The syllabus offers the students of the subject opportunities to acquire theoretical and practical skills in Basketry, obtain adequate foundation for further education and get skills for possible self-employment.
The objectives of the examination syllabus are to test for the candidate’s:(1) knowledge and understanding of the historical developments and socio-economic importance of basketry.
(2) creative skills and manipulative skills in designing and production of various forms of basketry based on the societal and cultural needs.
(3) creative and manipulative skills in designing and production of various forms of basketry by employing the traditions and cultures of the society.
(4) skills in the making, decoration and finishing of basketry articles.
(5) knowledge on how to plan and establish a sustainable small-scale industry.
(6) knowledge of appreciation and evaluation of basketry.
There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2, and 3 all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.
Will consist forty multiple choice objective questions all of which must be answered within 50 minutes for 40 marks.
Will consist of six essay-type questions. Candidates will be required to answer four questions within 2 hours for 60 marks.PAPER 3:
Will be two practical projects out of which candidates will execute one within five days, working for six hours each of the days. The paper will carry 80 marks.The question papers will be sent to the candidates two weeks before the execution period for candidates to study. Designing of sketches and preparatory notes should also be done within the two weeks prior to the execution of the project. These will carry 20 marks. The total mark for the paper is therefore 100.
(1) Meaning And Scope Of Basketry:
Area covered in Basketry: coiled work, woven articles, frame works, macrameetc.* Making articles such as baskets, hats, mats, nets, couch, footwear, cot etc.
* Characteristics of materials and tools. Designing and making of articlessuch as baskets, hats, mats, nets, couch, footwear, cot etc. using techniquesof weaving, plaiting, coiling and stitching, knotting, construction.
* Combining with other materials such as cowries, gourd, beads etc. toproduce rattle, macramé etc.
(2) Rationale For Studying Basketry:
* Creative use of new materials for making articles of cultural, functionaland aesthetic value.* Skills acquisition for employment and further studies.
* Tourism promotion.
(3) History, Social, Cultural And Economic Importance:
History - Origin of basketrySocial - Social use of basketry eg. Entertainment etc.
Cultural - Cultural importance of basketry
Economics - Economic importance of basketry in society eg. inagriculture andcommerce.
(4) Places, People And Basketry:
Contribution of people and places to basketry.(5) Competencies And Attitudes:
Knowledge, Creative thinking, skill and values for employment e.g. weaving, designing etc.Tolerance, diligence, honesty, commitment etc.
Communication skills, time-management etc.
(6) Types And Characteristics Of Materials:
Natural, synthetic, flexible/pliable, stiff/rigid etc.(7) Preparation Of Materials.:
Skills and techniques for preparation e.g. drying, wetting.Storage and care ofmaterials (chemical and non-chemical methods).Preservation of sources ofmaterials eg.ecology, bush burning etc.Discovering characteristics of materials and their uses in the making of articles.
(8) Tools and Their Uses:
Category of tools, Description and Uses.Drawing and labeling.
Care/Maintenance and Safety precaution.
(i) Elements of Design:
Identifying the elements and principles of design in the, line, shape etc.
Creating the elements using appropriate techniques of knotting, weavingetc. eg.bead or knot for a dot and waling for texture.
12-point colour wheel.
Ghanaian colour concept and symbolism.(ii) Principles Of Design:
Identifying the elements of design in the environment eg.unity, balance,proportion, repetition etc.
Creating the Principles of design using appropriate techniques eg.spraying,scorching, weaving etc.
(10) Basic Design and Technology:
Definition of design.Idea creation and design by drawing from memory, imagination and observation.
Use of appropriate techniques, tools and materials.
(11) Designing Articles To Suit Specific Needs:
Designing an article by hand or computer, making articles to satisfy specificneeds using techniques in weaving, knotting, plaiting, coiling and stitching,framing etc.Criteria for appreciation and evaluation eg.Appropriate material, colour,technique, finishing etc.
(12) Sustainable Development Of Basketry:
Exploring strategies of sustaining sources of raw materials eg.Re-aforestation,waste management etc.Challenges - Identifying and seeking solutions to problems associated with theindustry eg. competition with plastic products, material acquisition etc.
Solution- Formation of co-operatives, remaining competitive.
(13) Decoration And Finishing:
Definition of Decoration.Definition of Finishing.
Processes of Decoration eg.use of coloured and uncoloured weavers, weavevariations, scorching, spraying and use of complementary objects etc.
Processes of finishing eg.wrapping, binding, singeing, tying, trimming, lashing,bending, glueing, sanding, varnishing, lacquering, embroidering, sealing, bordersetc.
(14) Enterpreneural Skills In Practice:
Portfolio eg.prints, photos, CD’s, DVD’s etc.- Business Plan * Meaning
- The Business * Capital eg. bank loan, co-operatives etc.
- Business Promotion eg.billboard, internet, print media, TV, radio, handbills, posters etc.
- Entrepreneural skills.
Packaging and Handling
* definition ofCosting and Pricing
* variable costFactors of Price determination.
* function of
* disadvantages of
* types of packaging - primary, secondary and tertiary packaging.
* fixed cost
* profit.
* Purpose for business plan
* Steps towards business organization eg.
registration of business, capital,location of set-up, materials and tools, market survey etc.
* Exhibition - Types eg. general; specialized.