
(iii) Grammatical categories:
number, person, tense, negation, etc.
(iv) Phrases and clauses:
types and functions
(v) The structure and types of sentences.

Section B: Literature

This section will consist of questions on the setbooks for Oral and WrittenLiterature.There will be one question on each of the three setbooks for Oral Literatureand the three for Written Literature, making a total of six questions. Candidates will berequired to answer two questions out of the six, i.e one on Oral Literature and one onWritten Literature.

Oral Literature – Prose, Poetry, Drama

Prose (Folktales, legends, proverbs, riddles, etc)
Poetry (songs, ballads)
Drama (Traditional drama)
In Oral Literature, there will be three textbooks covering different genres. One questionwill be set on each setbook and candidates will be required to answer any one of the threequestions.

We provide educational resources/materials, curriculum guide, syllabus, scheme of work, lesson note & plan, waec, jamb, O-level & advance level GCE lessons/tutorial classes, on various topics, subjects, career, disciplines & department etc. for all the Class of Learners

Written Literature – Prose, Poetry, Drama

In Written Literature, there will be three textbooks covering the different genres. Onequestion will be set from each setbook and candidates will be required to answer any oneof the three questions.

Section C: Culture

This section will consist of questions on Customs and Institutions. Two questions will beset and candidates will be required to answer one.
Topics to be examined include:

1. Edu Uwem (customs)

(i) Mme ubọk utom
- ukọ iyak
- utọ inwaṅ
- unyam urua
- utom usọ
(ii) Ukpep nti edu uwem ye mme ufon mmọ - (Good upbringing and itsbenefits)
- Udia ye edu utem/unam udia nte
(1) enamde kadi
(2) enamdi fufu
(3) ebokde mme efere
(4) etemde ekpaṅ ṅkukwọ
(iii) uduọk mmịn – Libation

2. Nsionsio nka (Different Institutions)

(i) Ubon/ekpuk – (family)
- Usuṅ edade ebọk nditọ
(ii) Edu ukpono/se ekponode – (Worship)
- Abasi
- Ndem
- Ibọk
- Mbukpo
(iii) Mme nke (Proverbs)
- Mme nke etopdetop
(iv) Ubọṅ
(v) Mme ndedịbe nka ke Efịk (Secret Society)


Oral Literature
Iduo OwoUdo A. U. UsϙrϙMacmilian Nig. Pub. Ltd, 1997
Motanda Oyom NamondoE. E. NkanaWusen Press Ltd.
Edikot Nwed Mbuk 4E. N. AmakuPAICO Ltd. (Press & Books), 1987

Selected Poems – Mme Uto Emekde

(1) Okpo-Eno
(2) Ekere ňkpϙ ayak enim
(3) Edim ukwϙ asainariwa
(4) Ekokoi esua Nyϙk (Enen)
(5) Idorenyin ke esit owo, asiaha nte idem
(6) Mnanake ňkpo ndomo kiet ke isϙñ emi ke usen
(7) Nyϙñ Udo
(8) Ada eto e-fig
(9) Ekombi itiat ntokon
(10) Eyak ikpϙñ owo etietie suñ

Selected Poems – Mme Uto Emekde

1. Kop Enyϙñ Asiboñ Edem K’ Otop Ikañ - pg 1
2. Uwem Do ke Tin-Apa - pg 25
3. Owo Edi Ñkpϙndịk - pg 35
4. Oyobio - pg 41
5. Garri - pg 43
6. Idap - pg 46
7. Tehede Ube Fo! - pg 50
8. Mbre Ludo Ye Uwem - pg 53
9. Ňkam Ndi Ndem, Mme Christ Edinyaña - pg 59
10. Iyañ Ibom - pg 64
Written Literature
DRAMAAnsa Udϙ EnañEtubom Thomas A. EffiomMacmilian Nig. Pub. Ltd, 1997
PROSEEdikot Nwed Mbuk (4‐6)E. N. AmakuPAICO Ltd. (Press & Books), 1987
POETRYEdikot Nwed Mbuk 5E. N. AmakuPAICO Ltd. (Press & Books), 1987
Nti Edu Ukpep Nditϙ Ikϙ EfịkNERDCWest African Book Publishers Ltd, 1987
Mme Ukpepñkpϙ Ikϙ Efịk(4 – 6)O. A. Akpanyuñ & othersThomas Nelson, 1978

We provide educational resources/materials, curriculum guide, syllabus, scheme of work, lesson note & plan, waec, jamb, O-level & advance level GCE lessons/tutorial classes, on various topics, subjects, career, disciplines & department etc. for all the Class of Learners

