This examination syllabus is derived from the Senior Secondary School curriculum on DataProcessing published by the NERDC. It is designed to test basic knowledge and skills acquisitionin data processing. A conceptual approach was used in preparing the syllabus, considering areasthat would encourage the development of entrepreneurial skills for everyday living.This syllabus is not a teaching syllabus. It is an examination syllabus. Teachers are thereforeadvised to use the national teaching syllabus for the teaching-learning process.OBJECTIVES OF THE SYLLABUS
The objectives of the syllabus are to test candidates:(i) acquisition of basic skills of data processing and management;
(ii) level of competence in ICT applications that will promote the acquisition ofentrepreneurial skills for everyday living in the global world;
(iii) knowledge in the application of ICT in facilitating business transaction andeducation;
(iv) preparedness for further studies in Data Processing and Management.
There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2 both of which shall be taken as a composite paper atone sitting.
will consist of forty multiple-choice objective questions, all of which are to beanswered in 1 hour for 40 marks.
will consist of two sections: Sections A and B. Candidates will be required toanswer five questions in all.Section A:
will consist of four essay questions. Candidates will be required to answer any three in 1 hour for 30 marks.Section B:
will be a test of practical work. It shall consist of two compulsory essay questions to be answered in 1 hour for 40 marks.DETAILED SYLLABUS
1. | INFORMATIONAGEHistory of Computers | i. Computing devices. ii. Concept of Number system incomputing. iii. Generations of Computer:first, second, third, fourth, fifthgenerations ofcomputer. | Candidates should identify thevarious computing devicessince the beginning ofcounting/computing. Should include the importanceof number system tocomputing. Relate each generation with itscharacteristic feature.describe each generationunder the following: year ofdevelopment, basiccomponent/type oftechnology, speed ofoperation, storagecapacity/component. |
2. | Data andInformation | i. Definition of data andinformation. ii. Types of Data. ii. Ways of handling Data. iii. Definition of Data. iv. Digitalization. | Differences between data andinformation should beemphasized |
3. | BASICCOMPUTINGClassification ofComputers | Classify computers by: Type, Size,Usage. | |
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4. | Application of ICT ineveryday life | i. Uses of ICT in everydayactivities. ii. Impact of ICT in the society. | The use and areas of ICTapplication should be linked tosocietal development. |
5. | Components of Computers | i. Input Devices. ii. Output Devices. iii. System Unit. iv. Storage Devices | Examples of each component should be treated and howthey are used in dataprocessing. |
6. | INFORMATIONPROCESSINGThe art ofInformationprocessing | i. Definition of InformationProcessing. ii. Steps involved in InformationProcessing. | Description of each stepinvolved in informationprocessing is required. |
7. | INFORMATIONTRANSMISSIONProcess ofInformationtransmission | i. Definition of informationtransmission. ii. Methods of transmittinginformation. | Modes of informationtransmission such asvisuals(newspaper),audio(radio, telephone), audiovisual(GSM, Television) arerequired. |
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8. | Medium ofInformationTransmission | i. Types of InformationTransmission. ii. Classification of means oftransmission. | Medium of informationtransmission such as radio,television, newspaper etc. |
9. | Networking | i. Meaning of Networking,Internet and Intranet. ii. Types of Networking. | Significance of networkingshould be mentioned Types such as MAN, LAN, WANshould be treated. |
10. | Internet | i. Definition of Internet. ii. Benefits of internet iii. Internet browsers iv. Internet security v. Abuse of the Internet | Candidates should be able todevelop skills in the use ofvarious services available onthe internet |
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11. | TOOLS FORPROCESSINGINFORMATIONOperating System | i. Definition of OperatingSystem. ii. Types of Operating System. iii. Examples of OperatingSystem. iv. Functions of OperatingSystem. | Differences between text (character) base interface andGraphical User Interfaceshould be treated. |
12. | Word Processing | i. Definition of WordProcessing. ii. Uses of Word Processing iii. Examples of word Processingsoftware. iv. Starting, loading and exitingword processing v. Creating, saving andretrieving documents | Candidates should be able tomake use of word processor tocreate and manipulatedocuments |
13. | Spreadsheet | i. Definition. ii. Uses. iii. Examples of SpreadsheetApplications. iv. Loading and exitingspreadsheets. v. Creating, saving andretrieving Spreadsheet files. | Candidates should be able tomake use of spreadsheet tocreate and manipulateworksheets |
14. | DatabaseManagement System | i. Definition. ii. Uses. iii. Examples of DatabaseApplications. iv. Loading and exiting DBMS. v. Creating, saving andretrieving database files. | i. Candidates should be able touse DBMS to create andmanipulate Database files. ii. Include examples ofpackages for databasemanagement such asMicrosoft Access. |
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15. | PresentationPackage | i. Definition, uses, examples. ii. Loading and exitingPresentation programs. iii. Creating, saving andretrieving presentation files. | Candidates should be able touse presentation programsto create and manipulateslides. |
16. | Web DesignPackages | i. Definition. ii. Uses. iii. Components. iv. Examples. | Designing of web pages notrequired. |
17. | Graphic Packages | i. Definition. ii. Uses of Graphic softwarepackages. iii. Examples of graphicpackages. | Focus should be placed onCorel Draw |
18. | COMPUTERMAINTENANCE, ETHICS ANDHUMAN ISSUESMaintenance ofComputer | i. General Cleaning. ii. Battery Charging andreplacement for portablesystems and UPS. iii. DVD drive lens cleaning. iv. Details of Hardwaremaintenance. v. Details of Softwaremaintenance. vi. Computer crash and datarecovery. | Candidates should take note ofbasic maintenance procedures. Students should be able toensure data integrity andrecover data after a crash |
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19. | Computer Ethics | i. Computer room managementethics. ii. Laboratory rules andregulations. | Responsible ways of using andsecuring computers |
20. | Safety Measures | i. The sitting arrangement. ii. Positioning of the monitor,keyboard, CPU, mouse and anyother peripheral devices. iii. Illuminating the computerroom. iv. Maintaining a dust freeenvironment. v. Keep liquid away from thecomputer room. | Importance of safety measuresshould be emphasized. |
21. | Career opportunitiesin Data Processing | i. Professions in computer.ii. Qualities of a good dataprocessing professional.iii. Computer professionalbodies. | Duties of eachprofessional/professionalbodies should be treated. |
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22. | Computer Virus | i. Definition. ii. Types/Examples. iii. Sources. iv. Signals of virus warning v. Virus prevention, detectionand deletion. | Destructive effects of virusinfection on computers |
23. | DATAMANAGEMENTRelational Model | i. Database and table creationusing application packages. ii. Creating relationshipsbetween tables iii. Creation of forms, queriesand report. | Arranging data in tables andforms should be emphasized The concept of primary andforeign keys, entities,attributes and relationshipsshould be emphasized. Query language should belimited to those available tothe database applicationpackage (e.g. query byexample , SQL). |
24. | File Organization | i. Definition of File organization. ii. Types of File organization. | Comparison between thevarious types of FileOrganization is required. |
25. | Database Security | i. Concept of data security,access control and dataencryption. ii. Role of a databaseadministrator. | Importance of securing data isrequired |
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26. | Parallel andDistributeddatabases | i. Basic concept of parallel anddistributed database. ii. Storing data in a distributeddatabase (DBM) | Definitions of concepts isrequiredSignificance of storing data ina distributed databasemanagement system is alsorequired. |
1. | Pictures/Charts showing different computing devicesand other relevant information such as computers in anetwork | 5 | |
2. | Computer system with Graphical User Interface (GUI),internet ready system; | 5 | |
3. | Standard software packages such as Open Office,Microsoft office etc.(Latest version is desirable) | 1 | |
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4. | Multimedia systems and applications such asprojector, speakers | 1 | |
5. | Graphic packages such as corel draw. | 1 | |