Koko 3Grace DavisGradad Prints, Calabar (2012)
Mme Ukpepñkpϙ Ikϙ Efịk 3O. A. Akpanyuñ & othersThomas Nelson, 1978)
General Reference Books
Efịk language CourseEkefre N.UEvans Brothers Publishers, Ibadan
A Study of Efịk for Schools and CollegesAkpanyun O.AThomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. New York
Mbet Usem Efịk Ye Ubet Nke EfikAmaku E.N.Glad Tidings Press Ltd.
Traditional Presentations in Efịk LanguageAmaku E.N.Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
A Learner’s Dictionary of Efik LanguageAye E.U.Evans Brothers Nigeria Publishers Ltd. 1991
Utanda Oyom NamondoE.E.NkanaWusen Press Ltd. Calabar


Oral Literature
DRAMAIyañ Abasi NdemE. N. AmakuNelson
PROSE.Obufa Edikot Ňwed 6Mary J. EdetMacmillan. Pub. Nigeria
POETRYUfϙk‐Uto ikϙ EfịkE.N. AmakuPAICO Ltd (Press & Books, 1987)

Selected Poems – Mme Uto Emekde

1. Idorenyin - pg 69
2. Tuk Enye, Du Uwem - pg 71
3. Mme Okpon Ibuot Esañ - pg 77
4. Ọkϙp Ọwϙrϙ Mkpa - pg 79
5. Nsem ‘Idem Owo Udϙnϙ - pg 81
6. Baba - pg 84
7. Ubomekϙñ Ofum Ku fe Mi - pg 91
8. Eyen Obiom - pg 95
9. Ukut Ye Idorenịn Owo Abasi - pg 100
10. Enañekuñ A-Sanu - pg 118

Selected Poems – Mme Uto Emekde

11. Kop Enyϙñ Asiboñ Edem K’ Otop Ikañ - pg 1
12. Uwem Do ke Tin-Apa - pg 25
13. Owo Edi Ñkpϙndịk - pg 35
14. Oyobio - pg 41
15. Garri - pg 43
16. Idap - pg 46
17. Tehede Ube Fo! - pg 50
18. Mbre Ludo Ye Uwem - pg 53
19. Ňkam Ndi Ndem, Mme Christ Edinyaña - pg 59
20. Iyañ Ibom - pg 64
Written Literature
DRAMASidịbeChief E.A. EdyangUPL Ibadan 1982
PROSEEdikot Nwed Mbuk (4 – 6)E. N. AmakuExcel Publishers 2009
POETRYUfϙk‐Uto ikϙ EfịkE. N. AmakuPAICO Ltd (Press & Books, 1987)

We provide educational resources/materials, curriculum guide, syllabus, scheme of work, lesson note & plan, waec, jamb, O-level & advance level GCE lessons/tutorial classes, on various topics, subjects, career, disciplines & department etc. for all the Class of Learners

Nti Edu Ukpep Nditϙ Ikϙ EfịkNERDCWest African Book Publishers Ltd, 1987
Mme Ukpepñkpϙ Ikϙ Efịk(4 – 6)O. A. Akpanyuñ ≈ othersThomas Nelson, 1978
Koko 3Grace DavisGradad Prints, Calabar (2012)
Mme Ukpepñkpϙ Ikϙ Efịk 3O. A. Akpanyuñ & othersThomas Nelson, 1978
General Reference Books
Efịk language CourseEkefre N.UEvans Brothers Publishers, Ibadan
A Study of Efịk for Schools and CollegesAkpanyun O.AThomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. New York
Mbet Usem Efịk Ye Ubet Nke EfikAmaku E.N.6Glad Tidings Press Ltd.
Traditional Presentations in Efịk LanguageAmaku E.N.Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.
A Learner’s Dictionary of Efik LanguageAye E.U.Evans Brothers Nigeria Publishers Ltd. 1991
Utanda Oyom NamondoE.E.NkanaWusen Press Ltd. Calabar

We provide educational resources/materials, curriculum guide, syllabus, scheme of work, lesson note & plan, waec, jamb, O-level & advance level GCE lessons/tutorial classes, on various topics, subjects, career, disciplines & department etc. for all the Class of Learners

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We provide educational resources/materials, curriculum guide, syllabus, scheme of work, lesson note & plan, waec, jamb, O-level & advance level GCE lessons/tutorial classes, on various topics, subjects, career, disciplines & department etc. for all the Class of Learners

Facts about Teachers

● ● ● Teachers Are Great No Controversy.

● ● ● Teachers are like candles, they burn themselves to light others.

● ● ● Teachers don't teach for the money.

● ● ● Every great mind was once taught by some brilliant teachers.

● ● ● Teachers are the second parents we have.

● ● ● If you can write your name, thank your teacher.

Teaching slogans

● ● ● Until the learner learns the teacher has not taught.

● ● ● I hear and forget, I see and remember, I do and know.

● ● ● The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.